That is a fair point and something that could be improved.
Funny think to say when they’ve added as many new tanks as they did DPS, then reworked a support into a DPS, even though the damage category outnumbers tanks and supports each 2:1.
You are not hated. You are showered in blessings. You have more heroes, you can counter anything, you are much less depending on your team to do your job, you don’t suffer through CC like a tank, you don’t need an “off DPS” that pairs with you to be pro-efficient and you have the most diverging varying aesthetics to pick from, ranging from sneaky hacker to cyborg ninja to snipers and a even a goshdarn Killer Instinct puncher.
In exchange for that, you need to be patient and trust that things will improve.
There’s no magic bullet for this, queue times will not improve unless there’s tanks to fill matches, so you see, the frustrated tank players are in the same boat as you now: You want better tanking, so there’s better queues.
Luckily for you, tank players have been talking about the bullcrap state of tanks for the longest time, the previous common response was “you picked tanks so it’s job to suffer”, I trust the answer will change now, otherwise the boat sinks.
I also suggest one comments their thoughts on tanks in the following topic, it can’t hurt:
Furthermore, if one wants to better understand the issues plaguing tanks and why even tank mains are so frustrated with the role, I think I covered a bunch of reasons in the following (maybe not all, maybe not perfectly, but it’s just me afterall):