Come back to us, BrightTitan :' (

Does the timing matter so much, at this point?

These forums never cease to amaze me. :rofl:


Literally sueing a company because you can’t get out of a specific rank :rofl:


Impressive isn’t it?


Sorry…where was that statement made or are you literally wrong?

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If we can force some postitive changes before OW2 that would be great for gamers and the gaming industry at large.

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The slowest moving non existant law suit in history :smiley:


hey now don’t lump astrology in with flat earthers

astrology stands a good chance at demystifying the secrets of the matchmaker whereas your theory does not. blizzard cannot hide from that which connects us in the astral plane :smirk: :star:

quite rude to dismiss it so easily honestly… what’s your rising sign?


Bro ur just hardstuck deal wit it no need to write a essay


Okay sorry, I don’t mean to ‘lump it in’ with conspiracy theories. Maybe it’s the Scorpio in me, but I just don’t believe in astrology personally.

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Oh Cuthbert, that’s such a Scorpio thing to say, haha :heart:


I just want to make sure that no money is changing hands here. I’ve been looking at all of these conversations from the sidelines and in wading in to them, I have had various hypotheses for why people are saying the things that they are saying and why people are so insistent about pushing a particular narrative. Some of those reasons are more harmless than others.

One possibility here is that one or more persons are attempting to scam one or more other persons. So I sort of feel compelled to point out that this is starting to look more like a scam. I don’t know who would be running that scam on whom (it could be that everyone in that discord channel is being taken advantage of by someone purporting to represent a legal firm), it might be one or more people participating in this conversation or it might be someone outside the conversation.

But if anyone is asking anyone else for money or anything of value, then someone is more than likely being scammed. I hope that isn’t the case. And I hope everyone involved is looking out for their own best interests.


Are you asking? My answer is no.

Apply Ockham’s Razor here. The simplest explanation is that these people agree with my position and are voicing their support. It doesn’t have to be a conspiracy.

The number of times I’ve been called “a conspiracy theorist” by my detractors, and here you are hatching a conspiracy theory about me. This is getting very multidimensional.

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I just wanted to state publicly that everyone involved should be wary and thinking about their own interests. I do not actually know who is doing what for which reasons, but if there is some nebulous lawsuit in the offing being run by an unnamed law firm and things need to heat up now and… it looks precisely like a scam.

So everyone involved needs to look out for themselves.

Maybe someone is saying things that look precisely like a scam in a misguided attempt to bolster their particular claims. But it could also be that the thing that looks like a scam is, indeed, a scam.

And I’m not one to laugh at others’ misery, so I just wanted to make sure I’ve done what (very) little I can to make it less likely that one or more persons experience real misery rather than whatever (hopefully) minor misery comes from saying silly things online.

If it’s all just some sort of weird internet posturing, then no (or little) harm/ no (or little) foul. If any money changes hands, that changes things. And I’d hate to think that something like that will happen without me at least trying to help out as best I can.


I think you and I have a lot of similar feelings on the matter. The difference being you keep your “online” composure a lot better as I just don’t have the patience for it anymore.

There are 24 users participating on this particular thread and at least 1/4 of them can attest to the time I’ve spent on this forum (too much :woman_facepalming:t2:) that I’ve done my best to guide less experienced gamers best I could be it VOD reviews, voice or reason, or devils advocate.

There are also plenty of users who will state I’m just another online troll (and I’m fine with that knowing I’ve helped more users than I haven’t). The unfortunate reality is these conversations won’t end peacefully.

  • You can never under estimate the ingeniousness of fools.

I actually went and deleted that post because it sounds too much like I’m endorsing the matchmaker, and I’m not. I absolutely do grasp the need for one (I don’t think random matchmaking is an option as I once did – it fixes some things and seriously breaks others) but there’s no way to be “strongly for” any aspect of the typical Overwatch experience, matchmaking included. And I really don’t know what this matchmaker has in it, for better or worse; though I’d imagine some matchmaking systems are better than others and operate differently, again, for better or worse. After that post I did start playing again, and surprisingly, any insights I had about matchmaking did little to change the core “Yep, this is still Overwatch” experience.

I don’t really have the will to engage this topic much anymore, and I honestly don’t know what to believe and I can’t really bring myself to care at this point. The game just isn’t fun, teammates are largely unbearable (I don’t care about the toxicity aspect – at all, I can deal with that, but I can’t deal with things like losing team fights with 4 ults or people trickling in the entire match), and the matches typically aren’t fun or balanced. I don’t know who or what is to blame, but ultimately, it doesn’t matter – it doesn’t change the experience either way.

I respect your decision to keep up the fight on this, Cuthbert, but I just can’t engage on this much anymore. I’m passing on the torch to someone else. :slight_smile: Blizzard is going to look at the data and do their cost/benefit calculations, and if changing the matchmaking works, they’ll do it, and if it doesn’t they won’t. You’ve put a lot of time into this topic, and I don’t know that further time equals more value. If they’re going to take your contributions (or anyone else’s) into account, they’ve been provided with more than enough input at this point.


That’s fair. Though I think if you really spent the time to learn and focus on the interworkings of the actual game and look at it from that perspective rather than having anything to do with match making, I think you’d see pretty quickly that a lot of the compounded mistakes are what lead to such bad experiences.

While you may understand the need for an MMR based system, I think your post here outlines that you’re still drastically misunderstanding what makes Overwatch so difficult. But I won’t fault you for that because we’ve rarely ever had a chance to really discuss that, and I’m certain if we sat in a discord call for 30 mins and I showed you a Silver/Gold/Plat game that someone claims is unbalanced/unfair/(insert excuse here) and we really talked about it and then I showed you a Diamond/Masters game, I refuse to believe you’d still see it as a match making issue.

Are completely lop sided matches made, shipped and experienced every day? Absolutely! Is it as high of a percentage as so many people seem to think? Definitely not.


And, to further the point, the way to fix the lopsided matches is precisely the opposite of what the rigged matchmaker proponents propose- you’d need a tighter matchmaker that pushes harder for 50/50 matches to fix that issue. And that would require longer queue times (which I’d be all for, honestly- or at least the option to enable longer queues for tighter matchmaking).

There’s always a tradeoff. But the tradeoff for a looser matchmaker is a higher frequency of lopsided matches and one-sided steamrolls.


Agreed… Personally I really like the way Valorant Does it (and even still it could be tighter).

In Valorant, the ranks are broken up into:

  • Iron (1 - 3)
  • Bronze (1 - 3)
  • Silver (1 - 3)
  • Gold (1 - 3)
  • Platinum (1 - 3)
  • Diamond (1 - 3)
  • Immortal (1 - 3)
  • Radiant (T500 only)

Unless you’re HARD smurfing (MMR can detect this better in Valorant), rank matching in Valorant is only 3 up or 3 down. So a Silver 3 player can AT MAX be matched against a Gold 3 player but at MIN a Silver 1 player.

But I would argue making the games tighter, 2 up and 2 down would make the games even more balanced.