Combine your top 3 used characters

Mercy, Dva and Tracer.

Mecha with pulse pistolts.

Can revive own Mech on 30 cd.

Ult charges the way Tracer’s ult charges but it’s a self destruct that heals allies and kills enemies.

Right click heals.


Soldier’s gun and Ultimate, Blink and Recall from Tracer, DM and passive from D.Va.
It could either be off-tank (with D.Va HP/size) or flanker (with Tracer’s HP/size).

I am sure this hero would be a blast to play against.

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Hmmm dva’s meka. symetras shield as her e in place of missiles. Baby dva would have junkrats full kit. Not op at all right? :joy:

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Reinhardt / Lucio / Mercy

Reinhardt’s Health/Armor
Reinhardt’s Primary Melee Attack
Reinhardt’s Shield on Seconardy

Lucio’s Wall Ride Passive
Lucio’s Aura with Shift to Switch Between Healing/Speed

Mercy’s Guardian Angel on E
Mercy’s Valkyrie for the Ultimate.

I shall call him Boostio!

3 most played overall… from QP or Comp? Or 3 most played characters lately?

lol just come up with something don’t be that guy😂

Alright, it’s Zarya, but she is using Ana’s player model and Soldier 76’s Pulse Rifle. Double damage pulse rifle, farming Grav in 30 seconds. Can’t hit that little granny with 400hp either.


My top 3 most played are: Mercy, Symmetra, and D.Va.

I call her C.Vatra or SyVaCy (I’m not sure which sounds worse or better)

Anyway, she has a mech like D.Va. Instead of her fusion cannons, each ‘hand’ of the mech has tether beams. Primary (Left Hand) has Mercy’s healing beam. Alt-Fire (Right Hand) has Symmetra’s Primary, damaging beam. Her “E” Ability is Symmetra’s turrets, while her “Shift” Ability is D.Va’s Boosters. Her Passives are carried over from Mercy, so she has Self-Regen as well as Angelic Descent. For her Ultimate, she uses Mercy’s Valkyrie: wherein she gains free flight with added speed for boosters. Also her beams now chain tethers to their respective targets (i.e. Team gets chain healed, while enemies get chain damage beamed.)

So… a support that has high mobility, consistant AOE heal DMG boost or Speed buff, can bring back the fallen, affect the enemies with anti-heal or put them to sleep and can negate big amounts of Burst damage

i like it :3


Reaper with jetpack shoes and granates… that solves his no mobility and range problem to be honest😂

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An invisible tank that can heal…discord AND hack you and annihilate you with a turret

Basically God himself…JEFF KAPLAN

Bastgenah (Bastion, Genji, Pharah)
Flying Bastion with a rocket launcher for his primary fire, sentry mode as secondary fire, and Dblade for ult. (yes he can still fly)

No, no, no. That’s wrong. You take Junkrat, give him Reaper’s shotguns and replace Steel Trap with Defense Matrix. Now you have mine for getting in, Rip-Tire and Reaper’s shotguns to do damage and you are DM’ing everyone.

Merimaker (Merrymaker): Mei + Orisa + Widow

R2: Orisa primary fire
R1: Barrier
L2: Cryofreeze
L1: Grappling Hook
Ult: Orisa Boingo


Tracer, Widow, Dva.

A extremely mobile Tank with recall, and a sniper mode on cool down😁

If I go by total play time in all play modes, It would be Reinhardt, Ana, Pharah.

The health of Reinhardt, the hitbox of Ana, the mobility of Pharah. I haven’t even gotten to the abilities and they are already extremely OP.


Roadhog can now leap like Winston and charge like Reinhardt. In addition to having all of his original abilities, Roadhog can now also put up a shield barrier.

An abomination.
Extra characters to get to character limit


Primary weapon - Photon Staff
Heals by shooting a beam of healing (think Zarya’s weapon). Heals 90 hp/second. When targeting enemies it will anti-heal them for the duration the beam touches them.

Secondary weapon - Photon Gun
Shoots fast rays of light at enemies (think blasters from SW). Deals 25 damage and has a speed of 50 m/s. Ammo 20.

Ability 1 - Projectile teleport
Symanercy shoots a small projectile at the enemy that teleports them back to their spawn. Cooldown 35 seconds.

Ability 2 - Damage nade
Symanercy throws a nade that increased the damage output of her allies by 30% and decreases the damage output of enemies by 30%. Duration 4 seconds, cooldown 7 seconds.

Ability 3 - Necromancy
Symanercy revives an enemy that will automatically target anyone on their team for the duration of their respawn timer. They can only use primary or secondary fire (no abilities). Necromancy has a cast time of 1 second and a cooldown of 15 seconds.

Symanercy now gains the ability to revive her allies in LoS (AoE 25 meters) for the duration of their respawn timers, after which they will immediately respawn. During this time they will all have 30% damage boost and 30% damage mitigation.

Symmercio??? Weapon charges like Symmetra’s , BUT can damage OR heal allies. Has to reload. Can speed boost like lucio, and guardian angel. Ult is the old rez
