Climbing report (bronze - GM)

Hey, I decided to get better at heroes I practicaly never played before. Created new account, placed high bronze (7xloss 1 draw 2x win) and sadly lost next few games while playing mostly Hammond so I ended up in mid bronze. I thought I will get better at him too but I cant play that hero, just cant… my skill with him is 500 bronze honestly. Since people here still talking about rigged matchmaking or inability to climb a lot and I see this stuff more and more in here, I started recording my games to maybe show them reality how Its possible to climb for someone who is not GM. I will try to explain some things I did in games, occasionaly tips how I climb or what helped me to win games. I will not be skipping any game, I dont have problems to show you my bad games where I played like garbage.

Maybe you will say that I am evil smurf, destroying games for others. Maybe I am, i will not defend myself but I honestly created new account to get better at certain heroes I am bad at and maybe find new main hero, who knows. I will most likely play dps if possible, but I have no problem to flex to support or tanks for team. For anyone asking why I dont learn heroes in qp: I hate quickplay.

My goal is to reach Grandmaster rank… someday lol, if ever. I will be posting 1 game every day most likely, probably in same time ±. Well, I will if people will be interested to see my games and will be posting in this topic so i can add new info here.

My first phase is to learn new heroes and climb with them into gold, then I will see if I will continue with my main heroes or with someone new. I was always hitscan player, but recently I am trying to move into projectile category. I am open to criticism and coaching. Feel free to roast me.

From start I decided to play on both servers EU and US to show how they are different. And its definitely noticable if you will watch my games.

I made some rules for me:

1) Never tilt (After I lost some games in bronze today I tilted, but only inside :D, you will not hear me do it on mic haha)
2) Never blame others(if we lose, I will think what I could do better)
3) Be nice to others every time
4) Not forcing anyone to switch or go voice chat , but it doesnt mean I cant ask them to do that nicely
5) Not telling others what to do most of times. I have been doing it a lot in past, it was working but I am tired of it honestly. Randoms dont listen often anyway.
6) I will be playing solo, grouping up only with randoms I met in this journey.
7) I prefer dps for now, but if team need tank or support or if someone ask me to take them, I will.

The heroes I am trying to get better with are (reach gold with them):

DPS: - Genji, Hanzo, Doomfist
Tanks - Roadhog, Winston, Orisa,, Reinhardt
Support - Moira, Ana, Briggita, Lucio, Baptist

Here is my game number one, next one tomorrow:

Map: Hollywood
SR: 1133
Server: EU
Heroes played: Symetra
Result: Victory +45 SR
Time: 9:14 minutes

I wanted to pick hanzo, but he was alredy taken, so I picked Symetra. She is not on my list of heroes, I almost never played her but I decided to try her too. Sometimes I will play heroes who are good on certain maps(or I will pick them for fun :D) even when they are not on my list of heroes. This was the case. There is not much to tell about the match. We didnt let them them take first point and won.

Our comp was ok, 2 2 2. No communication practicaly.

If any Symetra player will look at this I aplogize because I played really dumb. I had no clue where to place turrets, when to prefer left or right clik or how and when to use teleport ability :slight_smile:

Next game tomorrow, I will be able to post maybe even two games, not sure yet. I already played like 15 games today so i have enough of them to post actualy now.


Honestly would be more impressive to see u go bronze to gm on mercy only never switching to ur best hero and when u cant play mercy play another healer lucio or moria but ONLY heal and ult as needed. And SOLO que only as well But no dpsing. See how u climb then now THAT would be impressive and prove that anyone can climb. :slight_smile:


When I did mercy one trick.

But its not from bronze, because on that new account I was placed into low platinum. I eventualy climbed into 2890, but climbing with mercy is honestly so hard.

I did climbed with mercy a lot seasons ago from silver or bronze i believe, but I wasnt recording that.

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I’m a DPS main and I have soloQ’d bronze accounts to masters with off tanks.

Play your role better than your counterpart on the other team and you’ll win games, DPS or not. Land more hooks, apply better bubbles, heal better, land more sleep darts/anti grenades, discord key targets, use trance/beat when it matters, etc.


i would say that glimbing up with Rein from ~800 sr to 2000 would be nice to see, personally i love play Rein but i suck at him, so i like to see how that could happen from better player.

But you can make big plays and get big numbers with off tanks.

Sure, Lucio can swing games (I had 67% win rate with him last season), but he just doesn’t have the same carry potential as a damage dealer. In a few comp games I’ve had to swap off Lucio to go Dva and actually get frags.

you get get well past bronze on hammond by just spinning in circles on objective so you must have something wrong other than not being able to play him well. Hell you can get to plat by just spinning.

I think it was last season but there was a Lucio player who had 3 accounts in the top 4. Lucio can absolutely carry. Help your team speed in on engagements the enemy can’t escape, speed your team out of losing engagements they can’t win, speed your team back to the fight where you’d otherwise not touch the objective and lose, almost infinite stall potential, great mobility, one of the best ults in the game, can duel dps and win due to survivability, and more. Lucio is one of the best heros in the game.


Yeah. Funny Astro. I’ve subbed to Twitch streams channel on YouTube just to watch his plays. Eskay us another fave Lucio that I follow.

But, he’s a force multiplier. All the stuff about engagements, speeding the team in, escaping lost fights. This is all advanced diamond plus stuff. 6v6 and resets very rarely happens at low ELO.

In my games at 2500+ I can try to do these things. When I’m playing at super low Sr my “team” is a bunch of super disorganised feeders that don’t know anything about initiating, or especially escaping, fights.

When I was stuck in silver, and didn’t fancy dpsing my way up, I used Lucio as a mobile skirmishers helping my team to win the many separate duels across the map that occur at that level. I recall managing 22 and 15 kill streaks, zero deaths in a couple of those games.

You know what? Rein is among my heroes I need to get better so why not, I can try to play him more if you are interested to see my games. But I have more games prerecorded already, I will try to play him now, do few games.

Here is my game number 2:

Map : Dorado
SR : 1178
Server: EU
Heroes played : Hanzo
Result: Victory +38 SR
Time: 11:27 minutes

I was kind of suprised when I rewatched my game back just now, because our team consisted of 6 individuals while enemy team was 6 stack and I was playing in peak hours in Europe.

When we were attacking we had 3 dps, including my hanzo, and two tanks, one of them rein, good comp to me in attack but I was ready to switch if things went badly.

Enemy team had pretty bad positioning as you can see at start and it was reason why they lost first fight. You can see this positiining very often in bronze, people just standing too close to spawn and not using high ground so its one of the things people in bronze need to fix. I most definitely carried attack round.

As you can see at time 6:25, my team is taking same bad positions on low ground, not understanding why enemy team lost first fight because of it. As one of my rules is to be more passive, I didnt tell them were to go, they would hardly listen anyway. Enemy zarya played kind of strange because she was often solo not going with team. I was able to hunt down enemy team from high ground and they pretty much ignored me there. Only Moira occasionaly throwed orb there and once even killed me while I wasnt watching my HP :slight_smile:

Enemy team didnt push to first point and we won.


I would greatly appreciate this :slight_smile:

Um ok i know that. But my point is that its not impresive for some pro to rank up from bronze-gm usimg dps or even tank as all of those can played as a dps. Do it with mercy and THAT will prove us all wrong and show thay ANYONE can rank up. Everyone knows of u do a better dps then everyone else dos u will rank up cuz that this game favors dps and good mechanical skill with a little awareness mixed in (favoring more mechanical skill more) but if u solo qued as mercy every game from bronze to GM that would be impresive and would prove something :slight_smile:

Look, i am not even diamond on my main acc right know so i cant really say its possible or not to do solo q mercy only bronze to gm. I did experiment like this before. I will try to look if i did record something but i believe i didnt. It definitely wasnt problem to climb from bronze to gold. I started to have problems around 2500. I could not break that elo for some time so i stopped with my solo q only challenge and played other heroes there. Most visible problem I had in 2500 was that in EU people generaly comunicate less and will not care about you. Peeling is practicaly non existent while flankers around 2500 will start to hunt you down a lot. And as mercy, i felt like i cant do anything to change outcome sometimes, just felt powerless a lot of times. But hey, I am not gm mercy and i could not use super jump effectively. And what i did was solo challenge. There is no reason to not group up with good dps or tanks or use lfg to have people who will peel for you. I am pretty sure i could go much higher i just simple didnt have time for it to have 400 hours on mercy you know. I like to play many heroes not one.

Anyway i was grinding games in the weekend, played like 40 of them so far, everything is recorded. As the other guy requested in here, i was playing a lot of reinhardt. I would like to post another update this evening. I will post more games at once. Posting one game per day would take forever since i played already 40 lol.

I would be glad if you reply to this so i can do update later today.

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Here’s a reply for you then…

Watched SVBs support pick video. His opinion on Mercy us that she’s only really good if playing with a 5 dps comp scattered all over the map. Otherwise another support will generate more value.

I watch Animetic vids, and she’s got all the super jump tech, etc, down. But I do see a lot of times where she’s pocketing someone, or even ulting, and team mates still melt to enemy fire.

Not sure what her owl pick rate is. I suspect single figures.

Or rein but he’s not allowed to use his hammer. Or phara but not allowed to fly?

What’s your point? That if op can climb to gm despite throwing that means everyone can? Well not everyone can and thinking that climbing means being carried is definitely not one of the proven methods…

Yeah, this is kind of like, really stupid. Limiting what someone could do to that extent really won’t show much more than normal hero-restriction limitations do. Biggest sabotage i’ve done to myself was using a gamecube controller, got to diamond before i got bored. Main point of it was to show that good aim is not necessary to climb.

I have really no clue how you did it :smile: , when i tried ps controller i dropped like stone to bronze . Accuracy went down like -40%. Only hero i didnt feel like i am being useless was mercy.

Maybe you dont need aim but turning around on controller is so slow. Maybe i didnt set it right, idk.

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Yes, but I don’t play mercy. Never have, never will.

A few months ago I got a bronze account and got to mid gold doing DPS only Ana. No healing for anyone but myself. Not only is Ana a low damage hero, but it meant taking one of the best hero’s in the game away from my team.

I’ve done similar experiments with DPS I’ve never played before and get to within a couple hundred SR of my main where I only play my best hero’s. My point is, the system is really efficient at getting you where you belong. Not everyone is capable of climbing, but if you deserve it you will. This isn’t a game where you can just play it a lot and climb. You have to be good at it, mechanically and with game sense, positioning, ult usage, etc.

See thats ompresive to me u made it to plat with mercy only? (From bonze silver or gold?) Fact that u got stuck there shows that part of ranking up has do deal with ur teammates AS WELL as your personal skill. Good on you. I say solo que just because a ok mercy can sometimes que with a high gm and jist pocket them and get carryed all the way to gm easy…but sol que u cant do that. I too hit the plat wall myself because of mechanical issues i have (more physical ailment) and only partly because of my teamates but i would say its mostly on me and my “skill” that holds me there. But good work.

You need high sens. PS4 starts at 30. I’ve gradually moved up to 71. I’m aiming to do about 1 sens per fortnight until I reach 100.