CC heroes being nerfed (Jeff response)

I wouldn’t mind it if they allowed you to stand faster while shattered by mashing space.

a lot of engages happen from rein because you could survive with shatter. When everyone collapses on you u have the shatter to make sure you don’t die. That last ditch effort won’t happen and that’s bad. A lot of engages fringe of getting ults, especially as a mt

For me, Ana % heal denial reduced as I’d like to heal some instead of none, maybe 80% reduction to received heal. Reduce sleep by 1 second (the sleep time, not the falling and standing time). Reduce duration of knock down by earth shatter by .5 to 1 second. I don’t think I want a knock back revert.

Not really, people complain about Doomfist all the time because nobody counterpicks. I fully expect him to be nerfed or reworked into unplayability.

I wish they can fix Hammond’s Piledriver detection as it’s sometimes not coherent. Such as:

  • Piledrives onto the moving platform in Volskaya Industries, he still affects players below him.
  • Piledrives onto point B of Volskaya Industries, still affects players standing on the catwalk.
  • Piledrives onto the statue platform which is near the choke & he still affects grounded players on the choke.
  • Piledrives onto the stairway in Ilios Well next to the doorway to the room with small health pack. He still affects players standing on the skybridge.
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people are posting feedback for literally 2 years, is he implying he never saw it


I don’t think all cc needs to be nerfed. Some characters like Doom, Hammond, and Tracer kinda need to be cc’d sometimes to keep them in line.

I would think they would focus on characters who have access to very oppressive cc like Doomfist and Mei, and cc stacking, like Mcree flashbanging his teammate Roadhog’s hook to instantly delete tanks.

Things like hook, lucio boops, concussion mines, earthshatter, are pretty integral to their character’s kits and I don’t think they would be touched.

When people complain about CC it usually boils down to Freeze, Hack, Doomfist in general, Brig Bash, and sometimes flashbang and sleep.

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I’m very affraid they’re nerfing Sleepdart, personally…

I could see them nerfing hack time 4 second duration and increasing the cooldown all while buffing her stealth.

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Honestly the Doomfist hate always baffled me. Especially when people call him low skill, I never had a problem with him, a good one is a pain, but a bad one is just free ult charge. If he does get nerfed hopefully it is not as bad as that one time they dumpstered him.

I would say probably;

Sleep dart
Slam or Uppercut (prob not both)


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If they were going to do that they already would have, I would probably expect the CC air control duration to go to that time, when they lessened it, but before the made global CC changes that basically undid it.

I’m honestly hoping Ana’s sleep dart gets looked at. I cannot stand being slept through an ult or being slept the second I finish teleporting or something. It’s by far the most aggravating thing on the planet for me.

I honestly don’t mind sleep dart.

Just bait it. Be smart about fighting Ana. Respect her kit. She shouldnt just be a free kill.

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I’ll be honest, I’m a gold pleb but I only ever play with a full six stack. Every Ana I seem to fight does nothing but wait to sleep dart me and nothing else because her entire team just plays around her the entire time.

I’m not talking about going after Ana. I just mean trying to go for any flank whatsoever, I will randomly be slept from Africa. Not to mention, I said “looked at”. Being slept wouldn’t bother me so much if the animation locking wasn’t an aspect of it, which is perhaps what infuriates me the most.


I’d love to see Mei’s primary only slow, not freeze.

They would need to buff her ammo again then

Fine by me. I’m also fine with the ultimate freezing you.

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All cc being halved in duration is imo the best way for it,

BUT, I think some heroes would get compensation buffs, and mobility heroes might see their recent buffs reverted.

I’m all for cc getting nerfed 2bh, if that means mobility hero can both have less performance variance, and get nerfed accordingly to help those who don’t possess cc to deal with them.