Climbing report (bronze - GM)

I did that, it’s damn easy. So easy to exploit the whole team and yours. Sadly played in silver and bronce with my other account with Rein, don’t know what Matchmaker thought I would do there. Happened again on this account.
Rein takes a lot of gamesense and as these low ranked players don’t have that, it’s easy to exploit that missing gamesense damn easy.

I see, you SR gains and losses are leveling down to 22-24. That means, you are probably at “your” rank now. Am I right?

Not exactly, usualy i am high plat. Its just i didnt play good these games or i didnt have opportunity to play good because of team comp, meaning last game was 5 dps for example so its harder to have good performance if you compete with 4 other dps. It really depends on situation, sometimes i gain even 28 sr at 2800 sr.

But yeah i am getting closer so sr gains will not be that high anymore probably. But i dont want to stop at my main acc elo. I would still like to go up. It will just be slower and i will be occasionaly asking for vod reviews on this forum :slight_smile:

Idk about 2800, but in game 79 you have gained so much SR for insane stats. I mean, compare them to stats in game 81 or in game 84. Game 79 was not a typical game, even your accuracy was 14% and 11%higher, than in games 81 and 84. I wonder, what caused the difference.

Hey, I am here with another update. I was streaming my session this time. I started by doing arcade “Gauntlet” and ended up first 4 times in rown :slight_smile: I knew I was ready at the point hehe.

My competitive games are starting at time 37:00 and actualy one of my best friends in OW wanted to joined me. Even when we almost always lose games together for some unknown reason we teamted up for two games. He was on alt acc as me but not far from his elo(he is plat-low diamond player)

Game number 86
Dorado map. I picked tank Roadhog for the team because people already picked dps heroes. We were doing ok to the moment when team mates started to acting weird, our orisa guy started typing and basicly feed and then switched to torb for no reason. We pushed payload close to the end.

Me and my friend picked both dps in defend. I really wasnt in mood to play tank for others who dont comunicate and do dumb decisions. I was playing as Soldier and him as McCree. I think we did good, but I picked widowmaker to deal with enemy widow at one point. Later my friend picked hanzo and I switched to McCree to deal better with hamster and we won.

Game number 87 - Watchpoint Giblaltar
Me any my friend both picked dps again, he was Pharah and I was soldier. Our team pretty much steamrolled enemy team with pretty long fight at the end of payload route. Someone on enemy team said that smurfs as us are making game unenjoable for bleps like them. But we were only like 200 300 SR max from our main accounts SR. So as you can see even that SR range is noticable in plat. I dont know why everyone is saying gold and plat is the same. As someone who played in all ranks from bronze to diamond, I can safely say that every rank, even every 200 SR is difference in gameplay. Enemy team could not reach even first point of payload btw and we won.

Game number 88 - Hanamura
My friend had to go so I was doing this game solo. I was playing as Soldier and we captured both points with 3:15 minutes left. Enemy team did critical mistake in defending second point. They switched Orisa to Hammod to stall the point where we almost had it. They actualy defended it but forgot to pick Orisa back and they had no shield so it was easy for next push. Enemy team wasnt able to capture first point, we had very good defense.

Game number 88 - Lijiang Tower
Oh god, I dont like this map so much. I was playing Reaper and Pharah, and tried doomfist in last few seconds of round 3 but we lost the match. I was playing average probably, not so good.

I called it off after that game, because I was tired and my friend wasnt comming back anyway. This sessioh was good I would say, gained +54 SR after 4 games.

Here is link to my stream with these games.

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Cool you are keeping track of your games. I just watched a few minutes of this video. From that these are my takeaways.

1: You are impatient with your shots. You rather shoot quickly and miss rather than take the extra moment to line up a direct hit. Even in case where a widow is not looking at you and standing still, you shoot too fast and do a body shot instead of getting the free kill.
2: You don’t know when to back out of an engagement when the odds do not favor you. And in some cases, when you do, you back the wrong way. This leads to an unhealthy amount of deaths.
3: You get toxic with your friend about your teammates. Relax man it’s a video game. When you stop focusing so much on your teammates and focus on yourself you will not only improve faster, you will have a better time playing.

In short, you do look like a plat player to me (which you have already said anyway). You will have a lot of improving to do on your journey to GM.

Hey, really thanks for feedback.

  1. I agree with impatience, i definitely notice that too. Usualy when i am under preassure i tend to miss a lot more.

  2. sometimes i have feeling as I can benefit from even risky situations which would fail higher in ranks. Something stupid done in diamond can work flawlessly in gold and partialy in plat. Its more like adaptation on rank i am actualy in. I do stupid stuff when its working as i climb. When its not workingb
    i stop doing it slowly. I would use junkrat trap for example. In low rank i will place mine +trap ooutside of spawn because there is like 90% chance it will work. While being higher i would not do that because good zarya will take charge from it and they woukd know i have junk before round starts.

  3. I know i should focuse on myself, but sometimes I just cant help it when i feel like having bad team mates. The friend i was playing with it is commenting others who are not doing their job often. He is little bit toxic sometimes and he knows that :slight_smile:. When I play with someone like that i tend to be on the same wave. I mean he will say sombra is doing nothing so i will most likely say yeah and agree, even when i maybe dont agree with it somewhere deep inside or i know i should not focus on others . Its not excuse i am not saint either. Just saying how i act and my friend is great guy :slight_smile: . Generaly speaking i noticed i play usualy better when doing solo q. I feel under preassure much more when playing with friends.

Anyway good for feedback again and yeah i know i have a lot to improve :smile:

Ov is crap. Matchmaking is a living hell… for gamers… most of them… 88%.

Hello, I am here with another update. I played again few more games in two blocks and I was streaming them.

I started by checking LFG if there is something interesting I could join. Didnt find anything, just deranking groups and groups consisted of russians and french people. I wish we have better LFG as US has :frowning: .

I decided to play solo then and my first game number 89 on gibraltar was victory. I remember I was frustrated in game number 90, I had feeling like I was doing a lot but my team wasnt. I mean I dont blame them but I just had that feeling and enemy team was targeted me a lot with their ultimates too. Game number 91 was same, again I thought I was doing good job but we lost because of others. Our zen was drunk and i guess it affected his play a lot. Just a very bad game. We were demolished in our attack round. I could not do anything to make us win.

Next game was number 92, I played widowmaker and I just could not hit anything honestly. Enemy team pushed payload almost to the end, where I saved it with switching to Bastion probably. I didnt play good this match and I felt like being carried by my team, we won.

Game number 93 was victory too, but I again felt like not doing good job. Game number 94 was Nepal map and we ended up with 2:1, again Victory. Game 95 was another Victory. I actualy joined LFG game and we played as full stack. We won but I am pretty sure we would lost that game because enemy team was simply better and they had leaver.

Here is the link for my games:

I dediced to play again later that night and stream again. I found group in LFG and our first map was canceled, second map(game 96) we went in was Eichenwalde. Wasnt really good, I was dying way too often doing stupid mistakes. We lost the match. I felt little bit better in next match(game 97) on Busan map. We won 2:1 and someone even said “well played soldier”. As you can imagine I was the soldier, I played him and mcree most of my games in this game session/day. My last game of the evening was game number 98 (Route 66 map ). We pretty much steamrolled enemy team, it was a great game :slight_smile:

Here is the link for these games:

As I said above, I didnt have good feeling from my play most of my games, but I think I did well in my last two games. In overall I climbed +100 SR in one day of playing which is good I would say. If anyone want to comment my gamplay, feel free to do it, but I know I am doing plenty of stupid mistakes and I know them exactly. But I am still climbing, correcting mistakes in my play will be slow process, I am sure I will not fix some things in like 5 games.

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Last two games were good :slight_smile:

GJ on the climb ! here is just a quick observation from me :

I watched a small clip of your last game ( soldier eichen ) and IMO what will now give you the biggest boost in skill (eventually SR) is just grinding mechanics in FFA tryhard servers. Just play like 5 games as soldier every time you log on before you hit comp.

It will train your reflexes, aim, movement, cooldowns and spacing / positioning in fights. ( getting flashbanged and hooked for example as a soldier is BIG nono).

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Thanks :slight_smile:

Hey thx for tip, i actually often do few ffa before playing comp, just switched to gaunlet recently because I am almost every time above the line so easy wins ::grin:

Not sure when i will play more, because we have high temperatures this week so i cant play games like ow which will heat up my pc and me :slight_smile:

Anyway, i was thinking about heroes i will be playing and I will maybe switch to different ones to go higher. I feel like i am starting to be burned out on hitscan heroes. I have on them like 800 hours or something and i have feeling that i cant be much better with them. I was in low Diamond with soldier and McCree few seasons ago and i think its my cap mechanicaly on them. Aim wise.

But new buffed McCree looks good, maybe i will try him after change and then decide. It would be good opportunity to climb if he will be little bit op.

If i dont count new mcree i was thinking about maining Orisa/bastion,because bunker comp is still strong and orisa will be buffed too. And i will add zen as support.

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Seen you play McCree today, impressive. Looking good indeed.

Keep them comming !

Hey, I am here with new update.

I was streaming again. I did like 4 games before straming on different account with 3 friends to warmp up, because i wasnt playing OW practicaly whole week.

Later that day I started streaming. I decided to warm up again and did one game in FFA and i won with first place by playing McCree. It wasnt my intention to play him in comp this time but i like to keep my mcree skill in shape and ready for his buff.

After that i felt ready for comp. My first game was route 66 where i was playing bastion, i had some issues with turning around because i recently adjusted my sens to go back to my old one. I am still testing sens around 6 and i am still not happy :frowning:. We won the game but it wasnt that easy.

I found duo in LFG for next match. It was junkertown and i was playing widowmaker soldier and bastion. Wasnt easy game, both teams pushed payload to the end but we won in next rounds. Group felt apart, not sure why because i think i did good job and we won.

I was playing next game solo again. I was playing soldier mccree and widowmaker on hanamura map and we were victorious. I think team didnt like me playing widow but i would have to rewatch it. I am not sure if that was this game. Cant do ot now since i write this on my phone.

Pretty good gaming session i would say. 1 place in FFA and 3 won comp games. I went from 2681 to 2758 averaging +26 sr for game. And i am in mid plat range after this :slight_smile:

If you want to see and read more , react so i can post another update next time :slight_smile:

Here is link to my streamed games:

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Give me your deets and I’ll pull your account out of gold on livestream

Well, i basicly did that in this topic :smile:

Watched some of your soldier game. I don’t know why you keep running past health packs for no apparent reason then proceed to waste your healing ability to heal yourself. You could just take 1 step to the side to grab a pack while you’re running from destination A -> B (happens on multiple occasions).

Your biggest problem from what I can see however is your positioning. You have a tendency to stand in wide open spaces where multiple enemies can see & shoot you (and they do). In all these instances, you could be standing a few steps to the right or left to isolate targets so the whole enemy team doesn’t shoot at you, thereby increasing your survivability.

Your aim seems good enough for diamond if you work on your positioning.


I agree, positioning and movement are probably your weakest points right now.

Because overwatch has no movement acceleration ( unlike most other fps games ) having good A-D-A-D skills is about as important as having good aim.

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I climbed from 1532 to 4244, almost entirely solo queue… played mercy to diamomd, and ana afterwards. Wish i had it recorded, but thats like 800 hours of gamplay


That would be great if it was recorded or even parts of it but thats awsome! Gj