Combine your top 3 used characters

and take the best of their abilities to make a new character, just a bit of fun you need to have a primary fire(alt fire if you want but you have to remove one ability for ult fire) and a passive if any of the characters have one but every one of your 3 mains needs to have at least one ability/or weapon used

for me its roadhog/ and i am going to call my character roadoriva, its a terrible name

this is a difficult one because i want take a breather, orisa shield and roadhogs hook but orisa’s gun simply wouldnt work with the hook and if i use roadhog’s gun i would only be allowed either primary fire or alt fire and that would kinda make my character useless in most situations

so i am going with roadhog’s hook and take a breather, orisa’s shield and gun(i know it doesnt work with the rest of the kit but i guess the hook can be used differently) and’s ult and i dont think any of those characters have a passive so no passive for me

if i was going to create one to be a good character i would go orisa’s gun, orisa’s shield,’s defense matrix and roadhog’s take a breather and orisa’s ult(with the amount of protection that ult would have it would be difficult for it to get destroyed)

…yes i am very bored

EDIT: my bad does have a passive so i guess that but not sure how it would work with either version of my character


Reinperhog. Roadhog’s Gun and Heal, Reaper’s Wraith Form and Passive and Rein’s Earthshatter. Plz nerf Jeff XD


Mccree, Genji and Mercy ,this’ll be fun

We’d have Genji with his passives and self-regen ,Mercy’s staff as a primary ,and mccree’s revolver as a secondary ,He’d have Guardian Angel on his shift and Flashbang on his E ,he’d still have dragonblade as an ultimate ,In dragonblade Guardian angel is replaced by Swift Strike

Fair and balanced


so a blinking mercy who can go invissible and recall


Soldier 76 with a personal shield like Reinhardt with the mobility and sword of Genji…

RIP Supports



Scatter discord resets on roll


Genji with defense matrix and Wallride.



A cowboy with a shield and a revolver with scope and Earthshatter.


That is my worst nightmare

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tbh mccree with a scope would be cool to play


Pharah + Ana + Moira = Health Rains from Above!!!

A jet-pack hero that fires healing rockets.

Direct hits give 95 health or do 70 damage to enemies. Splash damage yields 60 healing or 40 damage.

Instead of a concussion blast, you get an anti-heal blast.

When you hit the Jump Jets you Fade up into the air instead of just launching.

Edit: Also, doing damage increases jetpack resource.

I want this now. Give this to me!


These are not my current most played, but my all time:


Symms ray gun, Zens discord orb and ult, Lucios speed/heal, wallride, and boop.

That kind of mobility with the ray gun and discord orb would be super nasty.


Phara, Soldier, and Mercy

I can fly, I can sprint, I have Soldier’s rifle as my primary and Phara’s rockets as my secondary, passive self healing, I can throw down a healing field OR switch to the healing staff OR damage boost, I can Rez, and when I ult Justice Rains From Above while I Watch Over You and I’ve Got You In My Signts.


Mercy + Ana + Sombra. Hmmm, a challenge…

Let’s be simple and go with “Ghost” for a name (Dying hero + Hero who ‘died’ and came back + invisible hacker).

A cybernetically enhanced support character with a high speed, low accuracy healing rifle with partial tracking on allies.

SHIFT teleports to a targeted ally in range, with a long cooldown.
E throws a jamming device that prevents enemy ability usage in a small radius for few seconds.
ULTIMATE has a 1.75 second cast time (with 75% reduced movement speed), then causes an AOE pulse that applies slight damage reduction and amplifies the outgoing damage of nearby allies for a few seconds.

EDIT: I may have played this thread wrong…but whatever. This is my post and I’m sticking to it.

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Tracer with blink, Roadhog’s hook and gun and Mercy’s self regen.


Having checked my top 3 it is Zenrattio (Zen/Jrat/Lucio)

Meaning I can wallride and do speed boosts and self healing
but I can also heal and discord others

I leave traps and mines for enemies
and my orbs are actually high-powered bombs that explode upon impact

For an ultimate, I transcend all planes, being invulnerable though prone, meanwhile I have a devastating Rip Tire that harms enemies but gives allies a burst amount of shields upon impact

Truly I am a devastating foe, and a wise-but-maddened cinnamon roll of positivity and laughs

Doomfist, Roadhog, and Moira…

I’m pretty much an invincible one-shot machine that doesn’t have to aim to land kills. Seems like a pretty terrifying combination. :nerd_face:

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Widowmaker :spider:

weapon - widow’s kiss ( widowmaker sniper rifle) (M1) (M2)
abilities - sombra stealth ( E ), tracer blink ( SHIFT ), genji double jump, genji wall climb, sombra passive, mercy passive and symmetra teleporter ult ( Q ).

Name: McTracker

I’m a simple man.

  • I need Tracer’s blinks
  • McCree’s spread (none) and health
  • Widow’s falloff (none) and her critical multiplier.

It’s simple, effective and super balanced!

Edit: Put a name to my new main!

This is going to be so OP but you know what, it’s never happening so I can imaigine
My most played as far as I’m aware are Mercy, Rein and Reaper

So he is Sir. Mercy von Reap
The main weapon is the hammer but the alt fire makes the heal beam come out of the end of said hammer.
This tank can also put up Reins shield and has Reapers passive and shadow step ability for manuverability.

Also has a quick melee rather then just angry long swinging

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