I'm leaving OW because of smurfs, here's why

It sounds like you need to work on your decision making.

If lieing yourself helps you to sleep better… farewell.

Overwatch was released as fast as possible to recover money lost from titan project failed. Blizzard won’t fix the game in every sense, even smurfs are a big source of money so they are going to implicitly promote smurfing.

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Hmm, I belong at high elo. But also I’m stuck at low Elo because of the high Elo people at low elo! What you’re saying is just dumb TBH. If you are a Diamond player you can beat any smurf in bronze. I’d say 99% of people who smurf in Bronze are Gold or Plat. Because if they made a new account to troll bronze and just blew the enemies away they would gain a few hundred SR and be out of bronze right after.

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Holy crap, your typing is atrocious.

If you dropped from gold to bronze smurfs are clearly not the problem. Your skill is.

You were crushing it in diamond and cant climb from bronze, sorry but no…::grin:

I guess you had bad coach, i can try with you it if you are still interested.

Please explain to me how is it possible i climbed from bronze playing heroes i dont even main while i am high plat(i am not crushing it in diamond) while you say you are crushing it in diamond so you should be better than me.

Hey folks, don’t waste your time

It’s just another thread about a bronze player who thinks he belongs in Diamond

3000 chars

One out of three games I see in the LFG tool is something like “throwing to bronze”, “the road to bronze” and junk like that. De-ranking is a HUGE problem, and it’s ruining the game.


One game, out of thousands, and its a HUGE problem?

The only problem I see, is your reading comprehension.

And this isn’t the first time someone has mentioned the blatant advertisement of throw groups on the LFG tool. There are tons of them. Many people brought this up immediately after the LFG tool was added in.

Issue with smurfs is that they often get paired up against many of the people who otherwise should be ranking out of bronze… but if you don’t end up with the smurf on your team, it’s a loss in 90% of cases as they will decimate the rest of your team.

I’ve seen Genji smurfs in Bronze/Silver solo entire teams of players on 2CP maps - spawn camping them - while their team sat on the point shooting the ****.

I find this post funny, because I played against you yesterday and got flamed by your team and you. I have only a bit of experience in bronze on alt accounts, but I can say I rarely run across smurfs. If I find smurfs, they’re deranking.

Sure, I imagine you run into some, but you are not stuck there because of them. It’s no surprise with your attitude you are stuck. I can personally say, as someone who started at 1600 SR as a Mercy main, and who just recently hit 4000 first their first time playing Genji, the ranked system can suck sometimes. There’s smurfs, throwers, and whatnot; but at the end of the day, everyone is working in the same system. If you aren’t ranking up, you can’t blame the ladder.

That said, it’s clear to me you have no competitive drive, and any advice I could give would land on deaf ears; so instead I’ll leave you with this: why do you want to rank out of bronze if you don’t have any drive? It’s obvious to anyone who does that you don’t, because anyone who did would place the blame for their failures unto themselves, not outwards. If you think the game will get more enjoyable, I can without a doubt say that is not the case. The journey to grandmaster is hundreds of hours of sacrificing fun to push yourself to be a little better. After 3000, fun is scarce. After 3750, the thing that keeps people playing is that internal motivation for improvement. There’s this assumption that people “smurf” or have alt accounts because they can’t keep up with their own rank, personally I can say that’s far from the case. “Our” own rank is miserable. You don’t have that internal motivation to make logging on worth it, so don’t bother.

Enjoy your stay in bronze, and if you want to take the game seriously, I guarantee you spend 15 hours focusing on your own gameplay, trying your best, and trying to learn, you can make it out. Chances are, if you’re in bronze, silver, gold, or plat, and you don’t have that drive, the times you spend there will be the ones you wish you could go back to if you end up climbing the ladder.

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You probably dont deserve your diamond rank lol. I cant even stay in bronze unless I afk, since it is so easy to win bronze games, and most smurfs in bronze is throwing, since if they dont, the match maker will kick them out of bronze very fast. I lose only 10-15 sr per match in bronze and gain 30+ sr per win, that is how hard to stay in bronze if your skill level is higher.

I think you’ve got some serious horse-blinders on here. How could anyone on his team “baby” him and “let him get kills” unless OP specifically came out and told them in the chat “hey guys, I’m actually a bronze who’s borrowing a friend’s account?” If he didn’t do that, which I think it’s safe to assume he didn’t, then his teammates would have no clue that his main account is in bronze and they would all just play the game as normal, no babying involved. Plus, he clearly stated that he can provide proof as to the enemy team saying that he played insanely well. I think you’re just in denial to the fact that the way matchmaking is structured can absolutely hold people back from where they should be.

hahaha this response i mean if the game allows the two to group its legal boosting as far as blizzard cares lmfao people these days.

Have you considered using LFG to find some gold or high Silver players to help you climb into Silver?

Have you considered making a new account?

Honestly, there are like no LFG groups in silver. That said, you can make them yourself and find people pretty quickly.

Also, don’t make a new account, you might end up in a different SR, but if you couldn’t climb out of the one your old one was in, you don’t deserve any higher. No one ‘belongs’ in a higher rank, because everyone has to earn it.

There are not many LFG groups for Bronze comp that are not throwers, unless you create your own and are willing to wait 20 minutes for people to join.

The main thing stopping people from making LFG groups is their laziness when it comes to pressing a few extra buttons. :stuck_out_tongue:

Worst thing Blizzard ever did was allow players to have more than one account in Overwatch.

You do not need more than one account, so why even allow it to begin with?

(Smarmy answer is money, of course, but then that argument falls flat on consoles where smurf accounts are free to make.)

Personally, I bought my original alt account to learn how to play Genji, who eventually became my main. I bought my second alt account so I could play with lower SR friends, I bought my third because #2 got too high to play with my friends anymore etc…

Simply put, people enjoy playing on alt accounts to get over ranked anxiety. That’s a great use for them, and I believe everyone who wants to take the game seriously needs to have an alt account to make sure they are putting in as much work as they can, without fearing for their main accounts peak.