Climbing from Bronze to silver with DPS - 45 games

perspective is subjective, but a construct is not. Your personal SR is much much higher than bronze - and it was very obvious you didn’t belong there. That’s what makes you the smurf.

I think the problem we have is that high level players don’t see the impact because they’re accustom to a higher standard of play. For the people who belong there, you’re torturing them.

Your positioning was a dead give away. You can usually tell how powerful of a smurf you’re dealing with by how they use the map.

second alarm bell was your aim - i play a lot of pharah, and when i watch replays of your ability to stay on me like ray tracing, that’s a good confirmatory sign.

Yes, with the occasional thrower weaved into that number. In plain black-and-white terms, 100% of your matches had a smurf. you were the smurf.

Interesting point - You’re not really the person to blame. Its the systems of the game and how they’re designed.

You know that 50/50 MMR hidden score thingy that blizzard uses? It basically guarantees that I’ll get matched against a diamond-plus smurf and get completely rekt. smufs created the problem, but Blizzard’s game perpetuates it.

Thanks for the games. You were really down to earth about everything.

el oh el.

imagine playing football with your friends, and Eli Manning shows up to quarterback. are you going to notice?

OP even said I was able to outsmart him a few times. I really don’t know what else you want.


Here is my another match if you or anyone else would like to see.


It was hard match for me (1081 SR), I cant hit those damn energy balls and I dont know how can I activate my ult. To let them hit ground, should i press q again or what lol? :smiley:

it is so nice to shoot as bastion, because I dont have to think about hitting heads :slight_smile:

yes, I died very quickly.

Mostly because you were too much in the open space, you need to peek and shoot. Stay more in the cover around obstacles. Pharah who will fly in middle of screen is dead pharah :slight_smile:

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see, USUALLY that’s not the case in bronze. it doesn’t become a factor until high silver / low gold.

that’s why it was so noticeable. the difference is very abrupt.


An alt does not equal a smurf.

Unless OP stated somewhere that they purposely deranked, its fair.

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I think you need to revert to the newer posts I made in this thread.

If you were in platinum, you’d better understand what I mean. A lot of players you’d consider smurfs are really just plat player popping TF off which happens to everyone in that Elo.

A lot of platinum players have very comparable aim to masters/low GM players. One of the defining differences (as you mentioned) positioning, reaction time, and overall utilization of cool downs.

I remember being in bronze and going against smurfs, hell I remember entire smurf crews that would roll you ALL game long and then throw at the last
30 seconds to lose the game and de-rank (your problems aren’t anything I’ve never endured myself).

I’ve also been in bronze games where the other player/s were just better. There is definitely plenty of that across all elos. Aim alone isn’t a determining factor of a smurf…

Someone just wasn’t placed correctly and they have to climb (honestly not unusual for a brand new Overwatch player who’s actually not a bad player just doesn’t understand the team aspect).


In no way did I imply a smurf == alt…

Like at all actually…

Edit: Concessions made if the alt was made at the same time as being a bronze player. But that’s information that the OP would have to provide.

He said it was an alt, not a smurf.

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I say I’m the prime minister of Narnia

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Unless he said hes a smurf somewhere else. I didnt read through it all. The example you sent me, he stated that he was only on an alt.

Fair… However, as the edit lists…

The only concession I’ll make is if he made the alt account at the same time as being a bronze player.

Otherwise he’s playing well below his actual performance tier and is by all accounts smurfing…

Edit: casual performance and peak performance should not differ by over 1000 SR

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Not surprising that dps climb faster than support. DPs is just more impactful, if you’re grossly under your proper level (Such as a 2.5k player smurfing in bronze).
DPs are better able to punish bad play and are less team dependent than the other roles.

I was stuck as Mercy at 1700 a while back (Broken pbsr screwed me as I couldn’t climb with 60% win rate). So I played Torb and just hammered turret, with some actual shooting, and climbed to 2350 with 65% win rate. Broken pbsr system was giving me Sr like candy for just doing my job.

I’m very interested in watching the bronze Rein games. Will you get games where your supports just don’t heal you? Will you constantly lose vs double off tank teams as they pump out tons of damage and nobody on your team even uses your barrier as they just feed into the enemy team all game?

It’s my own personal experience, and also the advice given by some GMs, to not play Rein in bronze. Just pick pretty much anybody else and get kills. Don’t bother gaining space as nobody on your team will know what to do with it anyway.

Very interested to watch you wreck as bronze Rein…

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Countless streamers, OWL players included are doing unranked to GM runs all the time. If am smurfing, they are too, as all of them play more than 1000 SR lower, usualy even 2000 SR lower. They are ruining my games, in my elo. Just saying. If smurfing is problem, it has to be solved from top to bottom. It is not excuse, but if you dont want diamonds smurf in gold or golds smurfing in bronze, you have to deal with people on top who smurf as first.


Correct… They are definitely smurfing and I think they shouldn’t be allowed to.

Unfortunately Blizzard thinks otherwise so it doesn’t matter what I think.

But there are plenty of people who don’t agree… Again, just being a voice for those who aren’t being heard.

I’ve made the climb already. I play in Diamond on my main

( you wanna see smurfs? Just wait until you run into boosting crews where you literally can’t do anything because they’re generally T500 players dunking on GM smurfs “sometimes it’s funny”)

Will I ever make Masters? Maybe… Not really concerned about it. I’ve gone high enough to be amongst the top 20% of players which is pretty good for me :relieved:

Any higher is a treat but I have too much to learn for now…


I even have irl friends who are GM/T500 smurfs and I tell them all the time how much I disagree with what they do.

They don’t care… I can’t help beyond advocating that others try not to follow in their footsteps…


I am trying to learn Sigma now, I think my rein is better so I want to play him little bit higher to not have too much of impact.

If you want to see my games on sigma here you go:


Now I am interested? I want to learn Sigma, do you think I will have worse time in bronze as Rein? I welcome the challenge :slight_smile:

Do you want to see me playing rein and If I can climb with him? I am at 1164 now.

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This is perfect advice as nobody below 1900 understands what Reinhardt is for.

Shields are for you and your supports to get from cover to cover, not to stand up front and take damage until there’s no hope…

Sigma is okay because he has a shield and drops bodies. Rien is not okay. Don’t play him unless you like inflicting self torture…

Edit: Rien is also the BEST and most enjoyable tank to play when enabled by a team…


Do you want to see me playing rein and If I can climb with him? I am at 1164 now.

I can do it, just say the word :slight_smile: But I am done with Overwatch for today, so tomorrow.

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Sigma is great for climbing. I’ve hardly played him, but when I tried him out in games we were losing anyway I managed to do okay when it was essentially 4v6.

Advice video is to play Zarya in low elo. She punishes bad play and she doesn’t care if her brain dead dps run past her to feed.

If Zarya not allowed, then Sigma is a good alternative. You’ll find climbing on Sigma far easier than Rein as he’s less team dependent and more flexible.

I’m starting to pick up Orisa more and am doing well with her lately. I don’t bother trying to make space. I just use her as a fat dps with a personal barrier and play around health packs to get around not getting healed. A couple of games I’ve managed circa 10-1 kd with her.

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