Combat Roll 75% dmg reduction barely changed much

I agree…but that would be determined un his grenade which I hate…and roll is already turning inti a weird duck for cover ability which is mainly used just for the reload.

If he was somehow forced to alt fire after the roll it would really establish the need to use it at close ranges rather than a sniper’s instant reload hack.

The change here would also teach players to start playing him at his effective range rather than the pinpoint assassin he’s often seen as by players.

I think forcing FTH after roll limits the character too much, leave the option open, dont force it, what he needs is for roll to actually help in more situations, 75% damage reduction only helps in very specific situations, when you’re incetivized to roll preemptively anyways, just take a look at the Dmg mitigation stat on Cassidy players and you’ll see how little that does to him (mind you that stat also comes from Deadeye, since that also mitigates damage)

FTH (alt fire) i think could get a small buff too but imo roll invincibility is more interesting, so that should be first.

Interesting take. Although I’m pretty sure adding more invincibility to the game would only anger other players right now.

I do agree it would help give him an identity as the dodgey cowboy he is and fits into his fantasy as a hero, but currently supports already provide this utility way too often.

We’ll have to see the support nerfs first before I can decisively agree to this completely.

I for one think since they already went there with Suzu and what not, why not just lean into it at this point, Kiri gets an invul, Cass gets an invul, you get an invul, everyone gets an invul.

Also it just makes sense, one of the only good ways to survive some cooldowns in this game is to be fully invulnerable, no two ways about it.

I also doubt the supposed support nerfs are going to make Cass any better, if not worse since hes so dependent on his supports.

Lean into Fan the Hammer as it was at launch… full primary damage per shot :relieved:

I think if they buffed it, i’d like to see its randomness go mostly away, less spread, headshot capability but a 6 second cooldown, though i prefer if they gave him more survivability instead since its a more broad thing.

Honestly, roll being an invincibility frame seems like an amazing choice that would give him one high skill tool. It should not be reduction, it should be essentially a few frames of “wraith”

That way you can do stuff like dodging a grav if you roll right, dodge blade, dodge, anti, etc. Feels appropriate.

He’d get essentially the dark souls roll.