Combine your top 3 used characters

This idea alone, May be the very thing that could fix the entire game.

We found it, guys… We found it…

(I actually Really wanna play this character now… like, Really Badly.)

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moira , mercy, rainhard - must have to win for metal ratings

Hanzo, Junkrat, and Reaper.

I’ll call him Hank.

Primary is storm bow because obviously

Ability one: Concussion mine. This forces me to sacrifice a second ability for the alt-fire detonate.

Ultimate Ability: Rip-tire.

Passive: The Reaping

So imagine Hanzo except he can jump high in the air and get headshots from the sky and heals if he hits you. Plus he can force away anyone who gets too close where his weapon will be at optimal range, and you’re now being set on a predictable trajectory with 120 or so HP missing, making for an easy finishing shot on most characters (did I also mention he’s healing from this damage?).

Where his weapons and abilities excel at dueling, he has his ultimate which decimates grouped enemies. And he heals for all the damage he does.

Ability mixing in custom games when?

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Ummm this will be interesting to say the least. Top 3 is Lucio dva and mei haven’t really used bastion and junkrat that much lately. Going through everything I don’t really want anything from dvas kit so it’s going to be a Lucio mei mashup
Primary 4 projectiles or a freeze ray. I think I go with the freeze ray it’s fun
Secondary boop, and icicles. Hmm I really want boop but I also really like icicle spam. Icicles.
Shift is crossfade meaning I take Lucio passive and ice block. I’m taking crossfade as well as Lucio songs. New animations show the ground freeze on speed so heroes are able to slide quickly and heals give a similar animation to Blizzard where the snow heals allies.
E is amp it up and wall. Instead I take up and again a new animation where is a translucent wall of frost goes outward and knocks back enemies.
Ultimate sound barrier or Blizzard. Honestly doesn’t really mean much to me either way. I think Blizzard makes more sense so I’ll go with that

End result mei can speed boost freezing the ground with ice, heals with a Blizzard like healing aura, has a boop and losses walls and ice block. Mei Lu is an interesting hero

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Merdieratta “merger-atta” Soldier,Mercy,Zen
Guardian angel, Soldier’s rifle, Mercy’s passive regen, discord and Visor.

That sounds like my worst nightmare.

DoomRoad’ra (DF, Hog, Moira)

  • Hook + RP (fixed one!) + Self heal lmb (shotgun, no reload)
  • Hp of Hog
  • Model hitbox of Moira
  • Hiting an ability into enemy heals you for 150hp and gives dmg resist +20% (Hogs “E” + DF shields)
  • “Slam” works like Moiras “fade” (make you invincible + faster slam animation, now you can cancel ability and jump further using ur momentum)
  • Ult : Meteor strike which cause powerful aoe heal to ally and dmg to enemy. Also it will push all enemies into radius (like Hogs ult, in all directions). If enemy hit an wall, they will get additional dmg (like rp)

I’ve got a flying Sombra with a barrier. Yay!

PC: Mercy, Symmetra and Lúcio.
Xbox: Mercy, Symmetra and Tracer.

There were no survivors. Except my team.


Syms gun and shield, widows grapple, Mercy’s passive and ult.

All in all you have an extremely mobile Symmetra with a passive self heal and an ult with the ability to fly, amped self healing, and infinite ammo. She’d be the best hero in the game tbh.


So an edgy ninja with slug shotguns?

Dva, reinhardt, and mccree.

Dva mech does mccrees main fire with infinite ammo, but then from both her cannons.
Her boosters can now pin people to walls for 300 damage instead of just booping them.
Instead of rockets she fires a fire strike.
And her ult is 6 selfdestruct orbs with mccrees highnoon lock-on.

Basically, terrifying.


both lucio’s combined songs as a passive, junk’s primary, boop, junks ult that would also make me invulnerable and give shields to my team, and both zen’s orbs (discord would explode while being removed)

Wow, I never realized it before, but my three most-played hereos are a meme! I hereby present the D.Va/Momma Mercy/Dad: 76 hellspawn:

Mer.C: 76

In-mech: behaves as a usual D.Va mech, with fusion cannons, boosters, and a Defense Matrix. Her missiles are similar to Ana’s biotic grenades and simultaneously injure her opponents and heal her allies who are in range of their splash damage. Ultimate is a weird bomb that kills opponents and mass resurrects all dead teammates within its blast radius.

Out-of-mech: no pistol (but has her mom’s holstered to her side for looks) and carries her dad’s pulse rifle, complete with fully functional Helix rounds. Can run. Can drop healing fields. Is wearing a Valkyrie suit that offers the benefits of self-healing, Guardian Angel, and slow fall. Does not carry a Caduceus staff, due to lack of space on her person and constrictive space in the mech.

This is a balanced hero and I want to play her now…

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Mercy, Reinhardt and Lucio

Alt fire = Rein’s shield
Ability 1 = Guardian Angel
Ability 2 = Crossfade
Ult = Valkyrie (which makes shield tougher, Guardian Angel faster, and makes Crossfade amped up)

Fly to an ally to quickly shield them and apply healing aura, or lead a charge with shield + speed aura!

Genji, Mercy, and Lucio?

I’d make it a support since trying to combine them to get a DPS would flop.

Primary fire: Mercy (heals)
Secondary fire: Genji
E: Deflect
Shift: Guardian Angel
Ult: Sound Barrier
Passive: Cyber Agility

Highly mobile support who can reach allies in an instant and defend themselves up-close.

My 3 most used are Moira, Mercy, and Mei. The 3Ms.

So Meirac.

[Passive] (Mercy) Regeneration - automatically heals over time.

[Left Click] (Mei) Endothermic Blaster - slows and then freezes target over time.

[Right Click] (Moira) Biotic Grasp - long range beam weapon saps enemies’ health.

[Shift] (Mei) Cryo-Freeze - surround you in a block of ice healing you for up to 150 and making you immune to all damage for 4 seconds.

[E] (Moira) Biotic Orb - healing orb or damage orb.

[Ultimate] (Mercy) Guardian Angel - can fly through the air, your Biotic Grasp / Endothermic blaster hits all nearby enemies, your orbs deal extra damage / healing, and your ice block becomes Ice armor allowing you to move around while frozen / protected.

lol i love the idea of lucio having junkrat’s gun…would make him very scary

Zen, Tracer, Reinhardt.

Tracer’s guns with zen discord and earthshatter.


So Widowmaker, D.Va and Mercy, or hence forth, D.Mercymaker.

So D.Mercymaker would be a 600 HP tank that has a passive self-heal, can one-shot people from across the map, nullify damage, and bring back the dead and fly around every 5 seconds. Baby D.Mercymaker would have 200 HP, a self-heal, a grappling hook, D.Va’s primary fire, and can scope in like Widowmaker.

D.Mercymaker’s ult would be her flying around in her mech for 15 seconds healing her whole team and sniping people from above. While this is going on, she would have wall-hacks. When the ult ends, her mech self-destructs and she gets another one.

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D.Lucy (

I honestly picture that as broken

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