
I know i meant to respond to a different person

I can’t duplicate stupid ~WildPants

yeah but there’s so many people that for selfish reasons don’t even want a second charity event. it’s crazy.

If we see Pink mercy in a lootbox, then a lot People will not buy Limited exclusive Skins in the feature. Why should they? They can wait and get it for free. :grin: That would be the message.

Because. It was a limited one time purchase for charity. Never again.

It was advertised as such.

So no. Legally no

Yes, this is true, they should not put it into Loot boxes, but Re-issue it next Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and raise more funds for Charity.


I 100% am on board for a 2nd charity event and so is squid so if the people you are talking about are us, do stop putting words in our mouths. If we aren’t in the aforementioned group, apologies for the accusations

I can’t duplicate stupid ~WildPants

As a happy owner of the pink skin, if they can’t re-release it to get money for charity, I’m happy if they put it up for coins. It’s been out long enough to wear off that exclusive “new car smell” for some time now. Let others enjoy it.

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legally? there’s nothing illegal about launching a second charity event with the same skin and same charity. you just don’t want other people having the skin.

But its not about exclusivity. Legally it cant be sold again and i woukd like to see another charity given a chance.

Ok so? You dont have to be that defensive. It is just a skin. If it comes back, you will still have that sentimental value to it. Seeing someone else having it doesnt mean it is just another generic skin.

For example I dont care how used it is, Vampire symmetra still has the same sentimental value as it did in 2017.

Again, if they bring it back, good, if they dont, also good. You are not the one who decides, and you are in no posession in saying that legally it cant be sold again because we dont know what contract they signed.

Omg!yes there is a problem. Its false advertising and people get sued.
Oh my days

Im outs here its like a roundabout

Well I’m sure they have a legal team to figure it out. If they can release it again, great.

Bevause for the millionth time it cant come back and tbis is a pointless discussion

there is a problem if more money is raised for charity? lol ok. you donated money to charity and blizzard gave you the skin. you didn’t pay for the skin. you didn’t buy something, you donated.

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By refunding every person who bought it and taking the money back from the charity…

What if it does? What are you gonna do? Eat Tracer’s dust? You can say all day “BU BU BUT IT ISNT COMING BACK :sob::rage::sob::rage::sob::rage:” but if it does come back, then I really hope you felt it like a slap in the face.

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How okd are you. Charity is still a business at the end of the day. People need to get paid.
Are u pulling my arm? Blizz would not risk going to court over such

We’ve had discussions about this on other threads. It’s most likely fake due to some of the wording being used incorrectly.

I hope it does come out again but not like this.

Either way we’ll see if it’s real or fake a week from now.

Then legally blizz will be taken to court by everyone who was falsely advertised to

So no one wins

A dream world u do live in

again, you donated money and blizzard GAVE you the skin. you didn’t BUY the skin. the skin was a reward for DONATING. you can’t ask the charity back for the money you donated because they decide they want to do another charity event.

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