Come on, be realistic... un-nerf DVA please

Allow me to use your words back at you

What insta freeze?

They buffed her by:

  • increasing the slow effect time of her freeze with 0.5s. The freeze time is untouched.
  • allowing her to pierce enemies with her primary fire. It can not pierce through shields.

If you are talking about Mei freezing enemies faster in her ultimate, then you’re wrong as well. Mei’s freeze could always stack with her ultimate allowing her to freeze enemies faster. She could do this since day 1.

How exactly does Mei have instafreeze?

Now that you mention it… maybe its just me and it feels faster because didnt encounter her that much.
But sometims im frozen and cant even throw my mine to jump away after “hearing” Mei hitting me but maybe its an effect bug occuring so the “starting freeze” effect comes with a delay and you actually are already half frozen.
Like my Voiceline sometimes dont even start when using Rip Tire when to much voicelines active at that moment.

She kinda does.
Touching Brigitte or Rein when they have their shields up with her primary will make them stop immediately.


According to server metrics, D.VA is the most blatantly overpowered hero in OW… in her current state.

Her and Zarya need nerfs, and large ones.

All my statements are backed by facts and data.
I leave emotions to those who have done nothing but cry for D.Va nerfs since November 2016.

You misspelled Hanzo.

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There was no miss-spelling.

D.VA and Zarya, according to the server metrics, are the most blatantly overpowered heroes In OW.

They are eclipsing multiple DPS centric heroes in DPS based metrics, all whilst still performing on par in TANK metrics with other TANKs.

Even if D.VA and Zarya had 200 EHP, and the same performance, they would be factually overpowered.

The metrics are showing Hanzo as balanced.

Performance is relative to balance, NOT pick rate. Pick rate is only indicative of meta.

They are supposed to be close to DPS characters in DPS metrics because that’s how off-tanks are. Even Roadhog is close to DPS characters, yet you don’t mention him.
D.Va’s wide spread that deal 0.6 damage to every one and Zarya’s AoE attack give them lots of kills. But they don’t get as much damage (6 DPS are better than D.Va and 7 are better than Zarya).
The DPS that do worse than them are Tracer, Genji, Widow, Mei, McCree, Doomfist and Sombra. Most of them are burst heroes that will naturally get less damage per game.
They’re also far behind other tanks in tanking metrics. They block ~6k damage per game. Winston is at 10k, Rein 16k, Orisa 22k.
Last metric: single-team winrate in the OWL. D.Va is at 40.49%, Zarya is at 41.21%, Hanzo is at 56.43%. And that’s before his buffs.


And do you know why this is happening?

When Brigitte and Reinhardt have their shields up will the walk in a slower pace.
Mei’s freeze have a slow effect.
The problem is that the slow effect of their shields and the slow effect from Mei’s freeze is being stacked causing them to be a lot slower. Dropping your shield should make you faster.

Shield slow + Freeze slow = 2x slow.

This only affects the slow effect and does not increase the freeze rate.

Mei is indeed a rare character to have in in matches. Most players underestimate how oppressive her freeze sometimes can be.

I think Latency is the cause of this, but it could be a bug. It’s worth testing.

A.) They are not just “close”, they are eclipsing.
Even Roadhog is still borderline overpowered, but nothing compared to D.VA and Zarya.

B.) Roadhog is Borderline, is still balanced. He wasn’t balanced pre-nerf.

C.) Stop posting blatantly false information. There are not " 6 DPS better than D.VA and 7 better than Zarya".

D.) Nice logical fallacy

E.) and yet they are on par with survivability compared to other tanks.

F.) Win rate is not indicative of individual hero balance, not at all. It doesn’t matter if it is OWL or not.

G.) So again, according to the server metrics for performance, not your imaginary data, D.VA and Zarya wouldn’t even be considered “balanced” if they had 200 EHP.

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If they were eclipsing them, we’d have 3 tanks in every game. Since there’s always a “Tanks are disappearing” thread around here, it clearly isn’t the case.

There are. Unless you consider Overbuff as a bad source, in which case, you’re the one who’s reasoning on emotions and not reason.

Survivability =/= tanking. D.Va can stay alive and not tank. That’s actually partly why her K/D ratio has always been around 4.

Single-team winrate*
It tells you how important a character is and how much it brings to a team.
Remember how people were like “Not having a Mercy is throwing” a few months ago ? Single-team winrate shows that.

Again, I get my data from Overbuff (pro STWR is from Winston’s Lab), they’re real stats, from real players that play the real game. I don’t pull anything from my butt.

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A.) They are eclipsing according to all API sites, including Overbuff. Meta and individual hero balance are not the same thing just like Pick rate is NOT indicative of individual hero balance, only meta.

B.) Overbuff confirms and supports my claim.

C.) EHP and things like “Blocking” / “invul” abilities are TANK attributes. They all boost survivability. If her survivability was the cause in this equation, and she was simply a “off-tank” as you put it, her DPS metrics would be “close to” DPS centric heroes, but would not excel nor eclipse like they are.

D.) Again not, you are just admitting you do not understand statistics.

E.) Overbuff supports my claim. Try again.

She got nerfed because she was too powerful.

I don’t think “the meta doesn’t suit her” warrants a buff, as many heroes have been doing far worse both in terms of strengths and being able to fit into different metas. By that logic we should buff Genji and Winston to high hell.

I don’t see how they are eclipsing DPS. Plus META = Most Effective Tactic Available.
Usually, what’s META is the most powerful.
D.Va right now is not meta, hence, she’s not the most powerful.
The fact that she’s not viable in the new Master/GM meta tends to show that she’s not powerful at all.

You can’t on one hand say it confirms and support your claim AND say that the information it gives is false.
Unless what you say is false, which is something I can agree on.

I can see what you’re talking about: you say they’re OP because their K/D ratio is high.
Spoiler alert: it’s always been this way. Off-tanks always had between 3 and 4 K/D ratio, while main tanks were closer to the usual 2.5.
Even when Zarya, D.Va and Roadhog were considered trash, they had that ratio. Usually, D.Va is around 4, Zarya around 3.5 and Roadhog around 3.
Just like Torbjörn always had ~3.8 K/D ratio. That doesn’t make him OP.

I gave you a DPS stat where DPS completely overshadow D.Va and Zarya, which invalidates your claim that “D.Va and Zarya eclipse DPS heroes”.
You’re just spouting that “Everything backs up my claim” without actually providing any stat or any slimmer of proof.

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It doesn’t happen to D.Va or Orisa, only Rein and Brig.
And if you’re stuck in place, you’re bound to get frozen after you drop the shield.
I know it’s not really a feature, it’s more of a bug, I just wanted to point out that she can technically instafreeze.

A.) META does not reflect individual hero balance, nor does pick rate. META is relative to efficiency, and Synergy. A hero can easily be powerful but not create synergy. It amuses me when people try to argue about terminology they don’t understand.

B.) 0/10 Try again troll

C.) Feel free to quote exactly where I said “K/D alone”. Nice logical fallacy again.

D.) Actually you didn’t. Because API sites completely contradict what you are claiming.

I didn’t say meta reflected individual hero balance, I simply said that meta characters are usually the most powerful ones.
You could have a meta with everyone being trash but one hero.
What’s meta is not necessarily OP, but what is OP is certainly meta.
Like Hanzo right now, Ana, Roadhog and Soldier in the tank meta, 35% IC Bastion, Original Widowmaker, Original Zenyatta and Genji…

API sites, namely Overbuff, can’t contradict what I say, since I’m using their stats.
When I say that 6 DPS out damage D.Va, that’s a fact.

Nowhere. And that’s the problem. You never point any actual proof or stat, you just say “everything supports my claims.”
Until something doesn’t support your claim, then you just go “FAKE NEWS! Sad!”


A.) Great work contradicting yourself in the same post again. A meta cannot be “overpowered”. A meta can be hard or soft. Hard metas are unhealthy and are the only type typically experienced in OW thanks to Blizzard vocal minority pandering.

B.) You can blatantly lie all you want. Overbuff stats as well as the other API sies, do contradict what you say.

C.) I did point out stats. Stats that are relevant to DPS (as in killing opponent) was mentioned. It is a group of stats.

So you really don’t have anything more than some sort of addiction to committing logical fallacies?

Again I never said that a meta could be OP, only its components.
Also, dive was a soft meta. It had a lot of viable characters.
The new deathball meta however, is one of the hardest we ever had.

Prove it.
h ttps://

You didn’t point out stats. You said DPS stats. I answered that D.Va and Zarya weren’t leading in damage (which IS a DPS stat), and gave an explanation on their high position in kills (2nd for D.Va, 5th for Zarya)
Might I point out that Genji almost has the same stats as Zarya ? Is he OP too or is he saved from that because he has 200 less HP (even though he gets more Ult kills and much more Solo kills) ?

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A.) You did contradict yourself, and now you are attempting to move the goal posts.

B.) Thank you for posting proof supporting my claim and contradicting yours yet again. D.VA and Zarya are either eclipsing most DPS based heroes in DPS/Killing metrics or being on par. Their Objective time, with is relative and a TANKING metric is on par with other TANK heroes.

C.) Your “explanation” is entirely subjective and meaningless.

D.) Except I did point out stats. DPS stats as in relative to DPS centric heroes. These are everything based on killing the opponent.
Genji is a high skill floor and ceiling DPS centric hero. Thank you for contradicting yourself again.

I’m pretty sure obsessively basing your retort around your opponent’s apparent contradictions and fallacies is, in itself, a fallacy. I double-checked, and nothing about this person’s explanation on off-tank’s consistent high KDR is subjective. They gave a trend using the same stats you both are using to base your arguments. D.Va especially is inherently built for a high KDR because she doesn’t die when her mech does. I know the “armchair rhetor” is popular nowadays, but just saying “you contradicted yourself; thanks for proving me right” without actually providing more substance isn’t helping your argument. D.Va and Zarya aren’t OP. If you slashed their HP to 200 they’d be immensely crappy off-tanks and are simply too big to still perform on-par with DPS heroes. They’d get shredded before they could retain their stats.