Hero Ban please?

If Blizzard is already too scared to implement Hero Ban into Comp, at least make it a seperate game mode in Arcade and try it out. I’d look forward to it ^^
(Pretty please?)

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Got any thoughts on this idea. Trying to work out the kinks on it:

We dont have enough heroes of each type to justify a hero ban, IMO.


As a separate game mode in Arcade with the mention that it 100% will never be implemented in comp, sure. I’m not particularly against it, but it would be too different from no hero ban comp and too divisive for this community. We already have tanks vs support vs dps, we don’t also need hero ban vs no hero ban.

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Technically you do. As long as shield tanks are unbannable.

It’s only there to try it out. Rein is banned? Play Orisa as Main. Ana banned? Guess it’s time for Moira/Mercy.

Sure we could use some more tanks/supports but I’d be fine with it at this point to at least try it ^^

While I do want it eventually, we’re still a few years away from having enough heroes to warrant it. It would be healthy for the game if done right, but I’d rather it not be done at all rather than done badly.

A few years? I don’t even know if OW will survive this long if they keep it up like this.

Then why?

There aren’t enough heroes. I mean, if you ban Winston, Rein, or Ana, you essentially dictate the whole comp of the enemy team. It doesn’t just effect a hero, but the whole comp. If you ban Winston, they can’t really play dive, if you ban Rein on defence 2-capture, they’re pretty much forced to use Orisa.

An arcade mode for this would be very nice, although we might need an extra slot in the arcade selection to make sure that you don’t have to wait a week to get the gamemode you want.

Until then you just have to do hero bans in custom games.

So those wanting a hero ban can play a hero ban game mode. Adding a hero ban in comp would would fork this community way too much which is never good for a game. Look at call of duty with their new movement system vs boots on the ground.

Hero banning cant and wont happen till there’s a bigger roster. currently if hero banning was implemented we would see rampant abuse like banning main tanks, main healers, etc. this community isn’t even close to being ready for hero banning. Role que? Yea… should have been released with it… hero banning … no no not when you have a roster the size of a small twix candy bar.

They already have this, it’s just a little backwards. Instead of the other team picking heroes you cant play, your team does it and you get banned afterwards.

Sure why not. Gives people more reason to yell at people for being forced to play something they can’t play because their mains got banned.

I don’t see any downsides to this at all :+1:

Hero bans are a horrible idea being pushed by pro players with no common sense. The game has far too few heroes for this to be an option, and it’s a pretty transparent attempt to remove all counterplay options and further stagnate the meta.