Cant queue for comp lucio ball with friends

Me and my 2 friends can’t queue comp lucio ball together in placements even though we all finished masters last year and we want to do well this year as well so Im wondering if this is intended or a glitch?

The same is happening to my friends and I as well.

Copa Season 1 end scores:
Me: 4003
Friend 1: 4005
Friend 2: 3925
Friend 3: 3624

If Me, Friend 2, and Friend 3 group up it denies.
If Friend 2, and Friend 3 group up it allows.
If Me and Friend 1 group up it denies.
If Me and Friend 3 group up it denies.
If Me and Friend 2 group up it denies.

We can’t figure out what could be causing this. All of us also have not played Normal Competitive mode in a couple seasons, so it’s not like last year’s bug where it’s related to the present season rank.

yeah it sucks feels bad man like i can queue with a friend who finish 3500 but i cant queue with a friend who finished 3587 and if finished 3527 like wtf how is it broken