Chipsa talks about the PTR DF nerfs

I don’t know if this has been nerfed or not, but the one thing doomfist needs is to commit to his slam. The fact that you can change directions before landing is bs.

The downsides are all overcompensated elsewhere, and as a side effect he became really strong in areas too…

I’d like to disagree. His ult didn’t have sufficient counter play, considering it’s a one shot from invulnerability, and he can travel a very long distance.
And the slam range allowed Doomfist such a degree of mobility you can’t position against.

Comparatively, his kit is far weaker than Dooms, Widows, and Hanzos, even with the nerfs Doom is receiving.

You’re also comparing a DPS to a tank. You’d be better off comparing him to Roadhog.

Rein is the comparison people keep trying to use to argue my point btw. It’s dumb.

Becuase one of those “2 one shots” is always commited for mobility and secondly one on the best DF players ever whom has played him since the days of bugfist and has had tons of practice with all aspects of the characters kit just stated that the slam uppercut combo is now just too unreliable to be use for kills which was also the same case for rocket punch before hand so both of those “one shots” are very unreliable now

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Don’t spread lies or ignorance

Every change they made to his gun was a Nerf. He got +5hp shields and slightly faster ult movement. That’s it.

That’s asking too much for this dev team…

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IMO he should never have been a flanking, flying, jumping, stunning, KBing one-shot kill DPS. We have enough of those in Genji/Tracer/Sombra.

Should have been made a disruption tank IMO.

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we often forget blizz is a small indie company, thats why the let bugfist be a thing before ignorantly asking “what doomfist bugs?”


You’re also excluding the fact that Chipsa specifically is one of the whiniest well known streamers out of all of them. Show me a video of Brandito coming to the exact same conclusion and I might consider the argument.

His shield and fire strike are better than Widow’s hook and venom mine.

Why? If you start with the premise that one shot potential=weak kit, then he should be nerfed. Unless of course, like me, you think one shot abilities have drawbacks incorporated into them that balance them, and they can still have a good kit.

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How was his gun changes nerfs?

The change to his hand cannon that tightened the spread therefor making it way more reliable…was a nerf? The +5 shields which Brandito (and myself) agreed should be reverted because it’s what made him so survivable (that’s what I wanted, but any port in a storm)?

Doesn’t matter. You get to keep every single one of those buffs as a tradeoff.

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And when did I start talking about her balance?

They weren’t. His guns became faster, and got a more consistent spread.
They actually do a very high amount of DPS, like Doomfist is competitive with Soldier when it comes to shield breaking. There is like a 10% difference between their long term sustained damage.

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they nerfed the fall off distance

Disagree with his gun changes being a nerf. They give him a fixed spread pattern, that alone increased his DPS phenomenally because he can now headshot consistently without RNG being a factor. It also straight up had its reload speed made faster.

All Doomfist buffs to date:

  • Handcannon spread pattern made more consistent, more bullets per shot at the cost of less damage per shot. Overall more consistant damage.

  • Handcannon reload speed increased

  • Seismic Slam minimum damage increased to 49

  • Rocket punch horiztonal hitbox size increased slightly

  • Shield gain per hit increased

  • Ultimate movement speed increase

  • Rising Uppercut range made slightly bigger, attack now lasts the entire animation. This change was made just last patch to address hitreg issues.

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This thread has some clips you should watch.

All I mention was what was wrong with her, like saying in the aforementioned example “Sombra could do with a faster hack too” (not saying she should)

He needed nerfs, that I feel in inarguable (even Chipsa admitted there that the right click is OP) but my god were these nerfs harsh and just the wrong nerfs.

His dmg was basically fine, the only issue was CC and yet they have made his dmg trash, his mobility simplistic and his CC while weaker is actually still there, as is the one-shot. This may be the worst balancing they have done and I’m including Mercy 2.0 there (it’s close but maybe).

Also for the record I’m a tank main who hates Doom and has wanted to see him nerfed hard but this…I’m lost for words.

Doomfist won’t be played anymore, he has pretty much received the Roadhog nerf pre breather buff.

Too many nerfs in the wrong area.

In all honesty simply reducing his shield buff and reducing he aerial immobility duration to maybe 0.8 would have been a good start.

Leaving ult damage/radius the same but putting in a bit more of a delay may have been all that was necessary for it.

Maybe a bit more of an audio cue when he was coming in for his E and that would be it.

Right click is telegraphed enough, it often is just like ‘bait the hook’ which is quite viable, maybe enforced a minimum charge up time so you can’t do those mini swift right clicks?