Can you please start focusing on toxicity?

My brother in Hydaelyn you’re defending someone who called the OP a “Gen Z” when we’re concerned about racism, homophobia, ableism and et cetera thinking it was about our feewings being hurt.



Stop his boomer brain can’t handle it



I just said i wasn’t a boomer, you’re no better than the people you are complaining about…lord.

If you dont like what peop;le are saying, you can turn off chat…you dont get to censor everyone else and try to white-knight your way into power.
I agree that people say some pretty messed up things online…but meh, I am not out there campaigning for other people to get shut down. It’s not up to me to decide what’s worth it and not.


Sometimes people take good advice badly and they make it into a toxic situation. It’s not black and white a lot of the time.

Hey dude, you called someone a boomer after they said you’re “a gen Z” because you don’t like homophobia and racism.

Don’t you see how you’re no better?!



I didnt call anyone anything, go back up and re-read…

Wrong person, my fella. They both have a similar icon though.

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I know you didn’t say that.

I’m mocking you because you said “You’re no better”

Because I called someone a boomer that called me a Gen Z first and is defending homophobia and racism.



Your heart is in the right place.

Your instincts, when you saw two people insulting one another, was to try and stop the insults being flung.

I believe OP was talking about reports on serious infringements needing to be actioned a lot faster than they are currently. And only talked of an automatic censor to ‘lighten the load’ on CS staff as an idea to start the conversation off.

I don’t think the point of the OP was to ‘censor everything I personally dislike.’ At least, I hope that was not the point.


I think the general mindset of expecting there to be zero trash-talk in a game is just unreasonable. At the heart of what the original poster said, I actually agree …but again, life experience just kinda reminds me that it’s not a reasonable expectation.

I got actioned in the game for saying “thats **** awesome” when annoyed at some ult that glitched through walls and killed my entire team. Suspended for 2 weeks for that. I didnt’ call anyone anything, but my guess is that a few people just reported me to be funny and bam…coudlnt log in for 2 weeks.

My relationship with teh community managers has been sullied ever since. I don’t trust them and I don’t like how arbitrary it seems their rules and their actions are. I’ve certainly seen worse language. So, no; I’m not in favor of having them DO MORE, because there just isn’t a fair way to do it OTHER than to use AI that disallows any profanity and changes attempts to curse with silly words.

I still recommend to ppl who get as upset as the OP to at least turn match and voice chat off. There is LITERALLY no point to match chat and blizz has that turned off in EVERY OTHER GAME but this one…


Trash talk is fine. (Well, it isn’t but- in comparison…)

It’s literally racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, people telling others to “KYS” and et cetera that we’re worried about that need to be addressed and rightfully punished.

You can’t stop people flaming. But, I’d certainly hope you can stop people being actual d*wads for no reason.


Cheating, throwing etc might be a bit common now but lets face it. Blizzard couldn’t do anything about toxic behavior when the game was $40. There is no way they can stop it in a free to play game.

But in general I will say people barley talk in my games. Be it voice chat or text. “toxicity” is not a huge issue, Apathy is.

Hilarious that you don’t say that they should report the toxic person, nah if you see homophobia, racism, someone telling someone else to off themselves, hey man. Just mute them.

Also, I highly doubt your story that you were 2 week banned just for that, there has to be more you said in that game or previously to envoke that.

Not buying that for a second.

Toxicity in OW2 isn’t anywhere as bad as other online games IMO, especially Valorant. I play in oceanic region, Australia. And I only get toxic teammates in OW2 every now and then and even when I do, I can just mute them.

Also, half of the toxicity happens because of me triggering my teammates somehow. Like by me complaining about my teammates or being critical of them. If I speak very little, people rarely ever get toxic to me. And even when I do, I can just ignore them.

I’m not saying it’s right for people to be toxic, but I’m just saying there are many ways to prevent it from happening. Basically, even if you’re in a chatty mood, check what kind of person your teammats are first.

EDIT: I forgot that there are A LOT more people in America. So, I guess my tips on avoiding toxicity won’t help as much in other regions.

I dont give a rats behind what you “buy”…given your other posts, I know it isn’t much…
Look it up; banning is AUTOMATED. You can waste time with an appeal but I have a life.

You also wont address WHY you can’t turn off match chat?

Yeah, I won’t buy it.

And again you didn’t say you should report homophobia, racism and telling people to off themselves.

So, I’m sure you’re a great person that got 2 week banned for absolutely nothing.

There is no appeal really, not unless your a popular streamer and can get public support. They won’t even tell you what your banned for, check the data etc.

Bring it up enough and they silence your ability to even file a ticket.

I think the person who called out your age range probably got it right.

Oh I agree entirely.

CS staff need a metaphorical fire lit under them though.

I get it, I’ve worked CS myself and it is the most soul destroying job anyone could have the misfortune to work. It is nothing but people complaining and threatening you 24/7 and it is exhausting.

But the current setup at Blizzard just is not fit for purpose. I’m sure the people doing the job are doing their damndest, but the system is not fit for purpose.

Not only is the report system an absolute joke, the appeals system is a mockery as well. The entire thing needs an overhaul to be honest. With far more staff being brough on board, as well as a better system for dealing with reports and appeals.

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Not always true Vil, my action actually quoted what I said. It also said that “many of your fellow gamers” reported me…which kinda lends more fuel to the theory that banning is indeed, automated. There’s also videos on youtube of it even being demoed. Again, the rules are a bit too arbitary and not equally enforced.