CC heroes being nerfed (Jeff response)

What kind of CC do you think will be nerfed? Rein’s earthshatter and flash bang come to mind but other than that what else. Will they revert the boop buff they gave to Lucio, Hammond, Pharah?


Knowing Blizzard, it’s probably going to be either something really obvious, like shatter and flashbang, something totally out of a wormhole behind the moose grazing in left field, like Junkrat’s mines, or both.


nomegalul, jeff would never do this hopefully. Those are skilled good for the game cc. He is pointing torwards brig, mei, doom most likely.


Have you seen how well Rein is doing right now?

Nerfshatter is likely to be a thing. (I call dibs on the name, it is a great one)

If it is going to as across the board as I suspect, then, likely as not, everything will be effected.


I’m hoping it’s a global mechanic like diminishing returns.


nooooo. that is a highly skilled mechanic in the game that is a great interaction. It is hard to hit and u need to mentally outplay the other shield tanks too. Also you can just off angle him. Rein is strong because he is a lot more mobile than previously and can get to orisa faster than he can be spammed out. Shatter means nothing. In fact his boop resistance was nerfed so that is a good start. Rein should be good. That is a good thing. That sounded weird lol

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no ults should be touched imo, perhaps lowering the charge of Rein’s but that’s about it

Increase Roadhog’s hook cd, perhaps a much needed hack duration nerf to 4 seconds (currently you can still do 15 seconds of uninterrupted hack if you combo correctly)

Most likely a Mei’s freeze duration slight decrease, McCree’s flashbang AoE slight nerf too

uhm… perhaps a nerf to Wreckingball where he can’t grapple infinitely but the duration overlaps with the CD, you can grapple forever but you just gotta refresh the hook every now and then

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why do you think cree and rein need to be touched?

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That would work. it would be pretty harsh on some heroes though, and leave others untouched.

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I still don’t get why people think it meant that heroes with CC abilities are being touched at all?

From the moment i read it i assumed it meant that certain heroes were getting CC reduction, similarly to Reinhardt…

Am i crazy?


Not crazy, that is the other way to read it.

It could be a “across the tanks” kinda thing.


Both. Reducing CC or CC reduced for tanks maybe. I think all tanks should have some CC resistance (all but hammond)

they are strong enough in other areas of their respective kits

for Rein a slight increase in ult charge means nothing really, just a few more seconds to get the ult or so, specially since you can get that thing super quick if you happen to hit everything, not like you shouldn’t be rewarded but, 2 seconds shatter is a bit too much

For McCree, his most frustrating part is that stun/kill combo, he would still be powerful but you’d need to actually aim that thing which btw is HUGE

Not specifically saying that they need to be rebalanced but if the goal is to reduce CC those are the possible candidates

I think rein as you said should be rewarded for getting in that much cleave and the cool thing about that is the rein is actually loosing the rein on rein because if he cannot match that then he had poor situational awareness. A good rein would have kited from the rein or would have also engaged into the enemy team. If he does not block it he was just the worse rein in that rein on rein and deserveds to be shattered. Depleting aspects of skillful interaction is kinda weird. I feel like an ult charging nerf gives you less incentive to actually brawl which makes the game duller. swinging a hammer is pretty fun. Mcree is really good because he is a pick potential character with a lot of spam damage. I think his rof should be nerfed to make his neutral more dueling rather than spamming, which is better for gameplay as well.

The 3 that come to mind is Ana, Lùcio and Brigitte.
Ana? Probably
Lùcio? Debatable
Brigitte? Doesn’t really matter if they do (a stun is a stun)
Hotel? Trivago

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Whatever happens I doubt itll be enough to make a real difference. OW is a game built around CC with multiple heroes who basically have CC as their entire kit.

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Hopefully it doesn’t target specific heroes. Many heroes are pretty dependent on CC, and others require CC to be effectively countered (looking at you, Tracer and Hammond), so any intense nerfs to CC will likely just make the game even more unbalanced than it already is. I’m extremely wary of changes like this because they seem to just push OW further and further into a milquetoast FPS that has nothing really unique over better titles.

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Probably just trimming the duration on stuns for Mei, McCree, Brig, maybe some of the CC from Ana/Rein/Doom.
Probably scraping the Slow effect on Halt.
Oh yeah, and probably something about Sigma Accretion.

Would also be interesting if Symm lasers didn’t do damage (or minimal amounts), and only did Slows, but in trade they made the rest of her kit less …bad

or… the complete opposite, no? having to charge it more makes you want to brawl more in order to charge it as fast as you can instead of trying to fish for lucky firestrikes

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If they nerf Ana’s sleep then they will nerf sigma’s rock. The stun is dependent on distance and can last up to 4 seconds.