Community Agrees Sombra Changes Should Not Go Though

Sombra lack the damage to be a real assassin, also because of that she’s not quite effective in team fights.
I think maybe they can allow Sombra to hack herself for a damage boost? But I guess they’ve tried it already and didn’t like it.

You’re right. Boring and ineffectual.

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Well the devs have made up their mind and there isn’t much we can do since no one here owns any of the rights to the game. Tough luck I guess.

why do we even have these feedback threads… i feel like Blizzard only cares about keeping new players entertained --> making Sombra easier but lowering her potential

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almost triple the amount of people say it’s bad and you have to take both the “yes” slots and combine them together for that to show. Idk why “yes with tweaks” was added as an option but still the single “no” heavily outnumbers both the “yes” slots

Why won’t they just revert the Hack 2 second cooldown thing, which made her garbage. Who cares if some pro players whine about it, they don’t represent the entire player base and she wasn’t even OP.


I wish people would pay more attention to this poll honestly. Almost 3/4 of the community agree that these changes are terrible.

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I agree and had a topic going on it for awhile now and a vast majority agree that “hot-fix” ruined her viability in teamfights completly

Also made a topic in PTS forum showing how many people agree she got nerfed even more.

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Guess I will post it here, because no else seems to want to talk about Torb else where:

All listed Changes were Said During Seagull Stream in conversation by Jeff and Seagull

(not finalized)

  1. Torb has a Throwable Turret(s) (thrown like Pulse Bomb)

  2. Turret Auto Levels up itself to Level 2

  3. New possible ability : Mini molten Core (likely replaces Armor Packs)

  4. New Ult (unknown)(Take some guesses) (Mine is Armor Gen)

  5. Talks about faster reload times and Smaller headhitboxes.

Your Overwatch :^

Actually been keeping track of Sym changes too, and this could really good, that if the ult is what I think is.

Basically Torb is basically keep most of his kit from what understand, it’s just the turret(s) are improving and more there own thing on one side.

On the other side, though instead of giving armor packs to others…lets be honest, you go for those more then then they do. Your getting a mini version of the molten core, which should work like giving a better armor pack with yourself. Plus you can stop dealing with scrap. (And little more like more increase rate of fire more often. etc.)

Now more benefits to you but less to your team but there is a plus side for that if I am right about the new ult.

Torb’s new ult Could be a new version of Shield Gen but with Armor.

There are two different types of Armor remember.

What better way for Father and Daughter to work together.

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