Colorblind Setting Inconsistencies on Console, when Compared to PC (Post-1.37 Update)

As it’s been over 8 months since the colorblind options were implemented to the live versions of the game, there’s still many issues with the Colorblind Settings available on Console. This list is here just to name a few of them.

  • Infra-Sight
    • This same inconsistency is also true with Widowmaker’s Venom Mine and Hanzo’s Sonic Arrow as well.
    • Also worth to note that this inconsistency on the PC Version was addressed while it was on the PTR. However, it’s not there on the Console versions.

I’m sure that there are others that I may likely have missed as well, but however I’m not sure of ones.

I’d like to note as well that I’m not the first person to have posted about these. They’ve been posted over a dozen times before I made this thread, but no response has been given, neither has it been documented in such. Can we get these inconsistencies fixed please?

I’ve brought these up several times before, but they still haven’t been addressed, even in the 1.37 patch. The list is smaller now since the ones mentioned in the previous thread that aren’t in this one have been fixed as of the 1.37 patch that went live today.

Post 1.36 update
Post 1.35 update
Post 1.34 update


Sym’s Photon barrier is just a mess on both PC and Console when u change UI color -_-

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I’m super happy they finally fixed the UI bugs on console…there’s still a lot lf issues but I’d just happy it finally got recognized. My expectations are so low when it comes to console support from Blizz :cold_sweat:

Hopefully the other bugs get fixed soon… the healthpack one in particular is super damaging

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For what it’s worth, Photon Barrier at least does have the same appearance across the platforms. Unlike the cases listed in this thread, where you can see a clear and obvious difference. It should go without say which one of those is the correct appearance too, since the platform with the correct appearance is also the only one that has access to the PTR…

(As a note, I did test the issues listed in this thread once I was able to. So don’t be deceived by the videos being 2+ months old, as they are still around even now)

Also the color of Shields and Mei Walls don’t change on console but they do on PC.

Umm… They don’t change on PC either. Otherwise, the test that I just did would have my Shields and Mei Walls as Red. They were still very clearly blue.

edit: I apparently can’t include links in my posts, so: imgur. com/a/ eaMmpEG
Highlighting issues: players not shown on scoreboard, highlighting the wrong player.
Also color inconsistency: sometimes the hitmarkers are white, sometimes they are ally-team-color.
The latter happens not only in custom games, in competitive too, all the time.
I know this isn’t the exact post, but the color-blind system is broken and has been since release.

A tip for images/albums: When you are unable to post links, a way you can bypass it is by using pre-formatted text. You can do it with Ctrl+Shift+C, or with 2 grave symbols as well, with the text in between said grave symbols (``).
What it looks like and the text to your imgur album:

Anyways, if such a case is true on PC, then it might also be on true on Console as well. I for one have seen enemies being in my friendly team color and vice versa as well (on both PC and Console). While I am aware of such issues, they are not documented in this thread because of it being the case on all platforms. The issues listed in this thread are only for the inconsistencies between the PC and Console platforms (where one, and only one, platform’s case is very obviously wrong. Also for practical cases, XB1 and PS4 are being considered as the same platform for this thread. If it’s true on one Console platform, then it’s likely true for the other one as well). For example, take a look at the Hacked Health Packs inconsistency in this thread; it’s these kind of inconsistencies that I’m trying to get addressed.

My logic is that if these issues ever get a chance to be addressed, it will be done with other issues related to the colorblind system as well. Thus, I’m trying to spread the info. Thx for the tip on the albums.