Change McCree name back

I just realized this is 5mo old. ty lol

I Mean people give shrines and statues to criminals IRL
George “Pink” Floyd to name a few so why not change McCree back to McCree?


I think I just found the most ignorant comment on the Overwatch forums.


Not everything is about you… that is so, so true. And I hate to say this, but your response says that he is living in your head.

Here’s the thing. You have tried to move on - and I applaud that. But until you realize that changing a name is irrelevant - what YOU think inside is what matters. Until you come to peace it just won’t matter whether the name changed or not. Seeing his new name will still remind you. If he was the POS you say he was, then put him out of your life and NOT care about him. That will be the true death of him.

I wish you the best of luck and hope you can see your way to let yourself heal.

It’s not like Blizz changed the name out of the goodness of their hearts, they did it to prevent controversy and outrage from the playerbase and the media and protect their $.

The devs had to push for the change, so that’s unlikely.

To be perfectly fair, it’s been more than a year since the name change and in-game, everyone is still calling him McRightClick.

I slip up still and call the character cree, its just weird. Im still adjusting

I thought I would just jump in here to say, that his name was merely mentioned in a lawsuit. Nothing has been brought against him. As a matter of fact his name was barely mentioned, I can’t even find what specific charges were mentioned against him personally.

So let’s just stop the charade of acting like everybody knows what the hell is going on with the person specifically named McCree.

Personally I would like his name changed back to as well, until the case is officially settled. Until then everyone can F off…


he was part of a group of people that would regularly harass female employees…not sure what youre getting at

Can you give me a link where anywhere in the lawsuit specifically Named cree as someone that did something specific?

I’m pretty sure that he is just named in the lawsuit. But no one outside of Blizzard knows why. Hell I doubt even the officials at blizzard that advocated for the name change even knows why.

For all we know the guy is completely innocent, because the lawsuit isn’t finished yet. It would be pretty f****** hilarious if it turned out he had no wrongdoing in anything, and had his name slandered not only by people on the Internet, but also by completely wiping his name from the game.

I hate emotionally reactionary people…

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yes he was named in the lawsuit…literally for what he did

That’s a blatant lie. What he did is not named in the lawsuit. He is just named in the lawsuit in the paperwork. No one knows what he did, nor did anybody accuse him of doing anything specific, that is aparant to the reader.

For all we know it could be just a name drop in the paperwork, with him coming out innocent with no proof of him doing anything wrong.

Like I said, another emotional reactionary.


Why did this get booted up??? This is 5 months old exactly

I want to know where the police reports are. If it is as bad as people here indicate I sure as heck would have pressed charges. Are those pending as well and I am just missing them?

That’s you, a lot of time charges aren’t pressed as it’s hard to get convictions. That’s why it’s more often than not settled in a lawsuit. Go look it up.

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That means they are typically (but NOT always) out for money and not looking to take care of the issue. Whether they win or loss, criminal is where it should be at. Otherwise it is a money grab. Let me give 2 examples of the crap I have run into myself (over 20 years so it should be fine…). I was in accounting so I tended to see settlement payments.

A executive assistant hired into my company and it was know that she previous companies (yes, plural) left due to a sexual harrassment settlements. Me, as a youngster, scoffed at the rumors. Nine months later… she was cut a settlement check. So do I believe that someone would have that happen at least 3 jobs in a row - sorry, no.

Example two. A very timid secretary had a rep’s Slong put on her shoulder. She was too scared to report it herself. Thank GOD another secretary walked in - stopped it - and reported it. Now, I worked for a great division and the rep was fired and the secretary had consoling paid for as long as she felt necessary. BUT the rep STILL should have had charged with sexual assault. She wouldn’t do it, so the company did everything they could.

I have been around the block. I have seen both sides. I am a female. I saw way more of the chronic women than the timid secretary situations. Am I cynical - definitely. Maybe I am just more stubborn and let anyone I thought was getting close to a line know (didn’t care WHO they were). They normally respected lines if they were plainly stated. Common sense SHOULD be common - but it is not.

So ladies out there who are being questioned / marginalized by the poundmetoo movement. Money grabs don’t do it. If you can’t win a criminal case, really think about it. Then if you HAVE to do it thru civil, and sometimes that IS the only way, donate the money (minus fees) to charity.

Am I self righteous. Maybe? Am I ‘stronger’ than other women? I don’t think so. Was I raised to stand up for myself - you better believe it. Get resolution and closure (jackasses deserve it) - but don’t money grab… for yourself. There are a lot of abuse charities out there that would benefit.

But I mean what you’re arguing sounds pretty stupid. You think that it’s all about the money and if it’s really so bad why not press charges. But I really feel you have very little knowledge and education on how our legal system works a lot of the time. Most of the cases in corporations tends to be sexual harassments. Which are usually handled in civil court. Idk where you live but in the US, sexual harassment isn’t considered a crime.

And again I doubt you’ve actually done any real research outside of your so called “20 years” of accounting work. Because if you did you would realize just how much change a lawsuit can actually bring towards a company as a whole. Usually when lawsuits, definitely the size of the one that blizzards faced comes out to the public. It usually forces them to make a lot more changes and stricter policy when it comes to these types of things. Hence why they scrubbed the game of all real people names. If you want another example, go read up about the lawsuit google faced of the same problem.

If anything, a lawsuit at times can be way more beneficial than pressing charges. Because while yes you have gotten charges on this one single person. It still doesn’t hold companies accountable for their actions. So most will tend to just use that person as a one off case and still never change anything. So no it’s not just about money grabs. I think you need to go read a bit more, than just trying to prove a red pill point if I’m being honest.


Cree → Cass

Who the heck ever used multiple syllables anyways?

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Then they should have said so.