Community Agrees Sombra Changes Should Not Go Though

At least that’s what I am getting at, with what I am hearing, plus tried her myself.

Was kinda Surprised Her Ult does not affect proximity mines. You think they would plan for that.

But no, best to Scrap this and try again.


I actually like the new Sombra changes, I played them all last night and I don’t feel as much as a panic to maintain a cycle of stealth, hack, translocate, repeat.


Takes away the feeling of excitement though when pulling off a play, and the slower speed limits what jumps she can do now.


The community disagrees with you heavily.

But I agree being stealth that long feels nice to an extent, but that just it, your easier to notice.

It actually makes her less a Stealth hero with all the changes. Even though it’s meant to go the other way.


But I am part of the community. So not the entire community agrees. Sorry love.


She didn’t need the increase detection radius for one, since together with her slower invis movement speed it means it’s much harder to slip past chokes. Kind of defeats the purpose of a a backline harasser if they have issues getting into the backline reliably.

If they could just address the radius, she might stand a chance.

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Sorry but if you look at all the posts in the last day, you will find your a grain of sand in a sandbox there.


I have, but I have seen others who like as I have. Besides, they will very likely keep the changes if the hero is already in the PTR testing phase.


“This is a buff to sombra”


Well if you show me one, I could like show you 20 that happened in the same hour.

That’s my biggest issue with the changes; it encourages Sombra players to be a non-factor in team fights. Even the current build requires Sombra to be away from the team for too long.

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Plus Sombra isn’t the Spy or the Hidden.

She does not one shot from behind.

She actually one of the weakest Dps Heros.

Plus her other utility is slow and interruptible.

(I say make Sombra a Healer but that’s just me.)


What if sombra gained 100 shields as soon as stealth was activated. Hitting sombra while stealth causes her to flicker and be revealed briefly but she would still be in stealth until the 100 shields were destroyed. Decloaking automatically removes the shields.

I think this would be a decent change because she’ll have a more reliable way to get in and out of fights. With the detection range increased people are going to start spraying anytime they see her so this would help with that nerf.

She’d also be able to stealth mid fight more without immediately getting decloaking, which will now help since her translocator can and will be destroyed by splash damage.

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Unless Damage is changed, this really won’t help much from her current position.

We also just had a lot of Dps heroes Buffed, Which does not help either.

Being loud =/= being a majority

not all people use the forums and content players seldom see reason to come and whine.

Just because whining about Sombra is a prominent thing doesn’t mean it means anything.


You’ll never get 100% agreement on any topic. When people say “the community x,” they mean a large majority of members of that community has reached a consensus.

Isnt that a couple of million players?

I like the new changes a lot.

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And you will never know what the large majority of the community actually is since you don’t actually get numbers

How many players actually agree? How many disagree? How many abstain? How many total players are there minus smurfs and alts? How many are still actively playing? How many of these use the forum?

It’s impossible to determine a clear majority.

Again, loudness does not equal majority.


If you don’t make yourself heard, you can’t complain when people assume that the various forms of places that people were heard are a representative sample.