D.va QOL adjustments

You don’t balance around a situation that is a clear exception. You balance around how the game is played first and foremost.

A 2-second cd nerf after a 4-second cd buff is a slap on the wrist.

The game was designed around 6 people playing as a team against 6 people. Stacks are a social feature, it’s completely optionnal.

Not just in S4. Literally just read the pickrates, when D.Va had her damage, every tank was viable.

That’s complete nonsense. In ideal balance, 2-2-2 is the norm. Unbalanced comps mean that a role is way too strong. In GOATS, it was the supports. In Stage 3 finals, it was the DPS.

GOATS died on ladder even before OWL S2 started.

It doesn’t matter, he’s still right there near the top of the DPS class, even at the very top in Diamond/Master. He has triple D.Va’s pickrate, with 5 times the competition, and a more than healthy winrate. He is fine.

Never said it didn’t.

She was literally F-tier for 4 months after that change happened.

She should be able to dive isolated targets. She can’t, because she’d have to at the minimum trade the mech.

Unlike D.Va who got multiple nerfs when she was already balanced, now she’s underpowered.

If you nerf DM more and add a defensive ability, you don’t reduce her survivability. But you most likely remove her tanking ability.

You can. Just destroy the mech. Winston’s barrier is easy to destroy right ? So is the mech.

We also can’t stack more than 2 barriers. And Rein-Orisa is only ever truly seen in lower ranks or PirateShip.

Literally read the patch notes, that’s why they nerfed DM. That’s also why they nerfed Sombra.

He’s a main tank. Not an off-tank.

For sure noone will die.

D.Va has no damage at far range, out of the missiles, which will miss from that far. Even Doomfist has more range on his hand cannon.

If she does, she can’t kill you or block your shots.

Not every character has functional A and D keys ?

Go and tell that to those who still complain about DM.

The meta after Brig was released switched to Rein/Zarya/Hanzo/Brig or Widow/Zen/Mercy. That’s what was played in GM. Then the GOATS team decided to replace the DPS by another tank, that could stay alive at least until the teamfight began, instead of beig picked off on the way from spawn.

No it wasn’t.