Come back to us, BrightTitan :' (

i never said i didnt do that…

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I was replying to cuthbert, the quote got messed up


Didn’t do what? I don’t understand what either of you is accusing me of. I don’t think even you know.

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I’m shocked I haven’t seen more astrology being thrown around when it comes to the matchmaker


Venus is currently in the constellation Aquarius which is not so good for me, since I have lost quite a few matches today. Once it moves out of that constellation matches will be in my favor again.


To be fair, I ranked up when I stopped playing competitive while the moon was out.

True story, wrong implication though.


This thread is not about astrology, flat earth, or any type of conspiracy theory. Comparing it to any such subject is a simplistic and false equivalency. If you’re going to play critic, at least have some idea of what you’re talking about.

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That his trademark so far.

At this point Im not even sure if he sincerely believes in what he says, but trademark is trademark

Skill > Matchmaking


That’s something a flat earther would say


Matchmaking is algorithmically handicapped as per dev statements and patents. Have they ever paused the alg and shipped a random match? Perhaps. But the official comments declare it to be hard rigged.

Refreshing a discussion regarding the evidence for rigging is quite productive and extremely relevant. It’s relevant to gamers who want fairness and integrity and it’s relevant to the industry at large.

Stop derailing and support your stance with official evidence that it’s algorithmically not handicapped (i.e. “natural” and “fair”). Show how it’s not possibly rigged behind the scenes using mmr, etc.

Just let us know once you’ve done Q1 of the homework assignment. Q2 involves you systemically showing none of the patented rigging or dev statements made it’s way into the game.


Contact me on discord via Hulk we have enough to proceed with the lawsuits. The time for legal discovery and forced transparency is now - before the OW2 pre-release sales.


I actually want you to waste money on a lawsuit. Please do it, you would spend so much money to just get the case started and it would end in about a couple of minutes lmao. Please take a loan out for it also!


It’s practically free to force it to discovery, so we’ll be able to audit their code/algs and find out if it’s rigged or not. If it ever was, that’s a lot of damages. Plus the firm we have loves to take down multibillion dollar scam companies hurting kids with unethical and predatory business practices. It couldn’t be more open/shut.

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So let me just get this straight, you are trying to sue blizzard entertainment, for an open patent that is public that had to go through and be accepted by the patent office. You don’t even know what they are violating, and then you think you will just get to view source code because you want to. I really really really really want you to go bankrupt from this lmao. This would be the funniest thing in history. “Man sues blizzard entertainment because he can’t get out of bronze”


I really can’t speak about it publically.
You’ll figure it out in the press release.

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I think the funnier part will be when you are manipulated by your attorney for everything you have because of how dumb they will think you are lmao.


It’s costing me nothing out of pocket but you keep making wild guesses about stuff above your paygrade.

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Man out here thinking an attorney is free lmao you still don’t even know what you are suing them for. What did they do to you? What law did they violate? You gonna walk in there and tell them bro in the public patent the game is rigged look guys I don’t know how it’s rigged but patent guys look LMAO bro you are actually crazy! This is some psycho stuff


It’s not an attorney it’s a firm.

we absolutely do know, we have many strategies, and you’re not privy to any of them.

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At least when you watch someone addicted to drugs fall off the deep end you can understand why. But when it’s this small of something that you dedicate your afternoon to sitting on the forums every day for over a year straight it’s just depressing. Like I kind of feel bad for you but don’t at the same time cause you obviously don’t care. The only thing I can recommend is if this truly affects your day-to-day life this much that being a certain rank in a video game let me just say it again “video game” that you think like this then idk you need to talk to someone professional.


They have brought the meme “mad cuz bad” to a whole new level. Mad so much that I’m gonna sue.

Karens of the Overwatch world.