Combat Roll 75% dmg reduction barely changed much

300% reduction would what, heal him 2x the damage took? maybe it would help sometimes lmao but its not about reactions, its predictions usually, being able to dodge stuff every now and then would definetly help him live things he normally couldnt (like getting hooked/speared for example)

Its kinda bad true, i think giving it a cooldown but greatly increasing the damage would actually make it decently useful, something like allowing headshots or something the like.

But i think this 75% dmg reduction is kinda just bad so replacing it first should be priority.

Actually, cant be point blank, he can only survive a max of 899 damage, with 1 HP left, thats the most extreme of cases though, 95% of the time it does barely anything.

Why not though, it makes sense to give him suvivability since they refuse to give him strong CC.

Come on, even if it was fully invincible, he’d still be far less durable than Reaper, Mei, Bastion, Torb, Sym…etc, it would just allow him to play on medium-close range a bit better is all.


McCassidy, to me has always been a more durable hitscan in comparison to say Soldier, since he was able to defend himself (and others) with a strong stun, the current nade pales in comparison.

Most Tanks can easily brush that off and if not, just straight up murder him in the meantime, thats really not at all a strong part of Cass’ kit.

My friend…you never play tank do you?

Just stop. That’s why everyone has been saying he sucks because you can’t just two tap majority of the roster anymore from a sniper’s range.

That is not his intended usage.

In OW1 he was an anti Genji/Tracer hero. Who dueled very well. But one clip of an OWL pro one clipping an entire team with roll, changed that.

Aim should not overcome teamwork and gamesense.

Headshots should not cancel out skill and gameplay.

He is better where he’s at. Like it or not.

Thats not what i want from him either though, invinciblity on roll doesnt make him a sniper at all, it just reinforces his durability so he can play on the medium range without exploding to basically anything as easily.

Didnt really change much if i remember correctly, that was one exceptional play by Pine on McCassidy, didn’t really make the hero meta or something the sort.

Also Headshots are part of skill and gameplay btw, they should be rewarded of course, but just being aim can be quite boring, i agree, like Widow.

He’s a bit too weak atm, i disagree, hes not quite there yet.

Though i guess hes better than just snipercree.

Well, no. But i play support and I just cant remember when I last saw a cassidy try to melt a tank with their right click.

May be I just havent really been paying attention to that one, but yeah.

This whole game is wide open sightlines. Its honestly one of the worst designed games in terms of map design I’ve ever seen.

The fall off changes are always what pushes him over the edge of balance. We’ve already seen what it does to him in OW1 and OW2. Not the right step to take.

Personally, I’d like to find a happy medium at 40 meters for max fall-off. Right now there are so many maps with long sightlines that he gets destroyed on. It’s either that or give him more mobility or a decent ult.

Any stronger and he’ll be an insane tank buster. Then people won’t play him as a backline bodyguard but as a suicidal tank husting killer with range longer than Mei/Reaper/and Sym.

Ya gotta decide on one, his problem’s either an headshot machine, a sniper or a tank buster, increasing his range doesnt make him a tank buster, nor does increasing his survivabilty.

Its range…how many tanks can match Mccree’s range right now without diving in headfirst?

Which might I remind you that hacknade is still a death sentence?

As long as he can still two tap heros more reliably then other dps under that category he should not be getting any buffs at all.

And that’a on a hitscan weapon. Making his TTK average just second to snipers…

He didn’t did need nerfs, but not to range. To his two shot potential ans how consistent it is compared to other two shots in game.

No weapon should ever be that potent.

A pretty significant amount, his utter lack of mobility considered, even Zarya can easily close the distance or just ignore him if hes too far since he doesnt do much damage.

Thats the thing though, he cant reliably two tap things all that easily anymore, so i think he kinda needs some sort of buff to make him competitive.

Here i thought u were arguing he shouldnt have strong two tap potential but now he shouldnt have gotten his two tap potential nerfed? a typo?

And if you’re saying that he did need nerfs but not to his range, again, i disagree, i think him being just another sniper is boring.

Then that’s still the Mccree player’s fault if that happens. Mccree has his roll, which prpvides more mobility than Zarya, unless she is a God at alt fire bunny hopping. Then his gun fires at a long range still than Zarya and he can stay within his effective firing ranges. Like…how is that not the Mccree’s fault that he’s not taking high ground against a Zatya or handling himself badly enough not to position correctly or time his shots when her bubbles are down? Like out of everyone a decent Mccree should be feeding her less charge than everyone else. Control your fire stop spamming it.

Yeah some typos. Its his damage that needs dropping or kore specifically the fact that his headshot multiplier may be a tad too high that its shutting down a ton of counterplay. He may have to play that way as he’s designed to be more of an area control hero, but not in the regarfs that someone can literally hold W and get 6 kills back to back because only their aim is good.

That is dumb.

Its only a 6m dash on a 6s cooldown, 1 second where Cass is forced to stand still and shes caught up, i’m not saying Zarya counters Cass, though i think shes okay against him since he doesn’t have that much range and she can bubble people getting close to him, i’m just using her as an example as an character with barely any mobility that still can often pressure him, since he cant really reposition all that easily, nor can stand his ground very well.

Cassidy is currently considered pretty weak, theres a ton of counterplay to him, he doesn’t do alot of damage so shields counter him, hes vulnerable to dive, stuns and doesn’t have enough range to be played on alot of maps and is not strong enough at close range to be played on the close ranged maps, he has no real place.

I really want Cass to be another backline defender DPS. Someone who provides an umbrella of support. Is difficult to take down, but has issues advancing or can get out ranged. Not trying to be this ashe/widow contender. He shoudl be the close-mid range hitscan that endures.

The hp buff, roll buff, reduced range, and mobility nade I enjoy as focuses towards that identity.

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This 100%, b4 he could stand his ground because a stun is a whole lot stronger than a “hindered” ability but since people dont like getting CC’d, they should then focus on buffing his survivability instead so he can stand his ground in a different way, just giving him 25 more HP though is boring though, so no other way but to keep buffing his roll i say.

Which is weird because he’s still got a high shield breaking time co.parable to soldier.

And not counting Bastion who obviously has the highest shield break time…

So…people play him as a sniper which you’ve already confessed to…but he can break shields faster than most in the roster…like wow…

Its only ever so slightly more shield break than Soldier but hes gotta roll and then also reload, its not good enough to say hes a strong shield breaker.

If a sniperish type of hero can deal that damage without a headshot multiplier then what makes you think he should have free reign shooting at everyone’s head?

Face it he’s healtier this way.

He shouldn’t, we’ve been through that, what i want is for him to have more survivability so he can play on his close to medium range without just exploding when focused, when hes easily focused, since he lacks good range and mobility.

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