Chipsa talks about the PTR DF nerfs

It is a drawback, snipers shoot from a safe distance but doomfist has to be upfront and close, also doomfist’s one shot has a cooldown so that’s another difference.


Evidently not, considering how crazy mobility is in this game.

And he has beyond sufficient mobility and sustain to do that.
He is super tanky, and very hard to punish.

And because of that, he doesn’t have to land anywhere near as hard of a skill shots as snipers. Also punch goes through shields…

General reminder that Chipsa got to his rank while Doomfist was still considered a troll pick so I think it’s fair to say he’s not a “brain-dead player” as so many people seem to like to claim.


Whatever he says,i couldnt care less, biased DF main.I do think however,that his nerfs should have started with rocket punch, so it cant pass through time and space…and Shields.

Terribly handled, but Doomfist was only strong.
Mercy was a must pick.

If you start out by saying “I don’t care what he says, he is wrong” then you are the biased one.


Oh i agree with you but don’t pretend that his rocket punch is some op ability without naming all the downsides, i think it’s a pretty fair ability.

Here’s another aspect while it’s not a big one, the enemy has to hit the wall for his rocket punch to succeed, which isn’t hard but i thought i’d point that out.

Also doomfist isn’t hard to punish, one stun or boop to mess him or his combo up and he’s pretty easy to take care of.

They should have just let the first nerfs go live and see if he was fine instead of the second batch which is basically over nerfing him.

I’m specifically talking about the seismic slam range nerf and ultimate nerf like DrClan said, those are completely unneeded.


That ult is a little too bad imo. Like i’m all for removing Doomfist but jeez it’s just a basica abiltiy now, his punch is more impactful.


One thing to note is that his ult on PTR is actually bugged.

The center circle is supposed to be bigger than it is on live, but they accidentally made it smaller. If this gets fixed it will be far easier to use his ult.


He mad he can’t instant kill certain 200-250 health heroes anymore. Sounds like the PTR was a success.


Oh thank goodness… Maybe it won’t be so bad after all.

So what are you’re ideas for nerfing Reinhardt?

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Not only that but his extreme mobility means you can’t make prediction based movement to avoid them like you could the snipers or Brig. This isn’t to say any of them are tuned super well, I don’t want to get into that discussion atm.

But Doomfist was much, much harder for the enemy to respond to in time because he could be literally anywhere.

It was more difficult to deal with him than any other hero in the game, imo.

I think they probably overdid it though

As a Sombra main, I felt she was the only hero that could really handle him. And my game became overly focus and harass the Doomfist anytime he was on the enemy team.


In that case.

Doom is fine as is, though the uppercut nerf won’t kill. Slam and uppercut will

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Never said it was, they mentioned 4 nerfs being too much so I just brought up mercy getting 14, that’s like saying “it’s not a Sombra thread” when someone says Sombra counters doom in a doom thread

This definitely isn’t good feedback.

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That was fine, but then you started talking about her balance.
In a Doomfist thread.
There are other places for that.


Thank you.

I too have my own opinion of Doomfist. I think he needed to tone down a bit, but not this much. This is just too much at once.

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Explain to me how Reins 5m range and one easily dodged ranged ability is the same thing as a kit that might as well be two one shots? Reins charge travels as slow as molasses compared to RP.

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This is what you said:

Reinhardt is capable of a one shot, so doesn’t your made up rule mean the rest of his kit should be weak?