Characters that require "x" means they aren't balanced

Nope. 450 MAX. No headshots.

Factor in the spread, and you are out performed by solder 76.
(Probably in Both sentry and recon depending on the range.)

Use this link: [Bastion's real damage output (kinda)]

Tanks counter him heavily.

Did you have time to click and read that link?

The numbers show that thatā€™s incorrect.


wlep you both totally missed the point.

needing another hero to be good does not make an unbalanced hero that was to point.

pharah is not very good on her own, shove a mercy up her butt now she is tu da

mercy now will see less play but on maps where you want to run pharah she will be used cus she also likes to fly see need each other, still balanced boom mind freak

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Reinhardtā€™s charge, Roadhogā€™s hook, D,Vaā€™s Missiles/Defense Matrixā€¦ Must i go on?

Soā€¦ you didnā€™t read it.

A good pharah can be, if they have the Skill.

Even if you are in GM, You will be Shredded as Bastion.

ah yes synergy isnt what you need! nono just get gudā€¦dang now i see

No, Because even Including Synergy, Bastion Still underperforms.

You see the problem?

Ok, teach me how to move within seconds of realizing a Tank has rounded the corner, while iā€™m in Sentry mode.


But that will never kill them.

Soā€¦ Just rely 100% On your team. got it.

Just trying to teach others, who may not play the hero. :grin::ok_hand:

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Except Sombra purely relys on team communication. Her usability is purely dependent on her teams capability to work with her. If she hacks a Rein with his shield down, and they dont capitalize on it, whos at fault?

Yet, Bastion hasnā€™t seen any play due to the fact hes a glass cannon. All it takes is one good focus fire from a soldier, or any DPS hero and heā€™ll die instantly.

Blizzard has already said they see nothing wrong with situational heroes.

Honestly, Iā€™d say itā€™s perfectly fine to have to rely on teammates. It is a team game after all.

The only condition is they need to be strong enough with a competent team to make up for their lack of solo strength.

Give me the quote, And also highlight the name BASTION When you quote it.

Bastionā€™s problem isā€¦ He is Helpful With a team built around him, but Unplayable Without them.

as i said it comes down to is the hero woth the effertā€¦if the answer is no then thats thatā€¦how ever when Canada took their first map from Korea in worlds last year on junker town with pirate shipā€¦i would say it did not under perform.

tho it is a cheese strat and people got better at playing vs it, tho still heavly used in pro play.

bastion is not bad cus he needs help from other heroā€™s he is bad cus of his kit.

thats the main difference.

You kinda missed my point when I said healers were the exception to the rule even though you stated it again =/

But, going back to this point, youā€™re right. Synergys work. But, most heroes can do well on their own. Sombra and Bastion cannot.

Pharah has the firepower/burst damage to be viable, and is extremely good with a Mercy, once again going back to healers being the exception to this rule.

AH, we skipped a few stepsā€¦ Now weā€™re to the ā€œBut the OWL Did it?ā€ Stage?


SOOā€¦ <.< Heā€™s bad because he needs help from teammates, because his kit is broken?

Your argument argues against itselfā€¦

ok what about tanks zarya is the best example, she can grav all day if no one fallows up 99% you just wasted it.

You can get kills in a grav, solo, easily by charging your weapon properly (Skill implied) And by using your alternate fire.

Then they need people who can do game balance better if thats the mindset.

Yes, some heroes are slightly situational, but Sombra/Bastion are extremely situational, almost to a unhealthy degree.