Competitive doesn't seem as fun for what it is, why is that?

Can we just put aside the arguments and debates in terms of skills, win/loss rates, and anything that involves trying to win for a moment and lets talk about the experience.

I don’t know how long it has been going in the game, but it just seems like I keep coming in to games where I didn’t even have to do anything, really, to win, that I might as well have AFK’d and still won because the enemy team has someone sabotaging them, and games where it happens on my end that I just want to rage quit (but I don’t) because that someone or the equivalent of that someone is on my team. Most of the time I just hear players who just end up saying “its just a game”, when I thought that “Competitive” or “Ranked” means the fun is the tryharding.

Its honestly off-putting because the most fun games I’ve had are when games were close even if I lost (and I did lose most of them) because it felt like I’m truly being tested as a player.

Its like winning doesn’t feel rewarding at all most of the time, and losing just feels like stepping on a lego block more often than not. I guess I’m one of those players that like tryharding, trying to win, only caring about playing the best I can to eek out a win, and hating on being served a win on a silver platter and would rather take the L.


Welcome to online games?
It’s not the game, it’s the people playing it. And it happens in every online game…

Not really, I’ve played plenty of online games and overwatch has by far the worst competitive experience of them all


Well, you should go play those other games then?
I mean, you seriously think complaining on forums will make people start playing how you want?

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There is no real incentive to climb. No reward for playing.
The devs think rank is reward enough.
The problem is what keeps people playing if they cant climb?


I am currently taking a break from this game. I think it’s up to Blizzard to fix their matchmaking and there have been plenty of good suggestions on here of possible ways to do it. Unfortunately they never listen unless a pro makes a youtube video about it so yeah it’s probably a waste of time. Although people do still like to come here to vent their frustrations at least.

The thing is, I’ve been playing CSGO, Siege, TF2 (when it was lively enough to have a competitive scene at all), Quake Champions/Live/3 Arena, DotA2, and LoL. Its just really disappointing to have basically none of what I’ve experienced there in here in terms of caring to even try hard more often than not. I’m not asking players to play my way, but play like what the mode means in general: play competitively.

Why don’t I play those games instead? Well, its more of I was hoping for more in Overwatch’s Competitive mode. Plus Overwatch brought in a new take in things I wanted as a game, but I wish its Competitive mode was taken seriously (in such a way that tryharding was the fun). And its even more disappointing knowing that CoD and PUBG as esports is taken WAY more seriously than Overwatch by the look of it.

Ow is a casual game… It’s pointless to tryhard and it actually ruins it’s magic.

But that’s like… My oppinion!

If it is a casual game, then why does it even have an esports pro-league?

Well I can play soccer with my friends (ranked) and the fact that the FIFA world cup exists doesn’t make it any less casual.

If you want to tryhard there’s pugs, scrims, tournaments etc. Ladder is definitely casual.

Yet there are varsity teams for sports like that (most likely depends on which part of the world you live), just like Basketball.

But I can get a significantly larger fraction of that experience in solo-queue in Siege, CSGO (FaceIt or ESEA since I use those), and Quake compared to Overwatch. Why can’t it be like that in Overwatch?

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Its because your in plat. If you want super competitive games you need to climb. You dont just get good teamates you have to earn them.

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Some people get so focused on the destination of where they want to go that they forget to have fun in the moment of actual gameplay. Hell, even sometimes a win doesn’t feel satisfying for them.

Then at what rank does it start to even be remotely competitive in terms of an environment? If its GM, then I’m uninstalling because even Gold IV’s in Siege can already start making the game feel competitive. And I’m not even asking for good teammates, I’m just asking for teammates and opponents who actually give a crap and tryhard.

Not when you end up having to do much and you win anyways. Re-read my post.

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I wasn’t answering your question about yourself, but others in general.

Oh, sorry. I didn’t know.

You’re feeling the effects of the Match Making Rating system, which is designed to handicap Competitive Overwatch.

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Can you stop spamming every thread Bert?
K tnx still love u but stop.

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Excuse me, but how does a matchmaker determine state of mind/mental state?

I only post in threads that are related to Match Making Rating/handicapping. That’s less than 1% of the threads posted to this forum (i.e., not every thread). If you’ve noticed an uptick in the number of these threads, maybe that’s because MMR is a real problem that thinking people other than myself recognize?

All kinds of things affect people’s state of mind directly or indirectly…weather, economy, global affairs…anyway, I’m talking about MMR, not “the matchmaker.” If you want to read more on the subject, go to my thread.