Combine your top 3 used characters

Brigitte is my top three in one…

Roadio: 76 - A character with the sprint of Soldier: 76, the tankiness of Roadhog along with his hook, and the wall-riding capabilities of Lucio. Imagine the self healing.

so a Luciorisah
a very fast selfhealing orisa that can fly and shoots rockets. yeah I’ll take it

zen winston and JR.
name Zenston Junk

winston weapon
zen alt fire
JR mines
zens discord
JR ult

you’re all doomed DOOOOOOMMMED
sings doom song

I can make a hero so OP with my two most played I don’t need a third. I present to you: Winszo.

Primary Fire - Tesla Cannon, but each beam that hits the ground “scattuh’s”

Secondary Fire - Sonic Arrow pops out of the Tesla Cannon and onto the floor

E - Barrier Projector - same as Winston’s

Shift - Winston’s Leap

Passive - Hanzo’s wall climp

Ultimate - Dragon’s Rage - Primal Rage works as normal, with two dragons circling Winszo that deal damage the closer Winszo gets to you.

I guess after the Hanzo rework the primary fire would be a bunch of Volley arrows rather than Scatters : /

This is fun! :slight_smile:

Widow’s gun
Hanzo’s passive
Ana’s sleep and nade for abilities
Ana’s ultimate with the twist i can apply it to myself maybe including widows WH

Pharah/Tracer/Winston: Phanster

Winston’s Shift Jump, Pharah’s Jetpack Passive and Primary Fire, and Tracer’s Recall.

She can now jump into the air more often, and if she uses her jetpack to stay in the air: when she eventually lands she will proc the Winston landing damage effect. Tracer recall can now also be used to greatly improve survivability and can even be used to reposition in the air. Jeff plz nerf.

hello im a dva main hellooo


This would be a tank who could deploy turrets, throw sheilds, and heal with a beam that latches on like Symmetra, with Zarya’s range, but start with Lucio’s projectile strength and reload requirements. The beams, turrets, and healing amounts would increase as the bubbles charged up. Considering how crazy this is, the bubbles would have to charge at 25 percent max each. So you’d need to be able to send out 4 bubbles to get to maximum charge.

Ultimate would be Groovitron Surge that would fully heal teammates and give them a speed boost at the same time lasting for the same amount of time as Gravitron Surge lasts.


Wallriding Orisa who shoots 1000 grenades/minute.

meet junkhogio

he’s fat and meaty and can take a lot of dmg, but can also skate super fast and grind walls. he can hook people to his location on a cliff then boop them off, or just cook them to a charred well-done with a side of bbq sauce thanks to his awesome spamlauncher, all while drinking his juice for that sexy self-heal. oh. and he has a tire he can throw at someone’s face for a random insta-kill just if he feels in that kind of mood.

all the gold medals are mine. rip you.

Zenyatta, Mercy, and Hanzo…
idek what kind of combination this would be xD

Reinhoggah aka When Pigs Fly

Passive: Pharah hover
Primary: Rein hammer
Secondary: Pharah jump jet
Ability 1: Hog hook
Ability 2: Rein charge
Ult: Rein earthshatter

Hooks, charges, earthshatter from mid-air. :slight_smile:

I’m taking Sombra, Hanzo, and Tracer

Primary: Sombra’s SMG
Alt-Fire: Hack (Technically an ability)
Ability 1: Blink
Ability 2: Translocator
Passive: Wallclimb
Ult: Pulse Bomb

lol i love this character, so many interesting/scary characters in this topic

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Mer.Hog. A Combo of, Roadhog, And Mercy.
You can still hook people, then nuke them with your missles in close range.
You can also hold out your hook and normally heal people like Mercy would.
When you use your ult, it would explode like a normal mech, but explode quicker and heavily knock people back, as well as healing teammates as it flies through short-lived heal beams sticking out of the exploding mech.
When you get de-meched though, you still have a smol pistol and a quick heal, similar to roadhogs take a breather. However, you only have 200 health and it heals about 100, with a shorter recharge time.
The worst part about my submission was definitely the name, i hope someone can do better on that part.

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A Fat Crusader with self heal and Rocket Punch.
So that is what happen if you stuff Roadhog into a Crusader suit and give him 2 Rocket Gauntlets and a hammer.

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This is going to be Great.

The main body of Bastion, Except with Widow’s Figure…
Finally showing Bastion’s feminine side.
And Mccree’s Cowboy hat, For… Reasons…

Recon: It’s pretty much the same, Except with Flashbang, And the ability to unload all remaining bullets at once. And a Combat roll.

Sentry: Sentry now has a Scoped mode, And can fire charged shots, Doing more damage and using more ammo per shot.

TankMode: Lasts as long as Widow’s Ult, locks onto the Target closest to your Crosshair, And shows enemies through walls. While still firing Tank shells, The damage is based on the Enemies health, And can still function like Mccree’s deadeye, If you can lock on in time.

While in Tank mode, Two Grappling hooks can be fired at the same time, To reach higher places.

I believe i have just come up with a perfectly balanced buff, for Bastion.

-ChibiFox :fox_face:

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i hope blizzard are reading, makes him far more versatile and thicc

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Pharadivacer. I would take Pharah rocket launcher and passive to fly, Tracers blink, Divas DM. and for ult I guess self destruct.