Can't even lie....these skins

I’m gonna get torn open for this but…

Leave it to the mercy mains to immediately turn a thread sour


Sugar Plum is gorgeous and I don’t love Dragoon in all honesty, but I do love Camo. The more toned-down, gritty colour-scheme is great and I love the short hair.


as someone who plays mercy I have to disagree lol


Except it does let me point out when the outsourced 3D modeling company strays far away from the official concept art and causes 90% of the feedback on said skins to be negative about said changes

This just means you have bad taste xD

It’s totally true, any hero can get a new legendary now or in the coming months, except Mercy, and time is proving me right.

wow the genji skin is just… gorgeous, nice contrast with the owl fire skin too!

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Which is different to saying it’s “objectively” bad, of course


Well when the 3D model is messed up and lower quality and the majority of the playerbase vocally hates it idk what else you want to call it :smiley:

I hate the whole “art is subjective !!” crud, no it’s not I get graded on my art every week and companies don’t pay u for bad looking art bc “it’s subjective SOME people might like it!”

Art has principles and it’s quite clear when something looks objectively off/bad/poorly designed

So silly


You call it subjective, obviously.

The majority of people having an opinion about something doesn’t suddenly turn subjectivity into objectivity. To suggest it does just shows a poor understanding of those terms.


I don’t know how and why this changed into Mercy skin topic. But I love camo and dragoon, and hate Sugar Plum. Also, it is okay to like different skins, so I don’t really have a problem. It really is subjective.


I’m sorry but this happens with ALL characters - quit the Mercy vendetta already. Besides, last I checked people are entitled to their opinions. As an artist myself personally I happen to agree the mercy skins seem to be getting worse compared most of the other characters. I mean clearly their is an avid hog fan amongst the artists for instance.

guess you forgot what happened to sym for 3 years lol


Take that back. Karen is one of her best Epics.

I agree with the dragon one though. It is terrible.

Suger Plum is an amazing skin, what??


Sugar plum is ridiculously good how come anyone hate on this beautiful skin ?? best thing is her staff its so pretty


Orisa is the best skin we ever seen. Autor should get a rise immidietly!!!
Dva is ok.
Genji… I guess that hes pick rate drops so hes in need… but work well done.

But still Baptiste and Brigitte still dont have any christmas skin… But the card says they both will get Epic skin.

Intresting is that only Mercy and Lucio get archive skins.
Moira, brig and Lucio have victory pouse.
When, when my Sweet Sweet metal boi get archive skin?

Bap’s is…“Meh”. It looks like an epic skin, but otherwise they’re okay. Halloween was definitely better.

A fellow Dragoon lover :’)

I don’t understand, why would you lie?

You take that back. Someone spent 15 minutes of their time and 10% of their attention on modeling that travesty.