Come on, be realistic... un-nerf DVA please

The ones in Cheat2Win’s imagination.

Oh, sure. But I don’t see anyone screaming for D.Va nerfs at the moment. Just people claiming that she does less DPS than Brigitte in the most dishonest fashion I’ve ever seen on these forums.

I took some liberties with the the obviously not exact quote, but the idea of introducing a new character to fill the role of a play style that was already there was pretty bad.

"Posted by Geoff Goodman
I have talked about D.Va changes in the past, but unfortunately it just isn’t what people want to hear. I understand people are frustrated that she lost a bit of her ‘bully’ nature before, and really want to play her that way again. The reality is she was too good at too many things and something had to give.

I know that, given the choice, many people would sacrifice power from her tools like Defense Matrix if it allowed her to be played in a more super aggressive role like she did for a time. Overall the concept of a giant mech wreaking havok and dealing a ton of damage as an offense or defense hero is a cool one, but D.Va just isn’t built for that. That said, clearly there is a strong desire for that kind of hero and it certainly would be sweet to make another mech-type hero in that space, so that’s something for us to consider looking forward."

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It’s only bad if you don’t consider that D.Va is already supposed to fill a specific spot on the roster that would be vacant if she were turned into a bully dps hero.

EDIT: I love being able to see people edit their posts in realtime :slight_smile:


Arrgh! Don’t say that! It’s a logical fallacy and I have to ding you for it. Silent Majority is a no-no!

You would like to see it. You’re the only one you can speak for. That’s how discourse works.

That said, it would be a fun hero. However, D.Va is already defined as “not that hero”. In addition there are already too many DPS and not enough tanks and supports, so, unfortunately, the last thing I personally want to see is another DPS hero right now.

Though, there is a disturbing lack of bully tanks, and introducing a “mecha bully tank” would be awesome. I just don’t want to see them try to shoehorn D.Va into that role when she already has one.

I mean, that’s what they tried to do with Roadhog and it failed miserably.

Dude that’s a direct quote from Geoff goodman.

That’s why I said next year.

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Wait, what? I, in a Diamond-Master level, on an alt of mine (Xbox) sometimes out-DPS our DPS, generally finishing with gold damage. At least from my perspective, she isn’t F tier. You’re putting her on the same level as Doomfist and Sombra. Think about it.

Oh, I see the quote now. I skimmed. Mia culpa.

I thought that looked familiar.

I kinda agree. The booster and missile nerfs made D.Va way too weak for this meta. Do you think they were intentionally trying to knock down D.Va’s pick rate?

I would prefer they work on buffing up the DM. She lacks real tank abilities right now and functions more as a bulky DPS. I wish they’d rework the DM shape into more of a shield instead of a tube the gobbles up all damage. That way it wouldn’t be so oppresive and could get back some up time for it.

All of them other than Symm make easy work of Rein, Orisa, and Zarya in the unrealistic 1v1 scenario. If you can’t, you just need to learn to kite.

Ad-hominem, nice.
I’m not buff-begging, in fact, I’m not asking for a buff, but for a rework, one that implies a partial revert to Season 2, back when everyone thought D.Va was trash tier.


Literally what happenned since Feb 2017.


This is just nonsense! is still the best and most versatile tank in the game! The meta is just changing, give it a little time, if she falls a bit off the meta radar I say let her, she was in almost every meta since launch.

“The meta is just changing” to a Rein/Zarya/Mercy/Brig/Zen/Hanzo (with a bit of Widow) meta.
And no one else. Everyone else is in the trash.
Check this week’s pickrates in GM. You’ll see what the new meta looks like, and it’s ugly.

that’s exactly why we dont ask for nerf only based on pickrate.
the dva nerf was so un-necessary, esp. the booster dmg nerf.

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Oh yes we do nerf based on pick rate. When a hero is number 1 most picked hero both on ladder and in OWL you know the hero is too damn good!

So is Reinhardt, the tank everyone thought he was trash in the past year, OP as hell ?
Should we nerf him to the ground ? Because with how the meta is shaping up, his pickrate will make you think previous D.Va was C-tier.
Why didn’t we nerf Moira, who had a higher pickrate than D.Va on the ladder ?
Why hasn’t Zenyatta, a character with a pickrate compared to his category that’s even more ridiculous than D.Va had, been nerfed to the ground ?

You don’t balance around pickrate EVER. Not only is it a relative metric (there will always be a top pickrate hero), it is a subjective one, skewed by a hero’s popularity.
e.g D.Va has always been very popular in Bronze/Silver, even when she was trash, same with Mercy.
It’s also affected by the number of hero in the category, e.g D.Va is 1 of 3 off-tanks (and the only mobile one).


This makes no sense, she was atop the last meta in every game now that she’s not favored because of the new meta she needs a buff to be the queen of this one too?
Just press H.
She’s not bad kit wise, she’s just not the best of the current meta. Everyone wants their main to be totally viable 24/7 even if it means breaking them.

So long as missiles removed and her def matrix is buffed back, sure.

Im sorry but you talk out of emotion not of logic.

What the faq is wrong with you people? D.Va and Winston are fine. If we buff every hero against an another than we will have onle instakills running around. They have to fix Brigitte, Hanzo, Moira and Mei (her insta-freeze is just redicilous, its literally like a real stun). Mei was strong prebuff and good Mei players are terrifying and that instafreeze is just over the top. It feels like “lets just buff her for that season and nerf her back at another place”. Like Junkrat… lets buff him and later nerfed him even more than he was before he got buffed, bomb size nerfed by 33%, mine-dmg unreliable af (because of movement of others and latency) you never know if the mine will do 80 or 30 dmg because it litereally NEVER does the full 120 dmg unless it is right on the trap and some blind fish runs into it… all we have left now are 2 mines but dmg even more inconsistant than it was prebuff. Not that i care, i still enjoy him.

But Hanzo, Baguette and Moira… they are stupidly broken right now. Moiras dmg-orb is a better scatter arrow, because it KILLS you no matter what and becaus its so fast you cant even run away from it unless you are in open area.
And that Hanzo “nerf” is like Blizzard is making fun of us…