Combat Roll 75% dmg reduction barely changed much

So yes, I’d be okay with i-frames, but I don’t think they’re the only option for making Roll feel better as an evasive tool.

I’m probably being too cautious there, but I’m also already years deep into being jaded about all the other parts of the Ability that they still refuse to fix for some reason :stuck_out_tongue:

(if it makes you feel any better, Workshop script to just give him Phased-Out Status frames on Combat Roll startup feels really good! if you make your own preset I recommend trying it out)

Oh it works, it just takes skill which is awesome. The second you survive a pulse bomb is when you are gonna see the real power of the roll lol. No lie it feels like I’m playing dark souls and I’m loving it.

guy combat rolls one pulse bomb across 10 games and thinks combat roll is awesome lol

Kinda find it annoying that the cowboy survives 600hp damage.

Its already like that , btw.

As for the timing thing, well, it is how it is really, everything is already decided by your ping pretty much, just gotta adjust to it or randomly time it at some point, theres alot you cant really react to anyways so its alright.

Yeah, i did, once or twice last few months, very useful if i say so myself. -s (it was possible even with 50% dmg reduction (350 x 0.5 = 175) you lived with 25-50 HP

No, its not good at all, look at you dmg mitigated in average then tell me thats an useful thing to have (mind you Dmg mitigation also comes from Deadeye)

Souls games have I-frames on their roll btw, it would actually be like playing Dark Souls if it had i-frames.

:nerd_face: Achtually he can survive up to 899 dmg in those 0.5s and have 1 HP left, doesnt make it all that useful anyways.

You can give him 300% reduction and it won’t change anything, especially when it lasts lower than average elo player reaction time to shoot that cree :rofl:

imo they should just rework his right click. it must be the most useless ability in the game currently

Iframes = CC immunity. Which means you can use it to self-cleanse various situations.

  • You could get rid of hack debuff and virus damage.
  • Remove dynamite dot.
  • You might be able to use it to evade flux initial pull.
  • It can be used to on the spot evade shatter.
  • It can more reliably escape rein charges to avoid the suck.
  • You might even be able to roll over junk traps.
  • Evade roadhog hook on demand at 20m out.
  • Remove JQ anti-nade
  • Roll out of mei slow/freeze.
  • Shrug off sticky bombs.
  • Self clear bionade

There are honestly several situations where you can avoid lethal damage on 75% dmg red, but full immunity dramatically opens up the doors. There are situations where you can inadvertently evade linger hitboxes that were accidental.

I have honestly always wanted an invincible combat roll like in fighting games. It doesn’t’ need to be the full duration, but having the option would be very neat for a defensive oriented hero.

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I miss Glassidy. Turning him into an off tank is so boring! I want his revolver to feel like a revolver. Not to survive bombs.

I’ve always seen Cassidy as the backline defender type of DPS. Chills with his backline offering options when people get close. At least, this was true when he had flashbang and fan the hammer combo.

I enjoy him being a hero that provides chip damage at range, but ultimately tries to deny diver/flanker heroes with increased bulk, survivability, and mag nade to prevent diver escapes. The problem to me is he is still squishy.

Tanks roll over him. Only Torbjorn/Reaper/Mei have the bulk to stand up to tanks with a little bit of healing. In many ways, he still gets killed by flankers rather frequently since 225hp and no other defensive increases make him easy to burst.


Are you kidding me it lets him survive dva ult point blank

The problem with Cassidy is just that they do not commit to anything. Everything is half baked, they inch one direction or the other. They are too afraid of alienating his current players, but they also want to steer him toward what you are describing.

I believe they should just rip the bandaid off. I am obviously a little biased because they are ruining characters I used to adore left and right and I am just tired of all this “anticipation.” But I think they just go at it and redesign him.


I’d even say give him the full 250hp and invincible combat roll at this point lol

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Combat Roll 75% dmg reduction barely changed much

Was it supposed to change much? I don’t think it was, sounds like fan fiction to me.

Should it cleanse? No. Should it make him completely invincible? No.

I hate this idea of DPS players getting an offtank option in Mccree, but hey it gives more options to them and promotes an active teamwork playstyle of being an anti flanker type dps.

While many dps players hate this aspect, I welcome it since it opens up more variety and changes up game states for more experiences in game.

So its an increase to the game experience as a whole while limiting the oppressive poke sniper meta we’ve been stuck in for so long.

I mean one of the large amounts of reaspns behind Bastion and Orisa being meta right now is the fact that they can combat poke/sniper.

Sadly its in conjunction with the insane utility and healing rates the support roster offers as well.

Remember! Mccree has always played best as the anti flanker type who then takes that angle for his own counter flank strat.

He was never designed with a pure offensive nature. People just abused that part of him.

It melts a tank in like 2 seconds assuming you have roll off cd…

i guess thats theoretically possible but i pretty much never see a cassidy rolling into a tank and rightclicking them into death.

Really because i see it very often