Can you please start focusing on toxicity?

Wait, you can post gifs? I had no idea.

Made me laugh out loud too, ageist. Why do you have to be so hateful? Overwatch should ban ageist players.

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You have to have no life and get a certain trust level to do so.

Cringe attempt at trolling dude, just go back to being angry at “Tiktok words” hahaha

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Is this the forum version of “who hurt you” or “I threw up in my mouth?”

Or the “why are you so mad?”



I’m done, got more important stuff to do.

P.S. Willing to bet I’m the oldest one here.


No, it’s the thread where a confused old man thinks boomer is a slur and gets mad at “tiktok workds”


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But by going on what you decide, it IS a slur. You’re railing against someone for something they just are. If someone in trans, or gay, you can’t call them certain names. So if someone is 67, they are allowed to be called “Boomer” and you can be ageist? Why? Because you’re convinced this group ruined your life? Others think other groups “ruined their lives.”

You see how this whole thing is stupid? Or do you think you’re the special case?


I do see how your whole thing is stupid, yes.

But I have wasted too much time on you now. Even tho you thinking boomer being a slur is beyond hilarious and worth it.

Have a good one brother.

Idk man…. I was bullied in high school and had ADHD. I don’t think having ADHD is any kind of impediment relative to being able to deal with being picked on.

I think you’re stretching again.

Let’s assume for a moment he is 36, he would have grown up in a significantly more harsh environment relative to bullying and abuse of feelings.

In 2023, we currently live in the least prejudice period of society.

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It shouldn’t be. Just like you don’t want someone calling someone XYZ for “what they are” in a game then don’t do the same for someone with their age. Practice what you preach.

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Is it not?

Also, used out of context considering baby boomers were 1946-1964.

Then people would just bypass the filter with stuff like underscores or invis characters

Generally people aren’t doing that in league, I’ve literally never seen it.

However, people do that with names, I’ve seen some very racist names by using this tactic which I hope Riot will tackle in the future.

Sad part is I have more hope in Riot in this regards than Blizzard.

People will continue to make their names G.Floyd as long as it gets a response out of you. How do you think carnival games are played? You’re called a “mark”, aka, the target, cause they wanna get you in and get you to spend your time/money. It’s nothing new. You just think things are more “advanced” now with the internet. It’s not.

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This reminded me of a thought I had earlier today about ‘making things better.’

I’d despair if we had managed to make the world a less tolerant place than the one we grew up in.

Each generation seems to have people in it who swear down the generations that came after them ‘have it easier’… To which I would say ‘isn’t that the whole point?’

If a person wants to leave the world a harsher place than they found it; I’d be left feeling as if their empathy needed a little work.

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boomer is a bit of a slur, especially the way people say it. I"m an X-er and i’ve called my Dad that when annoyed or mad @ him.

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Look, Spicy, I’m going to level with you for a second and have a real conversation.

I’m not the type of person you might assume I am, I personally don’t get highly offended by many things, I also, usually in games am the type of person that mutes and reports and moves on.

But it doesn’t matter who I am or how I react to things. What matters is that type of behaviour has no place in a video game which is why I want it to be cracked down on.

Systemically this behaviour should be crack down on and right now they’re doing a poor job of it.

For one thing, it is against the TOS, so there’s that. But if you want to ignore that and look at it from a different angle as to why it shouldn’t be tolerated then we can have that discussion but this comment is already long enough.

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Boomer is an ageist term and yet it’s okay for you to call people who rely on their “Feelings” “Gen Z” when it’s a post about being a decent human???

Ok Karen


I would call it an insult. But not a slur.

Slur is for a category of offensive language ‘that could damage a persons reputation socially.’

Insults over someone’s age bracket isn’t going to paint a target on that person if it gets shouted in a crowded room. But slurs against someones sexuality or race might.