Are all so good so far. I’m actually surprised. Kudos to the art team.
The concept art team is phenomenal, as both artists and teammates. My favorite part about that team is how they work together on their art. They just work really well together!!
But I would say that about the entire Overwatch team. They’re amazing.
Hope you enjoy Winter Wonderland!
We want a Mercy skin Sugar Plum and Dragoon and Camo were all ugly it’s time to break the streak with a good skin finally pls
The problem we have is that Mercy is abandoned by the devs, we will never have new legendary skins of her … while the rest of the heroes will continue to receive again and again …
Yeah i agree! I really love d.vas skin and she’s super cute, but when i saw orisa and genjis i almost legit screamed because of how amazing those two are!
I can’t wait to see the rest of the skins!
all respect to the arts team, they did a great job so far!
why did the balance team give up on balancing the game though? half a year with no balance? there are broken and op heroes and useless heroes, shouldn’t they all be viable (more or less)?
Do you think they’d do an art qna for us? One of my favorite memories was an artist from riot games who would talk about the creative process and past, current, and very rarely future… well not projects but he’d drop little tid bits like you guys sometimes do.
Would love to see one of the art team drop by the forums sometimes even if not a qna just to be an extra voice.
Speaking of which welcome to the Overwatch forums. It’s nice to have more topics with blue posts in them. Usually drums up discussion.
I think this is a bit of a stretch… Just because she hasn’t gotten a skin in a while doesn’t mean she’s “abandoned”, just that they haven’t made a skin for her. But I would really love to see a good skin for her this year. Some kind of super sweet looking ice angel would be incredible, similar to what Genji is getting. Her current “Epic” level skin is very lackluster. Or something like this: Snow Angel Mercy [UPDATED]
im gonna enjoy the one
This attitude is why people dont take the mercy fans seriously. You people just demand stuff and dismiss anything you dont like as being bad.
As Mercy is now … it is abandoned, it does not receive skins, it does not receive voices, sprays, etc … if from here to May it still does not receive a new legendary, it will leave at 2 years and adding up.
It’s blue and not andyb, welcome aboard😄
Because they are objectively bad? I am literally an artist/3D modeler who studies this for school and those 3 skins all have glaring issues that ruin them, hence their immense unpopularity with the overwhelming amount of the playerbase.
- Sugar Plum is a great skin aside from the fact that they either forgot or didn’t bother to change her wing color from default yellow, so it’s a pastel pink and purple and red and aqua skin with random garish bright yellow wings that completely throw off the otherwise muted winter color scheme. Objectively a poor design choice/oversight. No one ever wears it and people have been asking for fixed wing colors for years.
- Dragoon had beautiful concept art/sprays but whoever did the 3D modeling ruined it by turning the sleek dragon helm in a round, short, rugby-esque helmet with a giant chin strap, and shortened her long concept art ponytail to a little stub. No one ever uses it, when it came out all of social media was saying how ugly it was and artists across Twitter were re-designing/fixing it and it’s helmet.
- Camo was LITERALLY not 3D modeled like the concept art either. The artist who designed the skin posted his official concept art on Twitter and the hair looked COMPLETELY different, textured, and was objectively designed better. The most liked reply to his tweet was saying how they wished the actual skin turned out like that, and the artist himself liked it
There’s literally articles online about how bad it is
h ttps://
It’s not our fault that lots of us have good aesthetic taste and would like skins that look nice I think the main issue with those skins is that Blizzard started outsourcing the actual 3D modeling of their skins to some German/European company. The designs are great but they keep getting poorly modeled/translated to 3D when they are outsourced.
OW art team is #1.
They’re making ow2 which changes all the heroes to work for 5v5. No real sense in balancing heroes now.
yeah true, but i mean are we supposed to just play the game as it is with no change for few more years? after all these changes it’s still a disaster.
the least they could do is give some small buffs to bad heroes and some small nerfs to op ones so we can get more variety. this won’t take much of their development time for ow2 but it would for sure make the community feel that the game isn’t completely abandoned (apart from getting these 8 skins during the events)
a confirmation would be good regardless. so people asking for buffs / nerfs to specific heroes can know for sure that there’s no point in asking
great art now can we actually get a balance patch or is the game how it is until people stop playing
That is a question to ask yourself. Idk I’ve spent a lot less time playing it. Usually only when friends play do I put any sort of time on it now.
This is very much a subjective opinion, there are a lot of people who like those skins. And no, “I literally study 3D art for school” doesn’t make you the judge in regards to any sort of supposed objectivity surrounding art.
Yeah me and my friend really like sugar plum. I love dragoon too.
I’m neutral with camo but I’m pretty sure you like it