Climbing report (bronze - GM)

Ana, Zen and Lucio can carry HARD if you know how to reach for and make win conditions. As a general rule; if you want to “carry” games, you can’t be a heal bot. Make more plays, force a win condition rather than waiting for one.

I’ve climbed out of 800 SR and now in Diamond. Idk what else to tell you besides I got better. Obviously I still suck, and if I want to climb I need to keep telling myself I lack things so I can work on them.

In 4+ years I’ve yet to win a single game. It’s not possible for me to improve enough to even do damage to another player, much less kill them, or even farther less actually have a chance to win a game.

Another 5 games.

Here is my game number 20:

Map : Volskaya Industries
SR : 1535
Server: US
Heroes played : Reinhardt/Roadhog/Genji/McCree/Tracer
Result: Defeat -21 SR
Time: 26:05 minutes

It was over pretty quick, enemy team had good Doomfist and our dps could not kill him, I did feed and had very bad ES. Just not really good round overall for everyone in our team i guess.

I asked our dps if they want to switch if they have troubles to deal with doomfist, no answer. We had really chaos in picks at start and we went out as 3 tanks, 2 sup and 1 dps. Anyway I ended up on Roadhog and I did nothing first round, my team captured first point completely without me. Since we still had Zarya+Rein I switched to Genji. I could not do a lot because enemy doomfist was focusing me every time when I tried to deal with Ashe on high ground. So I switched again , this time to mcree to have something better tfor dealing with doomfist and ashe. After two attempts I switched to tracer, because we had probably last push and people were fighting on point and I wanted to be there fast. We actualy managed to take the point.

We barely managed to get first point in overtime when I was last one on point killing both tanks with my ult, I was playing Roadhog again btw. Idk how, but we didnt take second point even when we had like 4 picks.

We were actualy able to hold first point for almost 4 minutes. And little bit later we lost second too and entire match with it. So long game omg. We lost it because of that damn doomfist.

Here is my game number 21:

Map : Oasis
SR : 1516
Server: US
Heroes played : XX
Result: Game canceled
Time: 0:53 minutes

Leaver on enemy team right from the start, game canceled. Its maybe useless to upload and post these but I wanted to show everything.

Here is my game number 22:

Map : Hollywood
SR : 1516
Server: EU
Heroes played : Reinhardt
Result: Defeat -18 SR
Time: 8:39 minutes

This match was so horrible omg, my blood was at boiling point. Enemy team had Bastion on high ground, completely without shield, torbjorn on small high ground platform, just standing still , chilling. and nobody was killing them. I felt completely powerless. Yes I could switch to something else, but I would be switching from game every game like this. So I stayed on rein while our dps duo, sombra+reaper didnt do anything. When I am thinking of it now, I should actualy go Orisa. Game lost because dps were unable to switch basicly, it was stomp. But not because enemy team was better.


This was actualy my first game in EU after many games in US and I felt like team IQ dropped by -50 points compared to US players at same SR range. People in my team diced to go bastion+torb same as enemy team because it worked for enemy team so it will work for us too right?.. both torb and bastion decided to take position on small platform at high ground. I had to go there because I had feeling that enemy team would not be so dumb as our dps first round. I was right because when you watch me there on top, you can see arrows from hanzo in my shield. If I was not there, bastion would be already dead.

Classic brainded EU… + no communication. I would gladly stay only on US servers but my connection is disadvantage there sadly. I was really tilted after this match.

Here is my game number 23:

Map : Dorado
SR : 1498
Server: EU
Heroes played : Reinhardt
Result: Victory +33 SR
Time: 16:11 minutes

After last game suprisingly well comunicating team mates. Maybe EU is not lost completely.

Playing as Reinhardt and god, I had so much fun, we rolled them. Most funny part was when genji ulted just when we captured second point and I ended him with one hammer hit. Just watch time 3:56, its hilarious. After we pushed to the end, one guy said “I hate this game” and other guy how we destroyed them, he was right.

Enemy team was able to push first point somehow in the last push but that was it, they didnt push second and we won.

Here is my game number 24:

Map : Lijian Tower
SR : 1531
Server: EU
Heroes played : Reinhardt
Result: Defeat -22 SR
Time: 09:05 minutes

What to say, bad game. We were pretty much destroyed. I was kind of arguing with our bastion, I thought he had bad positioning, he said I am not shield right. I honestly dont know. I am not exactly Rein main and I know I play him very agressively, maybe too much. Cant say if he was right or wrong. We lost both rounds.

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Yeah, one key skill with main tank, I’ve even found in high gold, is to know when to swap off it as your team comp not suitable or your dps are utter crap and you need to do their job.

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A guy who shouldnt even be in bronze doing this means nothing and helps no one. Just saying. You did placements on a hero you wont even mainly be playing. Worthless info and just another smurf ruining games. Greetings from a scrub plat.


Hello, another update 6 more games(1 canceled)

Here is my game number 25:

Map : Junkertown
SR : 1509
Server: EU
Heroes played : Ana
Result: Defeat -17 SR
Time: 19:52 minutes

Some kid demaned Reinhardt at start so I let him play Rein and picked Ana myself because we had only zen as healer. Someone from enemy team said “nice smurf ana” after I had some nice shots. I had at start, but I really dont think my gameplay was good. I was focusing to deal dmg way too much instead of healing. We pushed paylod almost to the end.

My team overextending pretty bad at start. I myself didnt feel like I did as much as I could this match. I missed important sleepdarts, didnt heal much and was going too close to enemy team often. They pushed payload to the end and we lost.

Here is my game number 26:

Map : Numbani
SR : 1492
Server: EU
Heroes played : Reinhardt
Result: Victory +29 SR
Time: 09:52 minutes

I was playing Reinhardt in defense and attack. Our defense round was bery good, we didnt let them to take point. In attack we captured point in third attempt. We had really good support. No communication in team.

Here is my game number 27:

Map : Horizon Lunar Colony
SR : 1521
Server: EU
Heroes played : Reinhardt/Roadhog
Result: Victory +30 SR
Time: 21:20 minutes

We lost first point basicly instantly. We had Genji and Junkrat and enemy team had Pharah. I asked my dps to switch to something better against her but got no response. After I died again, not able to defend myself from pharah, I decided to go Roadhog. I had good play most of the time, constantly having picks not letting them attack in full numbers but after i overexteneded too much once, died and they captured second point shorty after.

I was playing Reinhardt again. We had 3 DPS not able to deal with pharah. I really didnt understand why they were picking heroes who cant deal with her (junk,genji,doomfist). We captured point atfer few attempts when I had nice earthshatter on point. We captured second point in second atempt when I charged point fom highground and genji ulted.

We played better this time and enemy team wasnt able to capture point.

I had pick on symetra who overextended and someone from enemy team left the game after that. We captured point and won.

Here is my game number 28:

Map : Blizzard World
SR : 1551
Server: EU
Heroes played : Reinhardt/Roadhog
Result: Victory +26 SR
Time: 17:13 minutes

I was playing Reinhardt and we captured point instantly. Team was kind of dumb(in a good way i guess), few people constantly saying hello for no reason, just trying to be funny. We pushed payload to the end without bigger problems and with 2:58 minutes left.

We lost first point because people from team were overextending for no reason. Enemy team pushed payload almost to the end so I decided to switch to Roadhog because I felt like rein is not working. Probably good call, we won.

Here is my game number 29:

Map : Nepal
SR : 1577
Server: EU
Heroes played : Reinhardt
Result: Victory +30 SR
Time: 14:35 minutes

We played very good and first round was kind of stomp. Enemy team managed to win second round but we again nailed it in third one and won the match. Enemy team had leaver too at one point of third round, but he joined back in like few seconds.

Here is my game number 30:

Map : Nepal
SR : 1607
Server: EU
Heroes played : XX
Result: Game canceled
Time: 01:10 minutes

Someone from our team left at start and game was canceled.

No need in new account

Another update with games I played so far last week and I can finally continue with my journey. I was talking to my friend and he asked If I could play
Moira/Ana/Baptiste, so he see how to climb with them. So I will probably try that in next games. I have some experience with Ana and Moira but I practicaly never play them on other accounts. Its even worse with Baptiste, I have like 1 hours on him maybe? thats all. I have no clue how to play him so it will be interesting.

Anyway, here is rest of my games from last week.

Here is my game number 31:

Map : Route 66
SR : 1607
Server: EU
Heroes played : Reinhardt
Result: Victory +30 SR
Time: 22:25 minutes

I did really dumb decision to use my ES right after enemy team pushed payload to the first point. I died there for no reason, so dumb. I was trying to tell my team to wait for me after that, but It didnt work and we were dying constantly. Just before they took second point one guy said “stay afk we lost”. I said its not lost. We stopped enemy team for a while after they took second point, but they eventualy made it to end.

We had good attack, wasnt perfect but we made it to the end with even more time than them. I have to say that enemy rein was good and I had problems to deal with him.

They didnt have much time and It was kind of funny, because they actualy managed to kill us, except bastion and he somehow lured them off payload and they c9 and didnt make it to first point lol :smiley:

Double shield+bastion+baptiste, they had no chance and lost the game. Oh and they had leaver closer to end too.

Here is my game number 32:

Map : Junkertown
SR : 1637
Server: EU
Heroes played : Reinhardt
Result: Victory +24 SR
Time: 16:22 minutes

We pushed payload two points without problem, but we were stuck at last point and could not take it. Enemy team had leaver when they were attacking and he didnt come back so we won.

Here is my game number 33:

Map : Junkertown
SR : 1671
Server: EU
Heroes played : Reinhardt
Result: Victory +45 SR
Time: 11:29 minutes

My team already picked two shield tanks and two dps so I was left with support and picked Lucio. We won both rounds, but almost lost second where enemeyteam had 99%. I guess I did pretty good, because i gained +45 SR.

Here is my game number 34:

Map : Rialto
SR : 1716
Server: EU
Heroes played : Reinhardt/Roadhog/McCree
Result: Defeat -16 SR
Time: 20:31 minutes

Playing as Reinhardt and we could not stop them pushing payload. I honestly dont know why. I felt like its useless to play reinahrdt and I cant do much so I switched to Roadhog near to the end. It didnt change anything, we lost all 3 points anyway.

One guy said that he cannot play hitscan so I told him I can play hitscan and we swicthed roles. I took McCree and he took Roadhog. Its just sad he didnt say it earlier where we were defending. We could switch sooner. We did good and pushed payload closer to second point when we had leaver. We managed to push payload almost to the end anyway but we lost that game, he never came back.

Here is my game number 35:

Map : Horizon Lunar Colony
SR : 1700
Server: EU
Heroes played : Reinhardt/Orisa
Result: Victory +28 SR
Time: 16:47 minutes

I had few suicidal attempts to take first point which didnt work. Hopefully we did it in our last attempt like 22 seconds before time limit. I really did hate ennemy team having ana+mei. They didnt make my life as Rein easy. We didnt capture second point.

This time I decided to switch Reinhardt to orisa and it was good decision since I had more firepower and I could shoot while protecting our bastion. I am actualy thinking about playing Orisa more instead of Rein above gold.

Here is my game number 36:

Map : Paris
SR : 1728
Server: EU
Heroes played : Hanzo
Result: Victory +28 SR
Time: 14:46 minutes

Team picked support and tanks so I had break from Reinhardt and picked Hanzo. I did pretty good, but when enemy McCee ulted I didnt land my shot and i sas so angry about it, because it was easy shot and this mistake cost us first point. We did manage to keep second point.

I asked for zarya so we can combo our ults and one of the guys picked her. Enemy team was running bunker comp at first point. I must say our Reinhardt did pretty well at first poitn and we captured it on second attempt. We captured second point practicaly instantly after that. And sure, our moira had 3 gold medals,classic Moira haha.

Here is my game number 37:

Map : Temple of Anubis
SR : 1756
Server: EU
Heroes played : Hanzo
Result: Victory +30 SR
Time: 11:01 minutes

Playing as hanzo again, we had Reinhardt and I could play second tank but I dint feel like we need it. We had good defense and held the point.

Not much to say, we captured point and won.

Here is my game number 38:

Map : Oasis
SR : 1786
Server: EU
Heroes played : Roadhog
Result: Victory +33 SR
Time: 18:50 minutes

Someone already picked Reinhardt so I filled with Roadhog. We lost first round and I told my team we need another healer, so one guy actualy switched from dps to support. We did much better next two rounds and won the match. But it was close, enemy team had 99% our last round.

Here is my game number 39:

Map : Numbani
SR : 1819
Server: EU
Heroes played : Reinhardt
Result: Defeat -21 SR
Time: 16:48 minutes


We were missing main tank, so I was playing Reinhardt again this match. Enemy team had problems to capture point but they did it in overtime. They practicaly steamrolled us to the end after that.

I just could not do anything against Orisa+Mei, they killed me every time I went in. We didnt capture the point and lost the game.

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My main takeaways are that some teams are too dysfunctional to tank for (glad it wasn’t just me that’s noted this) and that Leavers are a real problem at low ELO.

Good show on the Lucio. I’ve never got above 30 Sr with him in a game.

Ty for nice Rein gameplay videos :slight_smile:

Here is my another update. I am going to try to use different format. If anyone even cared and liked my old report progress let me know and I will get back to it (maybe) ,but this is more effective for me and less time consuming so i can play more :slight_smile:

Whats the difference? I actualy started streaming my games live to save uploading time.

You can see two games of gauntlet at start I used to warm up. Then I did few games in compettiive, it was around 2 hours long session. My friend wanted to see me playing Baptiste so I did few games 5 or 6 with him and one game as genji and one as Orisa. I have to say that this was my first experience with Baptiste in competitive and I played him even in QP like 30 minutes only before. I was really bad on him and after few games I sadly cant say I like him. I just dont like the two modes of shooting. Ana is better for me becuase her shots do both, dmg and healing.

Anyway in this session I climbed from 1819 to 1889, so +70 SR. I have to make report right after my session next time so my memories from it are fresh :slight_smile: I dont remember much from it and I dont have time to rewatch whole 2 hours long session. See you next time :smiley:.

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Climbing are only for who can climb… I can only gain frustration for too much loosing in a day… they are BS in making a match… t

Climbing are only for who can climb… I can only gain frustration for too much loosing in a day… they are BS in making a match… t

Here I am with another update. I was streaming again and played some games. Mostly with hanzo.

My first game was disaster at start, people werent happy I played hanzo and I even muted one guy because he was making me angry. To my suprise, I think I did well rest of the match and we won. Game number two was very good and we won, game number 4 was total stomp, I could not believe how hard we crushed them. Game number 5 was little bit harder and it was close win. Number 6 again victory.

All games played as Hanzo. I am still not sure if I will keep playing him higher, because my plan is to switch to Mei higher and play her as my main dps pick. Hanzo would be probably my back up in case Mei will not be working. But I am just not sure if thats good idea because both are projectile heroes with different projectile speed, so I dont know if thats not bad for my aiming. Maybe McCree would be better choice as back up dps? He is getting buff now too.

Anyway I climbed from 1889-2011 this session. Made it to Gold rank.

Here are my games:

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Ahh reminds me of the time i made an account to get better at my bad heroes. placed 3k (i was around 3.5 at the time) so i couldn’t quite enjoy a climb to my true sr. Regardless it’s quite obvious that if you don’t belong in your rank you’ll climb lol.

Hello again, after short pause I am here with more games because I had finally time to play. Since I am closer to where my my other accounts are (high gold-high plat) I decided I will try to specialize more. I already tried few heroes I wanted to learn but nothing changed, I still like my old mains more. I thought maybe I will pick some of them to reach my comp career but probably not. I am still not fully decided which heroes will be my mains but for now these will be:

DPS: Mei, McCree, Soldier, Hanzo(I added hanzo in case I would not be able to climb with hitscans)
TANK: Orisa, Roadhog, Zarya
SUPPORT: still not decided

But I will occasinaly play different heroes based on situation I will have in comp. But these I will probably play the most. I didnt wrote Widowmaker down even when she is my second highest played hero on my accounts. I just dont feel like being effective with her without playing her a lot. And when I dont play her very often, I miss my shots a lot.

In this session I played I think 10 games and it was 3 hours logn session. I have to work on ult usage and communication. I had problems with that.

I played mostly Mei, first few games in EU and after that few in US where I used LFG and played in 6 stacks for a change :). I climbed +199 SR.

Next update will be recorded games one by one again, because I will not have time to play in longer session without pause.


Easily done, congrats :slight_smile:

No offense, but I wish people would stop doing these “bronze to GM” experiments. It’s been done a hundred times already, if anyone is curious to see it, they can YouTube any number of players who have done it.

Its not really experiment. I wanted to practice some heroes in comp I am not good at. I am not doing this for others. I am doing it primarily for myself, to get better and right now I am getting close to my main account elo(I am not GM, I am plat player), but I dont want to stop there. I would like to climb higher. So soon I will be in phase where I will try to seek help from other to review my games.

As I said, I am doing it for myself, but why not to share it, when I am recording it. For some it could be helpfull somehow. And even when youtube is full of people doing bronze to gm (when they are actualy GM, I am not), there is still so many people blaming system and other things as the reason why they cant climb. They can maybe see in here its not like that.

Anaway, here is another report from my games. I played these in two days. I am not sure when I will do more yet, since its starting to get got in my place int his time of year and playing OW is not fun in summer :slight_smile:

Here is my game number 78

Map : Rialto
SR : 2479
Server: EU
Heroes played : Soldier/Pharah/Widowmaker
Result: Victory +23 SR
Time: 17:27 minutes

Playing Soldier in solo q. Our defend round didnt go very well and we were able to stop neemy team before they could reach end. probably becaused I switched to pharah. I was playing widow when we were attacking and we pushed payload to the end. I made it to Platinum this game.

Here is my game number 79

Map : Volskaya Industries
SR : 2502
Server: EU
Heroes played : Soldier
Result: Victory +28 SR
Time: 21:49 minutes

Playing as Soldier in solo q. Both teams very good and it was close but we won 4:3. Go to time 10:27 for funny charge from Reinhardt :slight_smile:

Here is my game number 80

Map : Havana
SR : 2530
Server: EU
Heroes played : Soldier/McCree
Result: Victory +24 SR
Time: 10:13 minutes

Plying as Widowmaker and McCree in solo q. Enemy team was attacking with 3 dps and solo support as briggita. They didnt push very far and someone from enemy team suggested we should report their sombra player.

Here is my game number 81

Map : Watchpoint Gibraltar
SR : 2554
Server: EU
Heroes played : Soldier
Result: Defeat -22 SR
Time: 19:50 minutes

Playing in solo Q. We could not stop enemy from pushing payload to the end and we werent able to do same. We had some issues in team, fighting inside, people blamed bastion in the end.

Here is my game number 82

Map : Havana
SR : 2532
Server: EU
Heroes played : Roadhog
Result: Victory +19 SR
Time: 14:47 minutes

I tried LFG again and we played as six stack with me as Roadhog. We stopped enemy team just before they could reach second point. And we won in attack pretty fast. I didnt gain much SR tho.

Here is my game number 83

Map : Blizzard World
SR : 2551
Server: EU
Heroes played : Roadhog
Result: Defeat -24 SR
Time: 20:42 minutes

Still with same group and again playing as Roadhog. We captured point very fast and stopped before reaching last point. There was frustration in defense because people didnt listen and didnt use ults when they should and we lost the game because of that and team felt apart.

Here is my game number 84

Map : Oasis
SR : 2527
Server: EU
Heroes played : Soldier
Result: Victory +23 SR
Time: 11:26 minutes

Playing as Soldier in solo Q again after that disaster in last game. We did well and won both rounds. Enemy team had “reddit” Lucio guy.

Here is my game number 85

Map : Paris
SR : 2550
Server: EU
Heroes played : Soldier/Reaper
Result: Defeat -23 SR
Time: 21:42 minutes

Solo Q again and oh god, this was horrible game. We started as 5 dps 1 support, we somehow captured both points but lost both point very fast too. I was Playing Soldier and Reaper. We had toxicity in team, and when I watched the game back I realized somneone said he will give me 5 reports every day :). I had to end the session after this match because I had too much.

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