ChipSa says that Genji didn't need a buff

That would be fine as a balance philosophy if you stayed consistent with it in regards to every hero, But for some reason this only applies to favorits. Would you see people make the same argument for Symm or Sombra? Hell no, people still ask for hack nerfs.

Lets be real for moment, people didnt complain because Genji was UP, people wanted him to be meta. Thats the fundamental feeling of Genji mains defending the buffs. Genji wasnt “bad” overall, he only looked bad compared to actual meta heroes.

kinda agree with him tbh (im genji mains)

the problem is the only way genji gonna be viable on GM+ and OWL are nerf alot of heroes, which would upset alot of people

moira/brig/bap/ana healing would need to be nerfed if they want to make genji viable without buffing him

sigma / orisa / rein / zarya would also need to be nerfed

they would also need to nerf alot of hitscan, nerf echo, and many more

thats would create more chaos and upset people

Yes, it started with Widow and him calling players trash when he makes a mistake.
Now he does it with all players (even when he failed to kill a Mercy).

Every once in a while he talks about the game properly though.

Whether people like him or not, he’s played with the worlds best players at the highest level with some of the best coaches - he likely knows a lot about the game.

Doesn’t mean he is always right though to be fair.

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It’s not about favorits, OW from the start was a game that had niche heroes that were meant to be situational. Heroes like Sym, Bastion, Torb weren’t supposed to be generalists. The game later started to try to move away from that because of people getting too attached to 1 hero.

While on paper it may sound good that all heroes are equal in effectivness/use in practice it would feel awful to play. People ask for nerfs to Hack because it is an awful mechanic gamewise, it’s an ability based hero shooter, obviously it becomes a lot less fun when you can remove abilities from the game.

What would the game be like if Bastion was in every game but not just as a bunker, he recon form is somehow also very good and at any point he can just sit down and destroy people.

Genji didn’t look bad compared to meta heroes. Genji like 76 were balanced individually but like I said, powercreep has rendered them more or less useless or very niche, heroes that aren’t meant to be niche.

The problem isn’t that these heroes can’t keep up with other DPS, the problem is that they can’t keep up with the sustain that’s available.

If a balanced hero is useless then they aren’t fine, you either need to deal with powercreep or buff them into relevancy and the latter is what the DEVs have been doing for a long time. People forget this, but the same thing happened to Orisa, she kept getting minor buffs over and over again until she suddenly became meta.

This is nothing new, people only complain about it when it happens to certain heroes.

Yes. I agree because Chipsa said so.

It’s the same guy who rages like a moron after dying to widow. Because the only hero that’s balanced: Doomfist.

His rollouts or as they put it “uses of map geometry” are extremely balanced.

I’d pay a clown $50/mo to hear his opinion over anyone like that.

Bastion can’t be buffed. His damage is way too high and anything that makes him better to play will make any game he is in much worse than he already does. Games revolve around “get the bastion” if he is on the other team and “shield the bastion” if he is on your team. He is so broken with his damage output they simply can’t buff him to playability without ruining the game for everyone else. He needs a rework not to depend so much on stupid amounts of damage.

Genji’s going to get nerfed, I assure you, just give it a bit of time. My guess is we have about two months of this nonsense before the nerf bat comes out.

It’s true tho as a genji main of course i’m enjoying the buffs but he already was good and balanced it’s because blizzard keeps adding these stupid OP characters in the game powercreep at it’s finest

I mean if they were striving for balance you don’t introduce four buffs at once… right after nerfing out say armor…

Unfortunately the devs seem to think the solution to weak heroes is buff the heck outta them when they just need to nerf all the problematic heroes that prevented heroes like Genji from being viable.

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You are half right.
I mean they are probably not very different in real life, even if the first part was an “act”.

LOL yeah lets take chipsa seriously

Chipsa is not a person you should be listening for balance,

genji did need a buff, the problem is that they over-did it.

Doomfist im not actually sure if he needs a buff or not, but chipsa is super bias for doomfist so im not beliving a word he says, i think the best thing you can do to doomfist is make him into a tank, because he is problematic in his current design

if he is good, everyone complains and he gets batted harder than before,

You sure you aren’t talking about XQC? :wink:

It’s not about favorits, OW from the start was a game that had niche heroes that were meant to be situational. Heroes like Sym, Bastion, Torb weren’t supposed to be generalists. The game later started to try to move away from that because of people getting too attached to 1 hero.

It was not simply about people getting too attached to 1 hero. Niche heroes as a design concept fails in a game which has generalists which do the job of niche heroes within their niche just as good or even better. Which is why they were considered throw picks and people got reported for playing them. Yes, people reported others for playing Symm on first point defense on 2CP.

Either all heroes have to be designed to be niche, or none. Otherwise, you wont ever get a balanced hero roster. They changed those heroes and succeded with Torb. They failed on Bastion because his change actually enforced his gimmicky stationary playstyle rather than making him a generalist and for Symm they dont have a clear vision on what shes supposed to do. Her primary is designed to charge up on shields, but when she gets played in double barrier, then she gets nerfed so other generalists can compete with her within the meta which is supposed to be her “niche.” In the current day, calling a hero niche is just another excuse of keeping them bad. Niche is a toxic design which nobody want to play with or against.

While on paper it may sound good that all heroes are equal in effectivness/use in practice it would feel awful to play.

What?? A balanced game? Heroes like Symm and Sombra on equal footing with Genji? How awful!! This is not about favorits! lol

People ask for nerfs to Hack because it is an awful mechanic gamewise, it’s an ability based hero shooter, obviously it becomes a lot less fun when you can remove abilities from the game.

Sombra is unfun to play against, therefore she deserves to be bad.
Genji though? Hes awesome! Everyone likes the cyborg ninja. Nobody hates playing against deflect and his hyper mobility! Seeing Nano/blade as potg every game is a blast!..What? There are complain threads about Genji on a regular basis? They say hes unfun to play against? That doesnt count, because i think hes cool!

What would the game be like if Bastion was in every game but not just as a bunker, he recon form is somehow also very good and at any point he can just sit down and destroy people.

Balanced Bastion which is not just a meme pick? What madness is this?

Genji didn’t look bad compared to meta heroes. Genji like 76 were balanced individually but like I said, powercreep has rendered them more or less useless or very niche, heroes that aren’t meant to be niche.

And how do you know that they arent “supposed” to be niche?
Who decides who is “supposed” to be niche? Isnt that based on hero design and how generally applicable their kit is? Sombra disabling abilities sounds very generalistic to me. Symm being able to make a short cut back to the point sounds generally usable.

Again, this goes back to favoritism. “I dont like Symm and Sombra so its good they are never used, therefore they are “supposed” to be niche.” Thats what it boils down to.

If a balanced hero is useless then they aren’t fine

A balanced hero by definition is not useless. It just comes down to that some people think being anything less than meta is useless, even if youre viable. But thats not reality.

ChipSa says that Genji didn’t need a buff

NicolasCage.jpg: OH REALLY?!

Saying “everyone should be nerfed” in response to a character being too weak is effectively the same as saying he needs a buff lmao. The sentiment is the same regardless of the method, so I don’t know why people keep pushing this. It’s far simpler to buff struggling characters than it is to nerf every hero in the game. That’s not a realistic solution.

He didnt, because thats probably his only moment of punishability.

Right now a lot of the issue is more that numeric: Genji holds the cards on basically every single match-up against other dps hero, except some expections like Doomfist.

Genji needed a buff for not being a top 3 dps at all times like he was for most of the game? He was at his lowest still on the top 33% of the damage class.

Dumb Feet needs a rework, because a tanky mobile bursty flanker is not balanceable. And look! He isnt. He is so utterly dependant on whatever or not he can abuse terrain that he is a troll pick outside that.

He should always have been a brawly tank.

We all know that. xD