Competitive doesn't seem as fun for what it is, why is that?

So, what you’re saying is that the matchmaker has been in an unfavorable state for a long amount of time that there are more and more people who care less about even remotely trying hard?

What I was really trying to ask is can the matchmaker determine state of mind/mental state and take that into account in balancing matches?

So it’s ok if I blame Putin and Trump for my bad ow games?

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Perception of this problem varies widely from person to person. We all have different levels of information about it and experience with it. I’m sure that some of us play the game in bad faith for reasons that are totally unrelated to MMR.

Total non sequitur.

Are you still silver btw?
Im already tracer! I mean, I’m already plat on my formerly bronze account, I guess blizzard likes me and gives me free wins? (I mean, every one knows it’s impossible to carry).

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That’s still not answering my question.

I haven’t played Overwatch for over a year and a half. But your rank shaming is duly noted!

Your question is vacuous. It warrants no reply, and yet I gave you one…

A simple yes or no instead of a vague answer with big words would’ve been enough.

Everyone is so tilted because they care about there SR for some reason yeah thats about it.

It’s not rank shaming. I already posted a bronze and silver video. I still need to upload new ones from higher ranks.

If matchmaker was truly handicapped, how would I be able to do this? I do it every season, I just get a bronze account and climb to plat/diamond (plat is hell for me solo but duo I have 0 issues).

So, is that why more and more players give less and less of an F in this game in Competitive mode now?

In competitive modes of games, honestly, you really do have to care about your rank at some point.

No not really, your there because thats your skill level, people like to believe they are always better then they are because its easier to see what others on your team are doing wrong than yourself.

Well, I’m not talking about skill level. I’m just talking about the state of mind such as players actually caring to try hard at all. I’ve found no thrills in “ez wins” because, honestly, it always felt like the game just played itself every time that happened.

That you think your question has a yes or no answer, shows you don’t know what you’re asking about.

It’s a big system, and you’re just one point of data.

All my friends do the same. While drunk btw.

Drinking and gaming is depressing.

We have tons of fun!!! 0 depression.
Sure, sometimes I miss so many shots I end up playing torb or something, but I can still win all those “handicapped” matches…

Maybe I’m the handicap? ZOOL THE GATEKEEPER TAKING ALL UR SR!!! evil laughter

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I’m just saying you’re compensating for something just to make your appearance more superior than it really is.

If anything, it just proves that you don’t know what you’re talking about.

I was asking if the matchmaker has anything to do as to why players care less and less about trying and asked how its effects have even been able to determine their state of mind and accounting for it.

A simple yes or no would honestly suffice. Stop using big words if you can’t even answer a simple yes or no question.

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Alcohol is, in medical terms, a depressant.

You’re just antagonizing me because I’m more literate than you are. Read a book.

You must be fun at parties berth. Wanna come back to the game so we play a few matches? You WILL have fun, I’m amazing when I drink and I guarantee I’ll make you climb!!!

I’m antagonizing you because you’re hiding your actual knowledge with your literacy.

You’re acting like a smart a$s.

You can take a few words out of a dictionary, but somehow it doesn’t help you answer a question with a yes or no. Admit that you don’t know.