
This is stupid now.

No no and no

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At the end of the day, this is just a virtual skin for charity. If you payed 15$ for a skin and not charity thenā€¦ then you know what you are.

I dont think it coming back is such a bad thing, tho I dont think it going free is a good thing.

Also I would love a situation where they released a new skin for a new charity and made you unable to buy it if you have pink mercy. That way, we cant complain that you have pink, and you cant complain that we got this skin :laughing::laughing:

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My vote is that itā€™s fake.

I think itā€™s particularly strange that they would create this pink new colored tier for cosmetics (i.e. grey, blue, purple, yellow) just for this one skin. This is also not considering the other points people have mentioned, such as how it destroys the idea that this skin given out based on a charitable contribution.

Any thingā€™s possible, but I have some hard doubts about thisā€¦

Edit: I also just remembered that the Pink Mercy skin has the Breast Cancer Research Foundationā€™s logo all over her clothes. Thereā€™s no way Blizzard would be able to distribute this skin without the organizations approval, and I doubt theyā€™d let Blizzard profit off their logo.


Just make the skin buyable but all the money goes to the charity :man_shrugging:


Wait is it not gonna be a charity skin if this is real? you get it from a lootbox? lol

Also uhm, it seems to be a bronze or gold colour insetad of silver like the original skin?

Her wings on the original skin and boots are silver, but in this they are gold/bronze coloured.

Sounds like you just want ā€œSpecial snowflakeā€ status to me. I bought the Skin the moment the Patch hit, I made my Donation to charity, Iā€™ve used and loved the skin ever since I got it. Iā€™m 100% fine with it being re-issued so other can have this beautiful skin.

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Both sides are overreacting to this. If it comes back with a price, good. If it doesnt, also good. This is just a huge mess, tho it returning would be a good thing imo

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youā€™re so upset about a video game cosmetic that is probably not even coming back. chill out.

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I said all other skins can

This is a charity skin. No

End of

I have it and dont even use it

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This is what makes me think this is fake but honestly, i have no clue

I canā€™t duplicate stupid ~WildPants


Now you are just being stuck up lol

He gave you arguments and all you said was ā€œMUH SKINā€

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thatā€™sā€¦ your problem, not ours. Plenty of us who paid our money for it, find it perfectly fine to re-issue it.

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this is just silly. Because people didnā€™t get the skin they want to go against it being a one time chance purchase which was for charity

I just dont see why people find it so hard to grasp

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How so? It was a charity skin made exclusively for charity. Theyre right it absolutely should not come back in a lootbox. Blizz has no business making money off of it.

Also I dont see why people are getting their hopes up from a random non source off twitter.

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The skin was made specifically for charity and unless its released within a 2nd charity event, this is not only scummy, it is literally false advertising which is a whole another can of worms of legal issues

I canā€™t duplicate stupid ~WildPants


I have the preorder skins and Iā€™m okay if they release them. It happens in FFXIV, past event mounts/cosmetics get put on the mogstation for buying after so many years

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Thank You. Exactly

They have no class

Then saying but not noire! yes noire. More so noire than pink

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Again, in a previous post I said that if it comes back, it should be with a price and that money would be donated to charity, just like 2 years ago. most of us would agree that if we were to get pink mercy back, we want to make as fair as possible, thus paying for it.

I dont care if it comes back, I already have the better Winged Victory and Atlantic Mercy. I really dont. But when someone says a valid point and the response is ā€œNo no and No. PERIODT.ā€ I find it really silly.

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Good point, and that actually makes it seem kinda fake. Maybe itā€™s from the lighting wherever they took the screenshot then they pasted it on there?


Thatā€™s what I said, if you scroll up, Re-issue it for Charity again.

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