I’m thinking this mindset is a large part of the problems you have with the matchmaker. There is always something to learn, even in good games you make a ton of mistakes, we all do.
Thinking you are far better than the SR you are in will lead to carry mentality which is pretty counterproductive in this game.
Can you prove this? It’s the only thing about you that I’m interested in at this point.
Uh-huh. Yep. Mmhm. Yeah. So can you prove that you are a thinking person and not a Chalmers philosophical zombie? No? Oh well. We could have been such great friends, what with you approaching me as a potential student of your incredible glory and demanding that I worship the god of MMR statistics in which you have absolute faith. We would have been besties!
What beliefs are you talking about anyway ? The fact that people can improve in the video game ? I think that is possible yes.
I also know there is a clear difference in player skill across the ranks.
I have said nothing about matchmaking or mmr here.
I see no reason to continue discussion with someone whose memory edits out the inconvenient truths from only eight posts ago. The fact that eight posts ago it was the basis of your reasoning and now suddenly has become a myth makes you an extremely unreliable source of information. In eight more posts I could have you declaring yourself an unborn god or something equally ridiculous.
It’s a thing I used to do back in my college days, when I was still exploring the shallowness of average people in an attempt to identify the problem and solve it.
I have since decided that rapid evolutionary development probably still takes thousands of years of dumb bumbling and cannot be side-stepped with a carefully placed intellectual jab to the medulla oblongata. Sad… I wanted a flying car and a jetpack and a hoverboard and maybe a robot waifu before I die. Instead I am left to hope for reincarnation so I can suffer like this for a hundred more lifetimes before a critical mass of the human population are advanced enough for nice things.
Oh I went on a rant… okay well, all of that aside… I do not respond well to pompous egotism like you have displayed. I reflexively try to show the person doing it what they are doing. It would take months to explain it outright to them in most cases and nearly every time it will result in the pretended ignorance and social maneuvering to a higher authority in order to resolve the out-of-context-problem that the individual in question (this time it’s you) finds themselves in… which is the state of self-reflection.
You are insisting that I reflect upon myself through YOUR lens. I have shown you, to the best of my ability, how that offer comes across. It’s less rude if you just don’t do that anymore.
This same topic has been coming up for years. In almost every online game with a competitive mode. So either Overwatch has rigged the system in the same way that multiple other developers have or people just can’t handle the objective truth the system tells them. This particular argument is most often displayed in MOBA games because they have one big similarity to Overwatch. Small mistakes snowball into big stomps. So games that really can be lost from someone including the player making a mistake that may not even be immediately apparent look like the system is giving you teammates that throw or aren’t at your level.
That’s just how any ranking mode that isn’t just an experience bar is. Look at the forums for DOTA or league or Halo or almost any other online competitive game. These threads abound most people aren’t as good as they think they are. The sooner you stop blaming the system or Blizzard and the sooner you start either looking for what you can do within it or stop trying to get something out of the system that it can’t provide the happier you will be.
This post is exactly what i fear the most and why i am so active in these fourms. Don’t give up on trying to climb becuase a few salty people are looking to blame something other than themselves. I assure you the game isn’t in any way rigged if you continue to improve only play when your mentally ready taking breaks as needed and keep the right addtuide you will climb but only if your improving. Don’t expect your sr to climb just for the sake of it and don’t get discoraged when you hit a roadblock.
Kirino you are wrong , you must believe everything that anyone tells you. The system is broken and that’s that. It forces 50-50 win loss and theres no denying that.
I tell you just one thing:
I climbed from Bronze to Platinum all by myself…
I was in Bronze one season, then two in silver, three in gold and now plat and I guess I will stay there for a while because I am an overextending idiot who lacks in game sense and sometimes mechanical skills.
If you are not platinum yet, then you maybe just are no platinum player. Thats it.
“Elo” was a statistician who came up with a way to rank chess players based on their wins and losses record. It comes in the form of a four digit number that represents your ability to compete against people with a score within 200 of your own, in a 1v1 strategy game.
Misappropriating it to describe what Blizzard has done is… stupid. I know that meme came from League of Legends, but I can’t be sure you played League of Legends so I won’t bother going into the specific details of why LoL’s format lends itself much more readily to the description of Elo (still wildly inaccurate) than a game like Overwatch does.
In any case… if personal ability were the only factor involved, I would agree with you. 100% I would support the position you’re taking because Elo is a way to rate individual ability in a 1v1 scenario.
There is a reason that computers can beat human players at games like Chess, Go, Stratego, Risk… board games with tightly constricted variable sets and turn-based positioning. It’s because computers are bringing to bear millions of games worth of experience against a human’s much more limited window of memory. The human advantage is the ability to adapt and produce novelty… which is arguably an illusion. (in the computer science field, the illusion of freedom is a major point of discussion for a huge number of reasons).
But no… what you do in Overwatch is, at most, 8.5% of the reason for a match’s outcome. It’s the other 11 people that are in the match with you who get to decide the rest.
I’ve had severe drops due to mainly tilt and playing with friends but I often know I’ll lose 200-300 SR and is fine with it.
I’ve also managed to do mad climbs, like up to 400-500 SR in one very long session. So yes, if you are diamond or high plat you can at very least climb out of let’s say gold to mid plat in a day rather easily.
So no, system ain’t broken in that regard and it’s impossible to know how well people will perform, me for example is a typical case of being a momentum player so consistency varies a lot which means that when I play good I do next to flawless games and when I play tilted or angry/frustrated my aim can drop down to gold level. I’m also a player that have easier time to play with people on very very high levels and keep up rather than lead on lower level in general since vast majority of like plat players are either overextending too much and don’t secure kills to stagger when having the chance which makes it hard since this often results in me being baited to death or have to defend a point alone or just with a few others.
If it was forced no one would be able to climb but since better players obviously manage to climb it can’t be forced. It’s a marathon and not a sprint, if you play 10 games you might win 2-3 due to other team having leavers, throwers and whatnot and you lose 2-3 for the same reason so no matter how good you are some games will simply be out of your control, the other 4-6 though you can be the one having enough impact.
In plat I’d say Reinhardt players have the easiest time to climb because a good Rein will make even bad DPS be decent along with crushing the opponents entire frontline as long as he get mediocre heal. So if you want to be carry material, Rein is the best way to go and I have a long friendlist and since I’m a dps flex many good healers and tanks often add me and those that are under their level, especially Reinhardts and Zarya players I often see climbing 1k SR from gold/plat to diamond (one even went from gold to masters in less than a season, he came back from not having to played for long on PC but was like diamondish on console), point being, you can’t excpet to climb over just a few games, you need to do long sessions and rather many of them and if you are consistently performing better than the SR you have you will climb without any issues whatsoever.
The SR is there to prevent stomps and create games the system feel being equal to one another, not to make us all be stuck on the same rank. Is it flawless? No, it’s not but that affects everyone so…
What… I’m exactly implying that those “circumstances out of our control” are very random and in no way can the matchmaking have any influence. Your argument is stating the matchmaking somehow magically makes you lose the same amount after a win streak; eg lose 3 times in a row after 3 times winning. This is what you mean by “forced 50-50” right? The reality is those “random factors” are human behavior. How would the system know if you’re gonna get 3-5 DPS after a perfectly balanced, well communicating team? There’s absolutely no way.
If your argument is “the result of the game isn’t 100% in my own hands”,- sure, that’s true since it’s a 6v6 team game. But you’re implying the “rigged matchmaking system” can somehow make you lose or win by some magic algorithm, it really can’t unless it’s blatantly playing you in games against people way higher than you, which isn’t true.
You win games because your team outplayed the enemy team, and you lose games because the opponent’s did, or you/your team made more mistakes. It’s that simple.
No iam a gm smurf look at the account all 60% winrate .
i did this account for tests the more win streak i get and the better you play .
Not only the game put you vs good people which i can deal with but it give you braindead team mates which is NOT okay no matter how good you are you can’t 1 vs 5/6 i mean i can do it with some heros like tracer genji and zarya but now i can’t we have brig even a plat player can combo gm tracer mostly Something is wrong here believe me the matchmaking is doing something wrong
read what i said its not about 3-5 dps you can win even with 6 dps if they do know what they are doing not just going in feed and die
the matchmaking give you worse or really bad teamates if you are in winstreak or a very good player with high mmr in your elo and expect you to carry the game i recommend you read this one
Using Cuthbert’s thread as evidence of anything, talking about “braindead teammates”, and having an endorsement level of 0 tells us everything we need to know about you and your mindset, and not your teammates.
Cuthbert intentionally takes a dev’s quote out of context, I call him out on it, and he never even tries to refute:
Polite boy is right , the game forces impossible games on you. Quarters you’d rather believe the system is perfect than flawed with forced 50-50? Funny
i made this account to test and it did prove it but Fan boys are fan boys Also having private profile with lvl 1 endorsement tells us everything we need to know about you and your mindset, and not your teammates.