Change McCree name back

So was Kevin Spacey, but he was pretty open about his piss poor behavior.

Just named in a lawsuit by the state of California, for workplace harassment and discrimination…
one day youll grow up and understand that the lack of a conviction doesnt mean it didnt happen only means there isnt enough evidence to convict

no having encounters is not. trading nude photos, joking about sexual assault, causing female employees to commit suicide because of their treatment is

Thats civil court and their last resort because they didn’t have anything to charge him with.

no its because the lawsuit was a workplace violation against an entity not a specific person.
for workplace violation of Equal opportunity and discrimination laws

The need to prove how good I am by virtue projecting intensifies.

His name’s Cree. You gotta fire people that’s your problem.

says the guy with an ukrainan flag lmfao, actual NPC

yes, invading a country and commiting genocide and sexual violence against women and children is bad

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I’m glad you spelled it out for him b/c I sure as hell didn’t have the patience.

Cosby suite should be included as a new map for the Halloween event or stay permanently as it is a very important place from McCree’s past.

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I am yet to hear someone call him the c word in game

Lol I still say McCree. If I was a new player I might say the current name but I’ve been playing since 2016.

I say Cree b/c Cass has a bad word in it and I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.



The character itself is the sexual harasser, Blizz made him that way for more diversity. No female hero was safe from Jesse McCree and it was getting out of hand so he is simply known as cASSidy now :slight_smile:

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Should be renamed to Clappity tbh.

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I’m late to this Necro’d thread, but give him McCree back, but give him Cassidy as his first name if it’s really that big of a problem. I don’t hear anyone referring to him as Cole, or Cassidy.
Hearing his voicelines in-game say Cassidy is actually pretty jarring.

I still call him McCree. Probably won’t ever call him anything else.


I bet you wear a lot of clothing that was made in child labor sweat shops yet you still wear them knowing full and well that they were made unethically. Don’t be a hypocrite

What keeps you from just calling him Mccree?

Dear Microsoft, Please rename McCree to Overwatch Cowboy


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