Does anyone really use LFG?

I’ve been waiting in LFG for about an hour, refreshing basically every 30 seconds or so, and even making my own lobby/group, but it just looks like no one’s in it. What seems to be the issue?

After people noticed that LFG mostly led to matches of 6 randoms that found each ither un LFG vs organized 6 stacks of people who know each other and play together, it was not used that much. Further, teams often did not stay longer than one match


Well, that sucks. I guess I’m stuck to solo-queue.

Yes. And generally groups are always available. It depends on your rank/platform/location/time/day though. Your rank and platform are the same as mine. What is your location/time/day? I play in prime time (evenings and weekends) in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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It works well for me, but I’m not on PC and I’m in the meaty part of gold, so I’m not too high in rank. I see you’re in plat, but you’re on PC, so the community may differ on that platform. I’ve read/heard if you’re any higher than plat, you’re pretty much SoL on using LFG. On Xbox, there are usually 2-6 groups available to join at any given time if you’re not on at weird hours (like during the day on a weekday or something).

LFG has pretty much saved OW for me. If it dies out, I’ll probably taper off my play, at least in Competitive.

LFG is a failure. It was nice when it was new and everyone used it but everyone has realized that you just spend 10+ mins waiting for people to join, then the OCD moderator finds one private profile or someone doesn’t main their idea of the perfect team comp and kicks them, then you’re searching for another player again, then someone leaves in queue, then it’s a group of 5 people in LFG with locked roles and the 6th you get filled with doesn’t play what you need, and you’re against a legit 6 stack that plays together often and you lose. I’d rather get another game in that time, even if it’s a loss, than sit in queue/lobby for 10 mins and get the same result.

no, it takes too long. they just give us an actual role queue.

depends on your region.

In AUS/NZ it is dead, and no one goes there.

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some of the people also trying to go into lfg to get carry

Philippines/12nn to 12mn/Everyday (I guess) because its December. I’m pretty sure its basically a break, so the CCU must’ve increased. But it just seems like no one’s there.

I’m just looking for some sense of structure and some comms. Because, honestly, no verbal comms in any competitive mode, to me, would drive me insane.

I guess SEA is dead, too, then.

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we all begged for LFG, but what we really wanted were clans/guilds

LFG is still a valuable tool and will show it’s full potential once clans/guilds are implemented.

I use it for qp. You get the benefits of a semi-competitive experience without the toxicity.

Europe here! i play on PS4 and use LFG! Have meet alot of players from NA and they have been the best matches!

Don’t ppl just blame the dps players as usual on LFG?

honestly LFG sucks a lot, but i prefer it ovr matches in soloque. I rather play real overwatch, at least something like it over the qp+

Nope - I haven’t seen a comp group listing in a LOOONG time, and when I list a group - I get nothing at all over 10mins.

It’s a sign that no one is playing the game anymore, when LFG fails to find a group - there are major issues.

no, its jut that blizzard goes to extreme measures to make soloque the way the go. they do everything to discourage teamwork and promote selfishness.

If that’s the case, then my SR be dammed. I might as well play it with less care than I usually do, since my solo queue matches have half with no verbal comms and it drives me nuts. I’d even take being called all the most racist, most personal, or just the meanest insults in voice comms than hear nothing at all in a multiplayer competitive game.

That’s likely the problem. I suspect there aren’t enough players nearby. You can try switching regions or using a proxy to change your location, but I don’t have good recommendations there. The people in the technical support forum may have better ideas. Also, it would be worth checking in the early afternoon to evening, as more people will likely be on then.

An you should, Ik a lot of people say Sr doesn’t mean nothing, cuz they have a good sr, but in overwatch rly does mean nothing. Rather than teamplay people can get boosted thru the ranks no problem. Sr doesnt mean your good, just means u know how to play the system. found a silver in a plat game aiming pretty damn well on widow. but u go watch master game an watch someone lock ashe without and do horrible with it, so bad that u think they were silver. just ignore SR entirely an play selfishly as the gamemode intended.