After trying her out in the ptr, i have to agree with Sombra players in this one. I’ll list the biggest gripes that i have on Sombra (some are from this “change” and others are older)
Running speed: Let’s start slow, literally, it feels horrible. The fact is mobility is fun and when you nerf someone’s mobility, it’s gonna feel bad no matter what, even if you can sprint forever.
Giving players more flexibility by increasing the translocator + stealth uptime is cool, but when there is no pressure to do anything, novice Sombras, like yours truly, just end up running around behind enemies, doing nothing. I’am sure it’s one of those “the better you get” type of deals, but i don’t think these were the “buffs” she needed.
The ability to destroy translocator is excellent, but why make it destroyable to the enemies, this is her only way of disengaging, but now with how easy it is to find, it’s just stupid. If you wanted to make it destructible, it should have more health, to avoid getting destroyed by trash dmg + IT SHOULD NOT BE HEARD FROM HALF THE MAP AWAY.
The failed hack cooldown is the most ridiculous thing in this game, who was the genius behind that one? All you need to do is to just shoot randomly everywhere when you hear the sound and congratulations, you have shut down Sombra, Gj.
So Blizzard give Sombra the ability to destroy her locator and throw all the other changes of this “buff” in to the trashcan. Also remove the failed hack thing, seriously, it (ice cream) stupid.
the vocal minority yells the loudest my dude I think new sombra is great.
Why yes, you’re right. Those are kneejerks reactions from people who barely played Sombra, and as such had not much bias towards how the character should be played.
And I think that we can all agree that kneejerks reaction are bad, right? We should definitely wait more than two days before giving out a verdict, wink wink, nudge nudge.
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You have 5 hours in total with her with all of them being quick play.
We’re a vocal minority BECAUSE SHE’S ONE OF THE LOWEST PICKRATES, of course sombra players will always be the minority.
As I said before, this change just makes it easier for newer players to fall into a “sit behind and do nothing” trap that feels alright on first play but the more you play the more you see the issues, as you’re getting more experience on sombra.
Of course you’re gonna think it’s great when you barely play her and don’t know anything about her.
These sombra changes come with too many downsides and she still doesnt play smoothly. Some ideas that would be much more interesting; Sombra should be able to hack teammates to reset cooldowns. Health packs that are hacked should damage enemies. Translocator should be able to stick to walls and ceilings. Detection radius should be reverted to 2m. These changes alone would make Sombra incredibly more fun to play and make it easier to execute her role. This is exactly how I’ve imagined her to play from the begining
I have 6 accounts, and I one tricked sombra for a long time on one of them. sorry dude but your entire argument is scrap.
“Community Agrees”
First two words of the title and you’re already wrong.
First things first, the community never agrees on anything. Which is good, because differing opinions are important.
Just don’t try to encapsulate everyone here.
This is simply because people are more vocal about something they dislike. Even the posts that say “hey, this isn’t that bad” or “hey, I like this” only show up because they dislike the amount of hate said thing receives.
Just about nothing positive gets posted without an abundance of negativity to prompt it.
Then you would agree that these changes do nothing, as you’re a seasoned player, of course?
Otherwise instead of saying 'wahh minority", you could actually REFUTE the points and say why these changes are good, what do they fix for sombra, what sombra problem do they address?
If you’ve played her this much then you should know her in and out yet you’re completely against pretty much every single seasoned sombra player, specially the highest ranked ones and known big players like fitzy.
Go ahead and answer those questions then, actually defend your points without resorting to name calling and saying you conveniently have 6 accounts.
Torches! Pitchforks! Get your torches and pitchforks here! If this PTR patch goes through to live, we march on Blizzard’s HQ!
Lol how did you even find that post? I made it a long time ago, back when Sombra had her hack buffed.
Also, I made it as a joke, so people would point out that I only play Tracer
no I don’t agree, I think these changes give her a great postion as a shut down tool in the game. she can always be where she needs to be for key hacks and creates a tracer like interaction, where the enemy has to play hide and seek with you in the back line, or move forward knowing you are there to shut them down before they start. this removes the hoping you are in the right place at the right time.
These changes address the problem of sombra not having her own spot in the game, and not being good enough to want to use her for what she can do. She is Always in the right place at the right time. she is always a threat to those out of position. She doesn’t have to go in and out and in and out, because her invis and mobility is on a timer anymore.
Moved on to possible Torb changes
So far people saying that the newly buffed (before she got her 2s Cd nerf thing) Sombra was really devasting in scrim, as she made tanks horrible to play, and we all know that.
After that, pretty much nothing new. I don’t have access or know how to access scrim session discussions, and I also have a low time on Sombra so I can’t be part of this.
And all of us Mercy mains had agreed that she should’ve kept at least one instant res in Valkyrie and not let the ptr Mercy go through to keep the ultimate powerful. Didn’t happen did it?
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I played a lot of sombra before the panic nerf when she actually saw 2 seconds of playtime back in march, I never was worried about the 15 second timer on translocator and the 6 seconds of stealth felt more than sufficient if a stray dva pellet didn’t knock me out of it, these “buffs” targeted the already functional parts of sombras kit and actually managed to make them worse for a fast paced playstyle (And lets not forget overwatch is a very extremely fast paced game) while completely ignoring the actual issues that made sombra unplayable in 99% of gameplay situations, with these changes, there is still absolutely ZERO situations where she is a good choice little own the best choice.
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Mercy was top dog must pick, Sombra is rock bottom.
People want Mercy reverted because this Mercy is absolutely and infinitely more broken. Every benchmark that old Mercy set was absolutely DEMOLISHED by new Mercy. Old Mercy wasn’t a must pick for 6 months either, hell we’ve never even truly left the Moth meta!
They’re NOTORIOUS for not changing things once they’re on PTR unless people make a HUGE stink about it. Something small would take MONTHS to fix because of this. If we don’t do anything now, it’ll never be done.
Youtubers, T500 Streamers, where else dost one need this kind of same information!? It’s not only the forums arguing against it (Like Mercy…who still went through anyway and wreaked havoc upon the game. Except this will be for the worse instead of techincally for the better of the character.)
Can we move on… it’s obvious, that people need to play Sombra more.