Climbing from Bronze to silver with DPS - 45 games

An alt? Who would’ve guessed.

That is why I am trying to play different heroes I dont play on my main account. Or heroes who cant carry that much. I was wrong about bastion probably, I didnt think it would be so easy. I didnt want to play heroes which I would feel like I am smurfing.

Around high gold/platinum. I think my SR gains were ok with mercy, but considering how much damage and kills I was doing, I was suprised I am not gaining more. How much should I be gaining?

Yes, I will be doing first few games today and I will share tank games too after I will climb. My tank role is around 1000, so higher than support and dps. And I will be playing main tanks, probably Sigma and Reinhardt.

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So regardless of you playing heroes you don’t play you are smurfing. Unfortunately you are gaining less than 30 per match. Which the game isn’t taking you out of this rank fast enough.

I could go into bronze and play genji or doomfist. Heroes I never play and just destroy teams.

To me all this shows is pbsr not working as intended because you and other smurfs are skewing the metric. When you should be gaining 35 plus a match if not more.


so I’m the OP of a slightly controversial thread located here - An audit of 10 matches shows - how broken is competitive mode?

I bumped into the OP of this thread during his climb.

what I tried to explain to him in game is that EVERY match he was in had a smurf - he WAS the smurf.

his experience, as someone who is naturally a high skill player, is going to much much different from someone who is naturally low gold.

as someone (myself) who is an average player, it was really obvious to me within the first two minutes that he was smurfing.

OP is a nice person. He added me to friends. we shared a few kind words… and this is a perfect example of why the ladder is broken.

80% of my losses are filled with people like the OP, who are nice enough people, but don’t recognize that they are part of the problem.


What’s your main account SR?

Playing “off” heroes or not you more or less invalidated your entire experiment simply by being a smurf.

Not to mention you ruined the experience of other players in the Bronze Elo preventing them from learning on their own…

The game knowledge and awareness you bring with you is what keeps people in bronze until they’re able to learn those pieces…

That’s why it’s designed as a ladder structure. Taking advantage of it is kind of unfortunate.

I’m not hating on you, I’m just trying to help you realize you’ve done a disservice and possibly interrupted someone else’s ascension in those games…


If I am smurf, then all games I am in have a smurf. But from my perspective my games didnt have smurf. I cant take myself as violation.

Was it really? How if I may ask? I dont think I did anything special, just sitting in turret mode shooting :smiley: You even outsmarted me in your attack, I was dumb to not reposition.

Thank you for your kind words :slight_smile:

Are you saying that you face smurfs in 80% of your games? My numbers are a lot different. One of us has to be wrong. Or do we have just different experience and both is true?

I am not doing any kind of experiment, I think I already explained that in my previous topic. I just play on alt, playing different heroes to chill and not try hard. Just play for fun to enjoy some heroes. And I like to collect any kind of informations and I like to share it with others.

So am I keeping players in bronze or is it their ability to learn? How will you learn the game? Do you think you will learn more from people at you elo or from someone who is higher? I learned the game by playing against better players, by watching how they play, by listening to them. Not by playing against players who do same mistakes as me.

Thank you for your opinion, I understand. But one side will be always losing, one side will be happy and opposite side will not be, because they lost. If me winning games made anyone to lose games they shoudl not lose, I am sorry. Ruining anything is not my intention, I am not bad person who would want to ruin games for fun. I do enjoy company of others in bronze or silver. More than I enjoy it higher, because people higher are toxic a lot more. I always group up with anyone who offer it. Doesnt mater on which side that player was.

Of course you can :slight_smile:

You did avoid my initial and more important question though…

What is your true SR on your main?
Your answer may/may not leave the rest of this comment invalid… :woman_shrugging:t2:

I have “00.00” problem with alt accounts, in fact I think they’re necessary for improving overall play and game knowledge.

The difference is the level. This account is my alt that I play and mess around on because Platinum is where my “casual” performance level is. Except for support because I don’t really care about it.

Depending on your true SR, your alt account should be within 500 SR of your main.

This is a gross over exaggeration (I’m not convinced most people can tell a smurf from someone who’s just performing well). But I will say, smurfs come in all forms (tank/DPS/support) more often than people think.

This is arguable. Yes… Playing against better people makes you better but the process is not as quick since the subconscious defeat is greater than the external (pretty sure bronze players understand by now they have bad aim).

The opportunity to learn to flank correctly against people of their own skill level and not get instantly punished for it is part of the growing process you’re preventing.

Someone might solo-flank from Bronze to gold/plat successfully without really hitting a road block so they keep doing it without detrimental effects to the team until they encounter a decent Player who’s learned to check their flanks.

Hence why so many hog players constantly feed. They repeat the same process over and over because they didn’t learn not to early enough and it ends up being a problem later (just my observation).


I dont know my true skill, my skill level across many heroes is very different.

I just started to play tank role and this is my first game as Sigma, can you watch it and honestly tell me if that does look as smurf to you? I have like 30 minutes on Sigma so far, and tried him when he was released. If I do something good someone higher should be doing mechanicaly, its 100% something I did saw on streams or youtube :), its not like I trained it :slight_smile:

Here is the Code: ZBDB11

Again dodging the question.

What’s is your current SR peak on your main account?

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Why is it that important to you? I am playing heroes I dont play on my main.

Watch my gameplay I provided and you tell me which rank you think I am :slight_smile:

You probably missed that.

Because I think you’re intentionally ruining the gaming experience for less skilled players as opposed to climbing and performing close to your actual level of performance.

It’s not really a problem. I’m not in bronze so it affects me “00.00.” Nor is it a violation of TOS. But it’s a question of morals and whether you’re trolling lower ranks or actually intent on improving your skill…

Everyone can play in lower ranks and perform at minimum capacity to mask true performance so I’m not going to watch your replay. I’m also not asking for your mains gamer tag. Just trying to determine the level of disruption you’re inducing… :woman_shrugging:t2:

I am not! I respect others I play with or against.

Improvement and playing for fun without try harding.

I did miss this… Thank you for pointing this out and it unfortunately proves my point of smurfing as people complain about rather than utilizing an alt account.

But then again… There’s nothing in the TOS against either practice… Sooooo…

I guess whatever :sweat_smile::woman_shrugging:t2:


If you’re high gold/low plat, your alt account should be in high silver low gold, otherwise you’re contributing to the issue that others are upset about.

But again, I ain’t mad atcha… just trying to make a case for those who are struggling and want their voice heard…

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As I said before, I do understand you and I even agree with you.

Do you believe that smurfs are keeping players in bronze? If you will remove all smurfs, will they climb?

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You and I had this debate on another thread where I explained my perspective.

I did my best to make a case my guy. Again… It’s people… Not “a person.”


I tired…

Can you watch my gameplay I posted above and tell me your opinion about it? Do I play like smurf on hero(Sigma) I almost never played before?


Mmm… Indeterminate.

Do “I” think I would have hit diamond faster without running into smurf crew after smurf crew? Definitely yes…

Can I prove that? Probably not. There is definitely a lot to learn grinding through plat, especially since a majority of “actual” high ranked players enjoy trolling plat the most since the ego in plat is real compared to bronze.

If there were no Smurf’s I think the separation in skill between silver gold and diamond would be much smaller. But the difference between diamond and GM would be significantly larger…


I will watch after work.

And I will comment on this thread…

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