Competitive doesn't seem as fun for what it is, why is that?

People who care are good teamates. The people who care enough to join team chat talk about team compositions and at least attempt to pull off combos and peel. Not just “godlike” players who carry the game, and make people go “wow. What a goodteamate”

But at what rank does it even start to even happen, though?

And also, I did make a thread asking as to why LFG just seems empty.

The game itself goes from public plays to organized plays.

Everyone wants organized levels of plays but doesn’t understand that they aren’t professional grade players nor do they (most likely) know the players that they are playing with.

In that sense, this game is defined as more casual. However that doesn’t mean that the competitive gamemode is non-try hards. Why do you think more people complain about competitive than other game modes? Why is it that if I mute the problematic players (or just leave all communications), our team is still “trying to win”.

It’s just self sabotage from people that play this game. You gotta remember that the last thing people want to hear is “we lost and it’s your fault”. That fear has been embedded into the minds of everyone just because someone made a play that cost them the match. So instead of going through that blame game again, people just never make play that could even be a 0.1% chance of failure.

As for when people start to try, I’d say at any rank people are trying. They just may not make the best decisions or have the best game sense, but people are trying. You just have to drain out the people that are self sabotaging the matches.

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I know I was being a jerk in another thread, but I’ll answer this for you in all serious. Honestly, there won’t be a rank outside of maybe GM and T500 that you will find someone to take the game serious and make it “fun.”

The problem lies in with the players themselves and the amount of players in each game (12). On one team you have 6 people (including yourself) who feel the game should be played a certain way, and they want to play the role they want regardless of what the team needs. When you get 6 egos that are trying to fight for power on the team, it makes for a bad game experience.

The other games you played are all older games and have the established notion that the game is “competitive.” OW has always been marketed as casual with a “competitive” mode. When you mix competitive people with people who don’t care (either casual or on an alt account), the look isn’t pretty.

Hope this helps kind of get an answer your looking for.

I mean, sure, it does, like other games.

Well, I guess its more of I want to see more players try hard. I’m more than willing to tolerate stubborn plays (such as insisting to play Pharah while being obliterated by Widows, Soldiers, and McCrees, or Torb mains, or basically off-meta mains) because they are insisting on it. I get the dedication. What I don’t get is why there are just more and more kinds of players who just end up jumping off the map, feeding in without firing a single shot, and there’s enough of them already on both sides that its not fun to be on a team with it, nor is it even fun to be against a team that has it. It just seems like less and less players care to tryhard.

I wish I could get more games like that just for Overwatch. Sure, no comms in a multiplayer PVP, especially ranked/competitive modes drive me nuts, but I’ll tolerate it here and just play by feel. What I don’t get is what I said in my reply to your second paragraph.

I guess I must be one of those older types of players that sometimes you don’t even need to tell us its our fault we lost the game. I guess I just grew some skin.

To me, there’s a difference between being stubborn and being apathetic. One will insist to do it his way, such as being an off-meta one-trick, a meta one-trick, so on and so forth. But like what I said in my reply to you in one of the earlier paragraphs in this reply, I just don’t know at what rank does it become more consistent in players actually try-harding such as not intentionally feeding at the very least.

The only thing I believe how the game should be played is actually tryharding. I don’t care about off-meta one-tricks or just really stubborn plays. I just care about having less and less players intentionally feeding, and I mean that on both sides. Its both unsatisfying to lose because my teammates just don’t even try hard and just feed without firing a shot or dealing damage, and winning against a team that has players that have those. Heck, the most fun matches I’ve had in Overwatch mostly involved me losing in the end. It just felt satisfying because I was being tested.

Now I’m contemplating on uninstalling, really.

I’ve played this game’s competitive mode for all 13 seasons and usually play quite a number of games every season. I’ve honestly never seen these types of activities on a consistent basis. I’ve seen it maybe once in the match because they’re so upset but when no one gives them attention they stop and get back to the game because in the long run no one wants to actually lose. US East, I’ve played from various times from 8a all the way to 4a. My level is 1000 right now, so maybe it just doesn’t queue me with newer accounts and I just don’t see this?

Either way, when things get heated in comms I just leave. It’s much better to be able to hear Tracer blinks/footsteps than it is to listen to 2 manchildren arguing over who’s wrong.

Then I guess its in my sub-region, then, since I play in the SEA region. Even then, why is it just in Overwatch? I’ve played a ton of CS and Siege and somehow, this game is treated way less seriously (like, I’ve seen way more tryhards in Casual mode in Siege than Overwatch Competitive).

I’m going to sound like an jerk but I’ll say it anyway, that doesn’t surprise me after hearing the region. I’ve played many other genres of online games and SEA is usually more painful to deal with, there’s a very large lack of respect for other players.

I’d actually be more interested to see what regions people play from and gather the issues that they deal with.

On a personal level, from my gaming history (not specifically within overwatch) and please don’t take offense if you’re actually from these regions. I don’t mean any of these with any disrespect, this is just what I’ve dealt with from the past and current.

US West - More relaxed, just having a good time.
US East - Genuinely want to win but they won’t be nice about it.
Japan - They just do whatever the team wants to do.
Germany - If you eff up and get into an argument with them, you’re pretty much dead to them. Otherwise, they will work with you to win.
Korea - They will do whatever it takes to win. Even if they never invite you to play anymore.
UK - Banter and more banter. Learn to have some fun making fun of each other while playing the game. It’s the only way you’re going to have a good time.
China - I really don’t know. They are strong players and know the games really well but they really don’t interact with me within the game.
Spain/South America - Similar to US West for me, a lot have been pretty casual players. It’s just that sometimes the language barrier is a limit but we get by via means of communication within the game.
France - Skilled players but usually yell in French when something goes wrong.
Russia - While there’s so many memes about rushing B/mid, the folks that I’ve played with are generally fairly quiet and play the game well.

This is just from games ranging from :

  • gunbound
  • Quake 3
  • CS:Go
  • Castlevania : Harmony of Despair (PSN)
  • Killing Floor 1
  • Killing Floor 2

and I’ll just go join higher ping servers just to see how the playerbase is.

Gunbound was pretty bad for me and this was I don’t even know how long ago. It could also be that CS and R6 are still “balanced” for 1v1 fights? Unless it’s a mirror OW 1v1’s are pretty imbalanced.

As a SEA player, I am more than happy to say… I agree with you. This place is not fun. If there was a leaderboard on the most toxic, most game sabotages via teammate trolling, excessive throwing, griefing in general, and in the most brutal methods, we’d rank number one, at the very least. So pardon me if I come off as a prick… it just rubbed off on me and its an old habit that dies hard (or… doesn’t die?).

And none taken in terms of offense. Its why I listened to my parents when they told me to not only learn how to speak English fluently, but kill off my Filipino accent (not because they dislike the country like I do, but because we have a pretty crappy level of crab mentality and other stuff, such as actually having a non-statistically proven yet-somehow-it-just-simply-works-and-is-seen-as-an-advantage to speak English with an American accent [and I’m pretty sure there are multiple American accents already] to get hired… it somehow shows you’re superior in terms of being bilingual… or so my parents say and I somehow am inclined to believe because I easily got accepted in my interviews, despite that I know the other applicants and they are way more qualified than me in terms of skills and didn’t get hired… I’m friends with a good chunk of them). Heck, its helped me in Siege because I can actually deny being a “ping abuser” since my accent’s apparently dead.

The best explanation I can come up with as to why SEA is the way it is, the definitive not fun of a region in gaming, is that we’re the melting pot of Asia. We have so much culture clash its not even funny. That said, I don’t know why EU is somehow WAY less toxic.

R6 is basically… every gun’s a CSGO AK. Zey tawk abawt muh wun teps!

Granted Caviera’s the only operator where her pistol is a guaranteed 99 damage only for headshots for the sake of putting someone in a down’d status, meant to be interrogated

So, I guess its why its less toxic? Then again, TK’ing is a thing.

Probably has something to do with this game being a terrible game.

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I think it sucks to have so many cultures blended into one region. Like if UK and German had it’s own region, I simply could see that as a huge problem from a gaming standpoint. One region takes the game super seriously while the other one would play off of that seriousness and poke fun at it whenever possible. Literally the luck of the draw would have it so that 6 German player teams would be at a significant advantage every single time.

I know one person from Singapore (IIRC) on my steam friend’s list and they actually prefers to join AUS when possible or even US in Killing Floor 2 just to not have to deal with the players from their region.

That I think depends on who you ask. While I’ve kind of figured out how to deal with other people, I’m sure there are people that just can’t and that’s indicated directly by these forums.

I haven’t really played with enough SEA players to make an accurate decision but if I had to take a guess, it is more of a glory type of playstyle/mentality where 1v6 win type of scenario is the only factor that matters. Now take 6 players that have that mentality and you end up with 6 players who want to constantly get POTG which means that you have your 6 DPS teams more often. Turn that around with wtf we need 2/2/2 to win or we lose but no one in that team plays tanks or supports so now you have a we will not win mentality which leads to might as well throw because can’t win. If I honestly had to take a guess, that would be mine.

Going back to gunbound, you’d get a lot of “so pro lah” comments and praises from others if you knew how to boomer/trico back in the old days but they never asked you how to play them, they just wanted you in their teams cause you knew how to play them and they wanted to win. I’m kind of making assumptions here but I assume it’s probably the same here, every player wants to be in the spotlight but they think no one wants to win because no one will tank/sup for them or they do a “crap job” at it. In games like CS or R6, even if the team doesn’t perform you can still solo perform so it’s less of an issue I would like to believe.

I’ve asked quite a few, though I guess not enough for a decent sample size. They say its not as bad.

Late to this, but the matchmaker has made me stop trying hard. Support main that gets 25k+ healing regularly down to 7k just because I don’t care anymore. Hell, I even switched to dps even though I can’t aim. I’ll probably end up quitting tomorrow again for the 3rd time because I got up to 1994 today and then fell back down to 1880 due to trolls, throwers, squeakers, one tricks and smurfs. People wonder why there’s so much toxicity in the game, it’s because of all this crap blizzard forces us to deal with and their trash match maker.

I have been able to climb much easier by constantly being in team chat, sharing intel and doing call-outs, while maintaining a positive spirit no matter what.
I like to think that by talking and typing, I was able to trigger changes that enabled wins sometimes.
I eventually met players with whom I work great and playing in comp has been a may much better experience ever since.

TL:DR: Be the change you want to see in the game, and you’ll truly become the ideal ally that you want to have, and it’ll eventually pair you with people of the same spirit

Believe it or not, I’ve been doing this. But the problem is that, from a sheer enjoyment perspective (like, I don’t even care if I won anyways), there just happens to be more pricks than those who even bother to use the logical or reasonable parts of their heads than their egos.

If you actually read my thread, I said

I don’t mean to be rude, but have you considered reading the actual thread to get the context before making an answer?

The reason I think is we’re on the 13th trimester of what has basically been the same routine over and over. It feels old for many players.

OW needs a new, deeper, competitive game mode imo. PvE tbh. Or PvEvP.

Well, crap. Honestly, balancing aside, from a sheer mechanical gameplay perspective, this game’s given me more fun than I’ve ever had. It has so much depth potential yet… when I watch the pro scene, its like two balls of mostly or entirely the same shape just colliding.

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Your sentiment is that you don’t have fun in games anymore and wished for players to actually take the game seriously.

It has been stated by someone here that people will get more into the game the higher your SR.

I just shared a personal experience on my feelings about this and concluded with a personal opinion on how to climb ranks to eventually find better allies and enemies.

Perhaps i must be mistaken but isn’t the point of such a topic to discuss more than “the experience”?

for the record, I did read all of the topic while bored at work today.

Well, maybe try re-reading my post. This answer seems like if I was saying something vaguely similar but of different context.

I find it odd that in CSGO MM its taken seriously (ranks from silver to maybe just MG1, anything after that then its just another level of seriousness, but its overall serious enough. Its just that you end up playing the game for what it is on a tactical level in 3rd party matchmakers like Faceit, ESEA, CEVO, etc… because the more serious and aspiring pro’s move there), Rainbow Six Siege is also taken seriously from atleast Silver and up (and Silver in Siege is the equivalent of roughly Gold in OW, maybe even Silver in OW). Yet somehow, from what I’ve been told (outside this forum), the game is really taken remotely serious by Masters. Which is, honestly, quite stupid.

I wasn’t even talking about climbing.

Well, in terms of experience within during hero-select and before the screen shows “victory” or “defeat”. Which is why I was talking about the experience mid-game.

the problem is you are stupid enough not to realize everybody cant be gm, or not even master…etc…thats not how it works. You climb when you are better than your opponents in the same league. Unfortunately your opponents skill is not a constant. They are improving too believe it or not. So in order for you to climb you should improve faster than them, faster than newbies.

If you are playing just to climb on the ladder, you should make new goals. This is a game…you play for fun, not for climbing. If you cant have fun,you shouldnt play this game.