Climbing from Bronze to silver with DPS - 45 games

I honestly dont understand why are you not gaining more SR for wins in such low ELO. You are not really losing that much but SR gain arte not so high as it should be either. I guess you are carrying a lot because you won most of your games so stats should boost your MMR and PBSR more. Maybe you die too often?


This proves that getting out of bronze is possible.

The amount of people crying that itā€™s not clearly just dont put enough time into the game.


I actually wanted to post the same topic, my experience from going Bronze to Silver as DPS. Would you mind if I used your topic or should I open a separate one?

As if you even know what climbing is. Youā€™re a self-declared sub-500 SR player that does nothing but whine about how unfair the ranked system is. The sooner you stop talking about it like you have any business doing so, the better this forum will be.


Not worthwhile though. Donā€™t bother with it. Unfun and unworth. They keep paying bad developement, I keep not worrying about climbing and I hope you do the same.

Please explain why 1. anyone with a brain should listen to you. and 2. why climbing in a ded af game with a washed 4 year old ladder matters at all to anyone good ever. Cheers.

As OP stated he climbed on bastion, I wonder if he could do the same on different dps heroes, not saying he would not of course, but Bastion is Overpowered even in gold :slight_smile: And bastion was buffed not that long ago too. Players in lower ranks often dont group up and team play is almost non existent so bastion will carry games easy, any hero with high dmg output actualy, like junk, pharah, reaperā€¦

About the time, I saw Loveā€™s climb on mercy. He climbed with around 90 games in few days, a lot of people who are not climbing simply dont play game enough to get better. Some dont even play 90games in one season.

Hey, go for it, I dont think OP would mind, I always like to read topics like this. I am doing something similar here in link below, but with little bit more informations and it is from my elo.

Because unlike you, I do know what climbing is. Iā€™ve been Master in every season since 6. I know more about playing the game properly than you ever will.


Gottemā€¦ :joy::joy:

Homies such a trollā€¦ Low key convinced heā€™s a T500 player who tries to spread dysentery among the lower ranks :joy:


Honestly, heā€™s probably that or someone who ragequit the game a while ago and had made it their mission to try to make everyone as whiny and angry as they are.


What a interesting progress. Itā€™s def funny how it took less games to climb to silver while it didnā€™t with support. Are you going to do tank next?


Bastion is a complete monster in bronze. Even if you donā€™t get stuck in turret mode.
His sentry spread is great for gunning down Pharah (the really malicious bronze pick) on the run and if you use turret to burn down shields when they pop up you give your (highly likely) double offtank team the massive advantage. By stripping the shield tanks of their advantage.


And I wonder how many people arent able to climb out even in bastion. If heā€™s that strong, why is he the third least played character in that rank, just barely in front of widowmaker and sombra?

The way I see it, OP got out fair and square.

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Mmmmā€¦ I donā€™t know if Iā€™d say fair and square if the OP is smurfing thoughā€¦


I went from 1100 SR to 2500 SR in open queue yesterday in just over 20 games.

Today Iā€™ll be hitting 3k.


Hi love!!

Whatā€™s your real rank? Did they remove PBSR?? Your gains seem abysmally low!


An alt? Who wouldā€™ve guessed.

That is why I am trying to play different heroes I dont play on my main account. Or heroes who cant carry that much. I was wrong about bastion probably, I didnt think it would be so easy. I didnt want to play heroes which I would feel like I am smurfing.

Around high gold/platinum. I think my SR gains were ok with mercy, but considering how much damage and kills I was doing, I was suprised I am not gaining more. How much should I be gaining?

Yes, I will be doing first few games today and I will share tank games too after I will climb. My tank role is around 1000, so higher than support and dps. And I will be playing main tanks, probably Sigma and Reinhardt.

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So regardless of you playing heroes you donā€™t play you are smurfing. Unfortunately you are gaining less than 30 per match. Which the game isnā€™t taking you out of this rank fast enough.

I could go into bronze and play genji or doomfist. Heroes I never play and just destroy teams.

To me all this shows is pbsr not working as intended because you and other smurfs are skewing the metric. When you should be gaining 35 plus a match if not more.


so Iā€™m the OP of a slightly controversial thread located here - An audit of 10 matches shows - how broken is competitive mode?

I bumped into the OP of this thread during his climb.

what I tried to explain to him in game is that EVERY match he was in had a smurf - he WAS the smurf.

his experience, as someone who is naturally a high skill player, is going to much much different from someone who is naturally low gold.

as someone (myself) who is an average player, it was really obvious to me within the first two minutes that he was smurfing.

OP is a nice person. He added me to friends. we shared a few kind wordsā€¦ and this is a perfect example of why the ladder is broken.

80% of my losses are filled with people like the OP, who are nice enough people, but donā€™t recognize that they are part of the problem.


Whatā€™s your main account SR?

Playing ā€œoffā€ heroes or not you more or less invalidated your entire experiment simply by being a smurf.

Not to mention you ruined the experience of other players in the Bronze Elo preventing them from learning on their ownā€¦

The game knowledge and awareness you bring with you is what keeps people in bronze until theyā€™re able to learn those piecesā€¦

Thatā€™s why itā€™s designed as a ladder structure. Taking advantage of it is kind of unfortunate.

Iā€™m not hating on you, Iā€™m just trying to help you realize youā€™ve done a disservice and possibly interrupted someone elseā€™s ascension in those gamesā€¦