Come on, be realistic... un-nerf DVA please

No the others need nerfs, stop with the reworks and buffs already, its just a ripple effect. Nerf the heros that need it and balance it out. Stop buffing damage in fact nerf overall damage so tanks can actually tank a few seconds

D.Va doesn’t have 60dps because she has only an average accuracy of 35%. She has 60dps average in spite of it.

If you get closer to your target, and your accuracy goes up because of it, guess what’s going to happen to your dps as a result!

If you can get a 70% accuracy rate, because you got closer and actively tried to cinch a kill instead of sitting back and poking with her shotguns at long range, your dps should be ~120 or higher.

Thanks for proving my point.

…and the opponent will have 100% accuracy to headshot your dva. nice try.

Not much, I stopped playing D.Va almost completely after her rework so I didn’t care that much, but if houndreds, or thousands of people played her there for hours, and literally noone noticed, then it’s a tiny, insignificant nerf.

I don’t like that they didn’t mention it, but people make mistakes from time to time, you know, they just forgot.

That doesn’t make any sense.

70 % ? Really ? You’d have to hit a BARRIER to get that high an accuracy.
Even tanks move too much for D.Va to be that precise.
Either you never play D.Va or you play against potatoes who don’t know what WASD is for.

Booster nerf isn’t something anyone thought to test. But missiles were already being nerfed so less damage while attacking was already expected.

I bet no one would notice if they nerfed WInston’s damage when he lands, yet he depends on that damage to kill just like Dva depends on that damage from boost.

There is very few people on PTS that look at every little thing on every PTS patch.

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I’m fairly sure that someone would notice that if you got some Winston mains playing him on the PTR, as it’s pretty damn crucial to his kit.
The booster damage wasn’t.

This conversation tells me everything I need to know about you.

D.Va will never be “powerful” enough for you, and that’s what you’re after. You’re buff-begging. D.Va could be demonstrably OP and you would still say that she needs buffs because you don’t actually want balance, or fairness. You want to win, but you don’t want to work for it.

Hence the begging for buffs with a hero that is doing just fine.

Have a nice day.

“sorry i forgot to mention it on patch note. So now we carefully put it in live server.”

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This whole tread is a hot mess.

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It was on the PTR, it didn’t make D.Va too weak, so they put it on the live server.
No need to test it again if it was already tested.

Wait, why is it okay for a support to destroy tanks? Why do we even have these categories any more?

ppl stuck in their head the idea that a hero can ONLY have one “category” feature…
tank cannot do dps, dps’er (defense/attack) cannot be tank or heal; a support cannot do DPS or be tanky…

Categories are set as a guideline of what to expect for the play type of the characters. If you have a tank, dps, and support people expect some consistency in the characters that fall under those roles. So why is it okay for a support to take out a tank when DPS have trouble with this? I’m not saying this is a rock, paper, scissors game, but what the heck?

Oh please, the same argument goes for the pro nerf people. No matter what they’ll scream that is OP and demands nerfs. It happened last year, it happened this year, it will happen next year.


Why is it a problem? Most of the supports defeat tanks that Aren’t D.Va/Winston in a Duel. I agree that category doesn’t matter much. That’s why it doesn’t matter that a “support” destroys them. That’s what she’s designed to do. was “doing too much” before they even gave her missiles. january 2017 they took’s armor and messed up the spread and put on DM bot status. Then that was no fun because DM was ruining the game. So then they took 2 seconds off DM and gave “who’s not supposed be a bully and we’ll have a new meka character that can bully soon™” (thanks goodman) missiles.

And now some people are saying they want to go back to tank status! It just goes to show the game balancers don’t know what to do with and the community is just terrible about dictating what they think balance is because opinion changes every week.


What supports are destroying tanks?

He never said that.

He said that they like the idea of a big, stompy, bully-type mecha dps hero, however D.Va is not that hero.

They never said they were working on that hero. They just said that D.Va wasn’t it.