Competitive forces 50-50

Lemme just. use overbuff bc this computer cant launch overwatch.
hm. I don’t see any 50%

In fact the lowest winrates are 45,45% with 22 games, and 55,33% with 294 games.

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Keep in mind any one of them could be running with prebuilt groups every time they play, in which case, yeah, that might give them a higher win rate than they’d have solo, but that’s breaking the system for an exception, rather than the rule.

So you’re implying t500 only climb bc they don’t solo? :laughing:

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Actually… no. What you have to do is improve at a rate that is faster than the sale of smurf accounts to people above the rank you’re trying to reach. Unfortunately, higher ranks buy more accounts… which has already pushed all of the actual Diamond players down into Silver.

Have fun with that.

You don’t like Sixty dollar COIN FLIP pvp game? :PepeHands: Why not? “POG”

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Funny, my coinflips usually don’t start till I’m around 3800 SR. Must be a different coin or something.

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Yesterday I had fifteen of the most amazing matches I have played in Overwatch for the last two years. Scattered among them were I think three goofball matches that were just dumb for whatever reason.

Today I logged in… eight matches in a row of five throwers on my team. No tanks, no healers, every team, eight matches in a row. For the first four of those I gave my teammates the benefit of the doubt because the opposing teams were all the same… four people of exactly level 100 playing blatantly obviously way above Silver skill levels. Clearly smurf teams. They would actually take turns soloing the team I was on… and I can’t blame them. My entire team was throwing. To not solo them would mean you jumped off a cliff or stood in spawn spamming emotes. They were TRYING to lose.

So… why did I get stopped in my climb towards rewarding games of my own skill level and placed on teams of five throwers every match against teams of five or six smurfs every match? Oh right… I touched gold. Three times actually… didn’t get far into it… I think two matches in before this cascade of braindead started.

So I’m not ALLOWED to climb any higher right now, huh? Good to know… good to know. Boy that MMR system is brilliant… telling me what SR I’m ALLOWED to have by GUARANTEEING I can’t climb any further than a tier boundary by putting me on teams of ALL THROWERS the moment I cross over… probably until next season unless I get banned for “abusive chat” and “gameplay sabotage” for trying to carry myself past five at a time of the most toxic vile disgusting human beings the robot can find for me.

This actually explains everything that has happened since season 7.


Correct, Record a game and we will tell you why.


So why didn’t you flex for your team? :thinking:


Oh I don’t care what your justifications are, or how accurate you think you are about settling the statistics problems with ideological boundaries. That’s just fascism re-packaged anyway.

I’ve been to platinum 38 times since this game came out… Some day I will get there again. But not with this ridiculous MMR lie that you all keep telling yourselves.

I’m getting old, my reflexes kind of suck, I have arthritis… me playing hit-scan is an utter waste of everyone’s time. However… I learn fast, I adapt quickly, and I can think minutes ahead of people whose brains are shut off just reacting to stimulus like some kind of humanoid slug in an electric response experiment.

I regularly defeat smurfs 3-4 at a time with only one unskilled bronze teammate that isn’t throwing.

I don’t deserve what’s happening to me because of this MMR insanity. My account will probably end up being closed as punishment for trying to win against not just the smurfs on the other team… but also the smurfs on mine who are toxic trolls that the MMR system locks me into playing with because I’m not allowed to climb past certain markers with my brain instead of my spinal cord.

Whatever. Bad games die. It happens.

When your team has NO TANKS OR HEALERS, and are all rushing to die as fast as possible so they can charge ults and lose faster… what do you FLEX to?

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Zenyatta. His discord orb means your teammates do more damage, plus he has self regen in his shields and the ability to oneshot squishies.
His ult can also save your team from several ultimates.

Though judging from your stats your issue seems to be a lack of positioning, you die way too much on almost all the heroes you play. Perhaps you also rush in and die as fast as possible?

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Though judging from your stats your issue seems to be a lack of positioning, you die way too much on almost all the heroes you play. Perhaps you also rush in and die as fast as possible?

Reinhardts that walk backwards into enemy fire. RoadHogs that hook tanks into their own backline. Mei who walls you off with the enemy to make sure you die because you’re tanking too good and might win. Sombra/Tracer that baits enemies to attack them then drags the enemies back to you from a weird angle in the middle of a teamfight and slips away…

You really have no idea what it’s like trying to fight this MMR thing, do you?

This is and will always remain my ONLY account. I have nothing to hide, nothing to lie about, and no concern that the truth isn’t good enough.

I got an account thats around 1500 actually, and I play DPS on it, a role I cannot for the life of me play, as this is the only FPS I play.

Thus. I have, in fact, ‘fought the mmr’.
And by extend I know that this is not an occurrence every game. If this happened every game, how do you explain me climbing from 1990 to 2900 in my entire overwatch career? Did I just get lucky?

How do you explain bronzes that improved and got masters? Were they just ‘lucky’ and didn’t get the ‘throwers’ you always face?

Your brief anecdotal experience as a troll smurf definitely counters my claims that everything below diamond is mostly you. Sure does yep yep.

I don’t troll, I have never trolled and I never will troll.
The account is 100% DPS heroes, it originally placed 2300 then fell down to 1500 because, well, I’m bad at dps heroes. I don’t know where to stand, when to ult, etc.

You’re the one claiming you always get trolls and can’t win because of them.

Its not the trolls, baby. Its you.

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What’s in a name anyway?

Are you implying my UN makes me a troll? LMAO

uhhh ok, I have no idea what this is supossed to mean but I really don’t understand how you can care so much about your rank and not try to do anything to improve your own gameplay.

I mean throwers leavers whatever they are going to be there anyway but you will have to agree that there is always something you can improve in your play, why not atleast try.

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There is literally nothing anyone can do to carry five dedicated throwers against six smurfs trying to win. Don’t even pretend there’s an option… most of those matches we end up spawn camped and can’t even leave the yellow boundary door.

Fun! Twenty more matches like that please!

The MMR system makes that happen. It’s what needs to be addressed.

There is and it can be learned.
I am also 100% sure you are not getting 5 throwers every game.
Improving yourself will help you tip the balance in normal games.

What is a normal game? If it’s one where I’m with and against people who belong in the SR where I’m enforced to be… I solo those already anyway. I genuinely do not belong here. There is nothing more for me to learn in Bronze and Silver. Period.

Your ego is amazing! Can you train me to be that pompous?

Oh now you lost me. You have 100% certainty of a thing you did not and never will experience. That’s religious dogma… about fifteen hundred years ago some of the members of this species that you and I unfortunately share came up with this thing called “validity” and worked out how to not be full of crap. You should look into it.