ChipSa says that Genji didn't need a buff

if you want to see my reasoning why, here is the thread i made about it

Well =//// Not Every Hero Should Be Viable Everywhere =////// That Is What I Am Told By Genji Mains Every Time I Say We Want Sym To Not Be A Throw Pick Outside Team TP Cheese =/////

Unlike Genji, You Need Skill To Play Sym =////

huh? i dont understand what you are saying

that is a thread for genji, but ive made threads for almost every character in the game, and a general one where every character in the game got changed

so i assure you i keep the best intrests i can in mind

If anyone actually watches the video, you’ll see his ACTUAL reasons for saying this:

I.e., it’s yet another “Baptiste and Brig are OP” rant.

5 seconds.

Doom is so bad now, if you nerfed every hero to be on dooms level LUL

Wow. The inaccuracies in this statement are astounding

Immortality is only available once every 25 seconds, only lasts for 5 seconds (after major nerfs to the IF), and has several if not many counterplay options.

You can shoot it, hack it, smack it, build an ice wall in it to make IF entirely useless, knock people out of it (whole hog anyone?), and even certain ults like Visor, Blossom, Blade, and Barrage just completely delete it and everything within it before the ultimate duration ends.

It’s this sort of parroted misinformation that causes support witch hunts on a monthly basis, and it’s sickening.

Imo, IF is a necessary evil due to how intense the application of damage, burst, and DOTs have become in an effort to buff and nerf away goats

In my opinion Genji needed a small buff but not the extra damage combined with the smaller spread.
That made him really strong.

Soldier:76 wasn’t change that much so he’s good place to start looking from.
Genji suppose to counter dps- his job is fighting high damage heroes with low hp and so he supposed to counter hit scans.
In my opinion Genji deserved the overall buff but he needs a small damage nerf (keep the smaller spread) and maybe increase the ammount of points until ultimate.

The devs claimed in the past a balanced hero SHOULD be broken but because all the heroes are like that it’s all the a point of enabling.
If enemies let you run over them that’s what you should do.
Doomfist is really fine… It’s just not his meta.
Genji on the other hand is the same situation but the other direction.

He works really well with Zarya & Ana.
He counters Mccree,Ana & Ashe really well.
And while he himself is a diver he works well with shield tank as well…

Genji isn’t great against dive.
so in mirror match Genji will see more value with brawl rather than with dive.

Similar to how Doomfist became meta in double shield as one of the only heroes that ignore shields almost entierly.

When a hero becomes meta, it can also be the result of synergy and countering.
Usually a meta starts with the tanks to be honest…

nerf moira
nerf brig
nerf baptiste

and then we can nerf dmg for once because there wont be mass pocketing anymore so mass burst damage wont be needed anymore :slight_smile:
and it theres still issues nerf ANA

Chipsa? the last person I wanna hear ANYTHING FROM IS HIM
all the guy talks and whines about is Buffs and Bugs
i don’t know what u can take from a guy who says that widow A SNIPER is broken…or just cries about every single aspect of balance in this godforsaken game

I’m sorry I usually think of top level streamers to be listened to, but not him. He never shuts up about one shots in this game yet he one tricks doomfist who one shots almost every hero every 4 seconds. I will never care what he has to say.

isnt chipsa the guy that plays doom and genji and was top 1 twice and he used to be a pro player and then he became pro again. Hmmm yea why hear him hes just toxic so that means hes wrong guys