Competitive forces 50-50

They don’t match you based on your role.

Exactly they throw 5 healers together whats your point?

So how can you aruge that it’s forcing anything when the matchmaker isn’t even considering that aspect

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When you are at the correct SR, your win/lose rate will be 50/50. It’s streaky because it takes some time for the hysteresis to settle out.

The algorithm goes by average SR, and depending on what’s available in the pool, there’s going to be times when you’re the worst player and times when you’re the best player. When you have “good” teammates, you’re getting help winning. When you have “bad” teammates, the algorithm expects you to be the help.

The algorithm should do nothing.

You can see the game trying to push or pull you to where it thinks you should be. That means it’s rigged.

That’s exactly what people HATE.

Youre wrong about the algorithm its forced 50-50 all the time. How does the game know where you are supposed to be when they put 4 DPS on the same team, who is suppose to cater to who? This game is obviously stupid and you are a fanboy please stop arguing you are making yourself look foolish

Its only forced if you are not better than the average player on your rank. I climbed from gold to high diamond. So if you are not ready to grind and play enough games to eliminate ( eventually ) throwers from your games where you are not more likely to win, simply dont play comp. It only becomes frustrating since the system cant base your rank on just 15-20 games for the whole season, you have to play consistently. Around one hour every day should be enough.Since everyone gets bad teammates at every rank. Il give you an example. You have silver and gold medals every game no matter who you play and you die the least out of everyone and you are in the gold sr range. Simply put, you most likely wont be in gold for too long, because the average value you give to your team is higher than the average gold player. Take into consideration that you are in performance based sr rule. This is really what it is. If you are not playing well enough for the system to think you belong higher you will stay gold forever. You are high plat ? How I climbed from your sr range ? I simply died the least amount of times and preformed better than the average person at that range. Its that bloody simple…ohhhh and some of us actually carry a teammate that is throwing :wink: best regards…

You have most of your game time on Hanzo, with a 36% win rate. Do you start drinking and think, “I’m gonna rock with Hanzo tonight, I can feel it” or do you throw with Hanzo?

The OP is right. Competitive Overwatch is handicapped by Match Making Rating, which is designed to make the game addictive rather than objective or fair.

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I’m curious as to what you think about that guy who just posted, how he went from bronze to diamond over the course of several seasons while focusing on his own gameplay. How do you think he achieved it?

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straight luck , that’s what this game is about

how about my win rate this season 67% over 8 hours.


I know right?

Heres my winrate so far, not quite as many hours as you but.

Here’s my ana winrate, gone 10-1 so far.
I solo Q always. So no ‘boost and throw’, just… playing the game instead of claiming Blizzard forces 50/50
But noooo… totally forces… not like most GMS/t500s are 60%+

Profile is public. Feel free to check yourselves.


So it’s handicapped by… Giving you a skill rating?

I have a 60% win-rate on this account, with multiple heroes over 70%. I have a 70% win-rate on my other account with 7 hours on Ashe.

That’s a LOT of luck.


What about bronze to GM :thinking:

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It’s only 50/50 if you are where you belong in rank. Put me on a silver account and I’ll win 5 vs 6 games. They couldn’t force 50/50 on me because I’m many tiers above silver. If you can’t have enough impact to carry, you belong there. I’m a mid masters player and have a 50% win rate there. Every tier below that I can get another 10% win rate (i.e. ~60% in diamond, ~70% in plat, ~80% in gold).

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Match Making Rating is distinct from Skill Rating.

It’s really not. Quit lying about what Scott Mercer was trying to explain. I’ve even addressed this in your own topic twice and you’ve avoided it because my post DIRECTLY linking Scott Mercer’s entire post proves that you’re intentionally falsifying your evidence.


To beat the matchmaker note all of your games for a week. Times played, W or L. When you look back at it you will find two flaws with it. 1.) there are certain times of the day when winning is easier. 2.) After playing X games in a row it will start pair you with leavers and shifting the 50/50% lose/win to 30/50% lose/win chance. With this you should be able to hit any rank. I recommend keeping your account in mid diamond or mid grandmasters I find both of these ranks to be the most coordinated. But honestly the easiest way to enjoy this game is to pick a hero from each class you like and master them. Focusing on your roll and gameplay will reduce tilt and allow for clarity on positioning.

Are you implying the matchmaker intentionally places you on teams with leavers to lower your win-rate?

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