Combat Roll 75% dmg reduction barely changed much

Wonder if full on invincibility would be balanced, maybe even cleanse him?

Since hes supposed to be a more durable character instead of having range, giving him more survivability like this i think should be good.


Just give him back a little of his fall-off range. That’s all. He works as a backline bodyguard. The problem is that he sucks anywhere with decent sightlines.


But then he starts playing too much like Ashe/other hitscans, i think giving him a somewhat close/medium range hybrid playstyle is more interesting, so we dont have so much overlap and survivability is kinda needed for that.


True, I don’t want him taking Ashe or other hitscans places. I just think his last fall-off nerf was too harsh and leaves him struggling on too many maps. I don’t want a revert, but something as small as 5 meters back would at least make him more useable.

Either that or we FINALLY give him a decent ult.

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There are other ways to make him viable without relying on range, on OW1 often he was viable because having a close ranged stun is really strong, his current nade pales in comparison to Flashbang.

But since stun is kinda annoying to play against and kinda boring, the answer should be making him more durable then, also works on helping him play on more riskier ranges so i think it fits and is not so boring as to just give him 25 more HP as well.

I think they should at least try giving his roll .5s of invulnerability instead of just damage reduction and if its still not enough, then also make it cleanse him.

Now, Deadeye also kinda sucks but i rather have characters be viable cuz of their base kit instead of ults so let it for now.

Roll into suzu into immortality field, sounds fun

Fits right in, right? But it is how it is, being invulnerable is just the best way to live in this game when alot of stuff just straight up kills you if you get hit, at least its only .5s of self invulnerability, should be ok.

75 dmg reduction already lets him survive burst damage ults, why would total invinsibility even make a difference

Effects, doesnt help at all when you just get stunned, pulled, anti, slept, knocked back, etc.

Also some stuff even if you survive leave you way too low anyways, being fully invulnerable helps that.

As a note, my post was sarcastic

I know (or assumed so), i was just rolling (heh, get it) with it.

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75% damage reduction is already pushing the limit on a hero who is largely supposed to be a “do-or-die” type of character. Granted, he is a glass cannon and general damage - even at 75% reduction - barely amounts to much that wouldn’t put him in critical already, but I don’t see how invincibility is going to help here when Roll is still, kinda tricky to hit for the general player.

They could always just widen his hitbox and make his shots a little easier to hit, that would be a better boost to his survival than anything else, really.

the main issue with buffing him to 30m is that hes basically a sniper on his own. sure he cant 1 shot but he can 2 tap really fast

we had this problem many years ago where they buffed his range up from his normal 20m and he dominated for a short bit until they reverted it.

on most maps he becomes a more dominate widowmaker because he has an ability he can use to bully dive heroes. now its different then flash bang but that nade is still scary to like a tracer or genji

It really isnt pushing all that many limits imo, if i look at average dmg mitigation on most Cassidys from my experience and replays, its barely on the 200s even on a full on one tricking round, there are some very fringe scenarios like a full on point blank bomb where you might say its somewhat useful but like 90% or more cases it does barely anything.

Invincibility in the other hand, makes it so its possible to dodge effects, like crowd control and anti-healing wich would widen its uses significantly more.

You mean make him bigger so hes easier to get hit? and widen his hitscan hitbox? i disagree with both of those changes, hitscan is already plenty easy to aim with, thats not the issue there and why would make him bigger to hit help him at all?

It’s funny i saw a cassidy just do a roll and survived tire which he normally won’t. It’s so ridiculous.

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Nah, I agree. He needs to be thiccer. The rise of cASSidy… Or McCheeks.


Once every full moon its somewhat useful, nothing to right home about, that should leave him with around 75 HP btw, a sneeze off death.

Yup, indeed, just widen his bottom half, when he ults, just like that Widow feature they took out, the perfect Deadeye buff, distract the enemies with the thyacc.

Actually just meant making his shots easier to hit, not make him bigger.

Ya gotta back that fanny up.

Hard disagree on this one, his hitscan is already good enough, its not about how hard it is to hit, its that when you do hit, it just doesnt do enough damage or you cant get on ranges to do significant damage, they really shouldn’t start increasing hitscan sizes, we end up with a game no one whiffs, we dont want that (look at Illiari).

Can’t you roll and live a dva bomb now?
I’m pretty sure that’s already a bit much for a non ult.